/polder/ - Election Hangover Edition

Today we bediscussiƫren the results van the gemeentelijke elections and the referendum on AIVD powers

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run down in English please :)

Groot-Brabant Wanneer

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Meme Headlines:

Suicidal cockholster got high and tried to make a point by hanging himself from the public tribune in Dutch parliament

Muslim immigrants massively vote for Muslim party, some people are still surprised

Local radio host BTFO by audience after displaying an utterly left-wing tendency of his network: disrupting a live music performance with a hired stripteaser

Meme quote of the day
"wouldn't castration without sedation be a more civilised alternative firing him?" - Henk Westbroek on local radio host

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>/our guys/ only competed in Amsterdam, gained 3 seats
>Soros donkey participated, got massive TV congratulations and interviews upon possible first seat, ended up having to cede it to our guys
>D66 (europhile social-liberals) lost about half everywhere
>GreenLeft largest party in nation's capital at 20+% of the vote, equalling 11 seats, second-largest party has 6 or so

Municipal election yesterday resulted in the partijkartel getting thrashed at the local level and a referendum yesterday on expanding the governments powers to internet spy on its people.

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>DENK heeft meer zetels dan FvD
>Kutbrabo's stemmen massaal voor WIV
>Linkse partijen zijn meer tegen WIV dan voor

zet me echt aan het denken

Why this guy and not Ancilla Van der Leest? What do they want to do? Push soyboy gays to the polls?

>>Soros donkey participated, got massive TV congratulations and interviews upon possible first seat, ended up having to cede it to our guys
Who is this?

They had one chance.
They spent it getting rekt by gentleman related.

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that Jesse Klaver Jew?

Sylvana "Sultana Tropicana" (((Simons)))

thank you for the info. Sounds like great news and a goose step in the right direction.

someone posted this a few days ago and I'm still laughing.

have a great week anons

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liberalists 2.0

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Groningen and the north in general did well and voted against the spy law taking the average down
>based north does it again

>zet me echt aan het denken
Mij ook.

I know who made that OC, I will pass on your appreciation, burgerbro!

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So you decide who ourguys are? They're certainly not my guys.

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The grammar is atrocious

Wat denk je dan?

You need to go back

It's already been shilled as "voting out of frustration with gouvernment instead of knowing what they're doing", but no matter.
The important thing is that Baudet profiles himself as the defender of the North now, so the FvD can sweep it next year. He's already taken up the gas issue, this would be a nice opportunity as well.

Then who are /your guys/?

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I'm European born.. soon to return and run for office back home.
it was so random but still applicable

dit is haatpraat

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To where? Fuck off with your autism boy catering to lulletjes who call each other 'gast'. But come to think of it, those dicklets probably hang out here too.

de EEUWIGE boemer

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The distinction is probably lost on most of us vieze buitenlanders, but since its a one for one translation, it just works.

I always vote PVV. I don't like Wilders (and don't vote for him), but FvD is no alternative.


..technically the grammar is accurate because it's an American's speech bubble.

>((geinformeerde voorstanders))
ik ga het niet eens kijken

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Guy got a bad case of anterior pelvic tilt. Sad!

Well he wasn't available in the only city that politically matters, considering that it's the headquarters of the cartel.
Besides, FvD is an alternative because they actually do stuff. First week in parliament saw a meme speech and a motion on mandating Dutch values upon institutions that receive public funding (which PVV did support, granted).

He was talking about the Dutch text

Yes, very feminine posture

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Seriously? Sylvana lost her virtual seat?
Why is this not on all news bulletins (((we know why)))

My sincerest apologies for assuming you were a burger. Good luck on your bid for office!

En dit is dus de reden dat voor links staat, en tegen rechts.
Daarnaast staat het inkleurpictogram het dichtste bij voor.
Weer een procentje meegepikt op deze manier.


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De neus weet.

I would have voted for FvD here if I couldn't vote for PVV, but neither PVV nor them were in the list.

Greet is an idiot. The Hague was a fiasco and he could have helped (or anyone of the party) to get candidates for a PVV here in Nijmegen as there was just one shitty little party on the right to vote on (which I did) that eventually got about 1000 votes. It's one of the bigger cities in the country and completely lacks a right wing party, except for the joke I voted on.

