Mmm mmm good

If this happened in the USA there would be endless front page worldwide coverage.

If this happened in Canada there would be endless front page worldwide coverage.

If this happened in Europe there would be endless front page worldwide coverage.

Why do media jews secretly not care about Mexicans?

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my dad fucks me while i sleep

>when Breaking Bad is actual real life.

Jesus Christ.

at least you have a dad

Even the cartels are full of soyim.
> eyy I watch Walter White esé
> dissolve 'em in acid like him, it'll be so beñito
Use a fucking axe like a normal psychopath you pop-culture-guzzling cuck

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Good thing guns are so regulated in Mexico or this could have been so much worse!

This is why Mexicans aren't people.

>Why do media jews secretly not care about Mexicans?
It's no secret - they don't give a fuck, which is a big mistake considering the percentage of brown people in TV audiences.


Fucking nigger way to do it.

>Get victim unconscious
>Undress victim
>Smear full of honey and sugar
>Let nature take it's course
>A single toenail will all be that is left

Nobody cares about Mexico you retard.

i know, ti's amazing they're not covering a mexican doing his job half decently

>my dad fucks me while i sleep

How do you know?

>they can eat all of the toenails but one
Is this like how they can get 99.9% of caffeine out of coffee?

What can I say, I like his style.

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You now realise he commited a maximum of half the murders and hes taking the fall for his organisation

>soup maker
He couldn't let Brazil win

>soy jews in america copy beaner hitmen
>retarded gookslim thinks its the other way around

¡uma delicia!

Ghost Recon Wildlands.txt

Fuck borders and sheit !

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A wise Japanese man here once said
>If I wake up and there's shit in the toilet, it's to be expected.
>If wake up and find shit on the kitchen table, we're going to need to talk.

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How could this happen? We made murder illegal.

If this kind of story made front page news on the regular people might start to support walling the place off or even restoring order down there.

We need to ban assualt acids and bases

>The Soup Maker

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Brown lives don't matter


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Are you implying that mestizo bean people are capable of original thought?
Almost as if they were...
> Mexican intellectuals

Why TF do you think that life imitates movies and not the other way around

Bingo. Media doesn't care about anything that doesn't support global communism and the slaves version of Judaism, which is what communism and atheism is

Because mexicans are uncivilized shitbags. They flee mexico and then say how great it is.
BLM flag, nice touch

Says right there he was arrested in 2009 you idiot

Cause I'm just fake sleeping.
Love daddies hot fudgie yummie cummies! >©

acid has been used here for way longer tho, they usually vary and mix the methods of disposal, you know, so they can't immediatly appoint all victims of one method to a single guy, like this idiot did.

>Previously on AMC's Breaking Bad

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>If this kind of story made front page news on the regular

The insanity is that one suspected chem attack in Syria is used as a launching pad for millions of dollars of bombing runs and guns to "rebels" and god knows how much shit. Nearly direct war in Syria, regime overthrow.

But the shit that goes on in Mexico daily is WORSE. It's a fucking failed state, the consequences of which pour over the border daily.

No drones.
No air raids.
Not even open military support of the mexican government to get back control.
Building a wall is laughed at.

What the fuck are you people doing? The one fucking place you'd have cause to play world police in is right next door.

>Why do media jews secretly not care about Mexicans?

The same reason they don't 'care' about Sweden - it doesn't help them push their narratives.

Attached: Welcome to Mexico.jpg (1440x2421, 3.31M)

In Europe, they call it kabobs

>Breaking bad invented acid dispossal of bodies

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>So, the guy responsible for disposing of 650 corpses also committed those 650 murders all on his own.
Seems legit.

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>Smear full of honey and sugar
Then what happens? Americans start eating him??

>All these niggers thinking Breaking Bad is where this idea came from
Learn history faggits, acid has been used as a body disposal method for over a hundred years at the least.

I didn't think this was a real thing at all. They uh.... really did their research for that show. ._. (But OPEN BOARDERS LET THEM IN!!!)

Maybe if he was smeared in high fructose corn syrup

I have officially transitioned from a cannibal to a Scummy Soup Slurper



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Isn't this from blacklist? May have been a different name but the exact same technique and mo

Jeffrey Dahmer tried to do it, but I'm not sure how successful he was.

Checked, but
>muh joos

It's extremely frustrating, for sure. I've said exactly that to people in person and they look at me like I'm convinced the Earth is flat. What people think about foreign countries is for the most part informed by mass media, which is in turn informed by the state's (this isn't just an America thing) goals. What the American state wants is to lock Russia out of the Mediterranean and keep unskilled workers flooding in from down south to keep workers from being able to organize and protect their own interests.

Tijuanafag here.
Eh. Happened a long time ago.

We knew him as "El Pozolero".
He threatened a family member once. She was smart enough not to piss him or his crew off.

You need pure sulphuric. It's cheap, but you may have to distill and purify it if you buy at the consumer level.
Filling a barrel full of acid isn't necessarily cheap unless you have access to bulk industrial chems like the cartles do.

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>He threatened a family member once. She was smart enough not to piss him or his crew off.
what on earth is wrong with you people

That's crazy. I feel like 99% of the time cartles won't fuck with you if you don't get involved. Unless you have shit they want. Same with American gangs.
I've heard they steal oil and shit then sell it to china, which is pretty crazy.

There's a really good reason they used acid or burnt the bodies. The cartels used to dispose of whole corpses underneath the foundations of Mexican homes when they were under construction. The Americans figured this out and the Mexicans had to start really getting rid of the evidence. These things are called "narcofosas" but because finding the damn things allows a case to be made for murder when the bodies are identified, they have had to change things up a bit.

Now they just have pigs eat the corpses. Still gotta find the transponder though.

This type of beta cuck mentality is why cartels are such a big problem.

Stand up to bullies user.

>there was a time people went to TJ for fun
>now going to TJ just ends up with you in a barrel

If half the shit that happens with Mexico, especially with various cartels, ever made international news, there would likely be a massive push to just clear out Mexico and start again.

Well at least their guns are regulated

Using acid isn't very cost effective. I heard the bikers use caustic soda, a barrel and a lake.


We need this in the us, except the Dexter types.

I know right, you hear worse stories from there than N korea


I dont have the image so I'll just say it,
"If I go to the bathroom and there's shit in the toilet, that's no big deal, If I go into the kitchen and there is a shit on the table, It'd be different."

Holy shit kill yourself, literally everything about you is wrong. Do the world a favor.



Mexican are not white enough for the (((Media))) to care about them.

Same as Africans can have a war that kills millions and the Average American will have never even heard of it. BUT let half a dozen white South African farmers get killed and people will be talking about altering immigration laws to let the "persecuted" African white immigrate to America.

Underage b&

Americans don't even know what honey or sugar look like. Even our honey is fake, it's all just honey flavored corn syrup.

if people saw that they would be begging for a wall

>here would likely be a massive push to just clear out Mexico

The Democrats are TRYING to get them all into the USA, but Trump wants to build a wall and keep them out.

Reminder not to respond to bait.

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Such vibrant diversity we're missing out on! Fuck blumphfhfhgh no border walls everyone is legal.