Dit is antisemitisme

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doet me denken aan dat ik als peutertje ooit een hooivork door mijn eigen voetje ramde.

I know but it was in the context of an American's reply (Dutch text). I understand what you're referring to but I was joking that American's grammar is so poor even when translated into a different language it shows.

>kennis is antisemitisch

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>Salt of the earth brabant boomers
Love them to death


verwijder dit nu

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Serious question, is Erdogan redpilled?

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Erdogan: yes
his lackeys abroad: no

Niet de gehele context vergeten.
De enige manier waarop moslims gaan integreren is als ze dat tussen de lakens doen. De enige manier waarop ze gaan integreren is rassenvermenging, maar dat willen en doen ze niet, dus moeten ze maar weg.

Could any of you explain to me what happened?

WIE /pannenkoekenbaktechnieken/ HIER?

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Made me laugh

>De enige manier waarop ze gaan integreren is rassenvermenging
Bull shit. Wees blij dat ze niet mengen - ze hebben aantoonbaar inferieure genen. En integreren, dat doen hun vrouwen wel.


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lol no worries. I'm sure your flag doesn't get the most accurate responses on pol either.

Thank you. oh and we'll have waffen divisions if you want to join.


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Made this for Dutch bros

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Piss off with your (((Wilderstein))) bullshit.

Ok, ga jij op teevee verkondigen dat moslims inferieure wezens zijn en dan kijken hoe goed je politieke partij het doet, stomme idioot.

That's not Greet. That's that faggot from Koefnoen.

Nee precies, ik ben ook tegen rassenvermenging.
Dat laat niet onverlet dat het de enige manier is waarop het kan, en moslims vermoorden de zussen die dat doen.
Dat wij het ook niet willen is dan bijzaak. Zij zijn de gasten, niet wij.

Graag gedaan, broer.

>oh and we'll have waffen divisions if you want to join.

If there's a Neder division, sign me up!

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I know. I think the Koefneon skits are funny, are they popular?

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Wat ik de afgelopen tijd heb geleerd: ras bestaat niet, de Nederlandse waarden zijn gebaseerd op judeo-christelijke gronden en liberale homopropaganda. ohja iemand kwetsen is racistisch.

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Trots op m'n stad. Zou graag de ethnische breakdown zien. Verwacht vooral moslims en negers voor. Geen blanke (en gojse) Amsterdammer links of rechts stemt voor zoiets.
Het gaat om de moslimvrouwen. Die integreren veel beter dan de mannen. Ze werken, ze zijn vriendelijk en respectvol tegen ons en het zijn geen sletjes. Die voeden de volgende generaties op. Van mij mogen ze blijven. Segregatie werkt.

gvd, toen die viel viel ie hard


Uhum, contra-semitisme.

The program doesn't exist anymore and towards the end it became quite shitty. But during its lifespan it has had some of the most hilarious sketches, ranging from absurd shit to societal stereotypes to making fun of celebrities (including politicians of course). Yeah, it was one of the most popular shows on tv, post-2000.

>Het gebeurd

>die voeden de volgende generaties op. Van mij mogen ze blijven.
O ja en dat is zo'n succes

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mutant lul

Puur toeval, vee.

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How's it feel being one of the most cucked countries right next to Canada?

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>Verwacht vooral moslims en negers voor.
DENK was tegen de sleepwet.
Het is ook geen verrassing dat steden massaal tegen hebben gestemd.

Much better than to be La Creatura

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Jonge mensen tegen, oude mensen voor.

>DENK was tegen de sleepwet.
kan ze daar geen ongelijk in geven, gezien waar die ((partij))) eigenlijk voor in het leven is geroepen

Also reminder that American conservatives are even more supportive of diversity than Dutch leftists

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Je zou het op tv gewoon moeten kunnen hebben over het grote aantal neven-nichten huwelijken in de moslimwereld en de gevolgen hiervan.
Ik ben bang dat de winnaar een allochtonenpartij is. Vertel mij dat ik het fout heb alsjeblieft.


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I thought it was Falco.

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>Poffetjesblad gives acurate rundow to actual tullips

Goed ingeburgerd pannekoek

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