That Paganism is European is a lie
Let me tell you off Paganism

So i have heard you degenerates say Christianity is not European just to fall for another dessert jew cult
For you see Paganism Yes PAGANISM is a BABYLONIAN religion Where Ishtar is the god of Love or Freyja/Aphrodite by your standards and Nimrod the founder of Babylon is Oden/Zeus

And not only is PAGANISM not European, It is also more JEWISH than Christianity!
For it was formed by Khazarian Jews that were expelled from Judea/Palestine by God for their pagan worship, and they continued their practice under the oppression of Babylon where they developed the religion fully

While christianity on the other hand was written by Hebrews in the old & new testament, And it was and still is hated by the jews!

You idiots have all been played, fucking pick up a book

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Other urls found in this thread:


Even king of the pagan larp:s Varg vikerness admints that Paganism all comes from the same root

What he fails to mention though is that the root comes from Babylon

>Then what is the indiguenous religion of Europe?

The bear cult

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All European paganism and Middleeastern one all comes from the same jewish root

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Dude you are Scandinavian
How the fuck do you not know Thursday comes from Thor's day and Wednesday comes from Woden's day (Odin's day)

it is literally european.¨

jewish religions are not european

are you fucking insane

Yes not all elements of our tradition is Jewish stuff like the traditions midsommar, and mayflower girl is European, Not the gods however¨
No read my post

This kike again.


Bumpty bump

Freja/Ishtar are what is left of pre-indo european mother goddes worship.

Zeus/Thor/Perun are diferent names of the indo-european lighting throwing sky father.Nothing comon with Nimrod,Nimrod is not even a god.
The babylonian main god is Marduk.

Marduk or Nimrod does not matter, we still have 11 other gods that match perfectly
The only mother worship that is indeed aryan was the mayflower girl the rest is jewish tricks

bump to remove pagan cucks

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lies will get you nowhere OP you dirty jew

Mystery Babylon will be revealed and will fall.

Paganism is as core to the European story as Christianity. The Northmen believed its coronation of bravery and courage in earnest, which is wholly the reason for their success. It is literally impossible to connect it to Babylon, you Jew-seduced blind fool. It's primal, base, wild, immediate — not something learned second hand and then transplanted elsewhere, but the product of a region and a region alone.

Very untrue
Take a look at this you fool before i kick you ass in As you can clearly see all of the pagan gods got a Babylonian and sumerian counterpart

What you are talking about is Hamingja that is not paganism it is simply handed down tradition and manners

"pagans" btfo

So you’re saying all the peggins are just jews?

>paganism is not european, jews are behind it
>b-but jews are not behind christianity, despite them having founded i t

But they were not "true jews" amirite? The level of delusion and retardness is so pathetic...

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Even if it was European, it would still be a shit religion. Literally worshiping mixed-race crossdressing """"""gods.""""""

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Pagans are fags.

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thats because all the gods are the same, All humans on earth knew who the gods and God were. During the tower of Babel God change the languages of all men so we all knew the same gods but had different names for them depending on our language. Ever sing religion is connected some just decide to worship lesser gods and some decide to worship the Ultimate God the creator of all. it all makes sense once you realize this fact

It's good you have changed your opinion! But your still a fool kid!

Ofc they have,they borrowed from the indo europeans.Most likely the hittes.
Btw you cristian god is also modeled after the sky father,the jew took him as ther war god.

Babylon did nothing wrong,the only reason they are considered bad is the jewish envy.

>paganism comes from jews
I believe you are referring to Christianity

You've put a lot of thought into this, obviously...

Sure thing, yid.

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Babylon enslaved Hebrews not jews

Jewish envy is therefor not a reason for the jews helped babylon enslave the hebrews
We have only borrowed our traditions from the aryans not the gods, they have been subverted by jewish interests

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>"Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; the coward, the unwarlike, the man stained with abominable vices (homossexuals), is plunged into the mire of the morass, with a hurdle put over him. This distinction in punishment means that crime, they think, ought, in being punished, to be exposed, while infamy ought to be buried out of sight." - Tacitus "Germania", chapter XII.

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Well guess what kiddo those Germanics you talked about have never heard of Thor and oden

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muh bog

Post Vatican II antipope.

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>portraying ancient blacks as anything but apes.
lol we wuz

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>We have only borrowed our traditions from the aryans not the gods, they have been subverted by jewish interests

How?Before christianity jews were laughing stock and non-factor in the civilized world.
If it was not for Yeshua who legitimized their delusions they would have never gain any atention.

>greco roman mythos isn't european

fuck off bbc dick licker

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>muuh vatican II, there was no kikery going on before that
>muuuh protestants

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Glad to see a fellow scandinavian who has not fallen for the brainwashing varg-propaganda. Stay strong, neighbor. God bless

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kys kike

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It does not matter how, it only matters that they did
'It's jewish kid get used to it
Thank you god bless
The jews of today are not Hebrews

They are not gods chosen people or related to us spiritually

When the pope says we are jews he means we are judeans jews of the israelites
not the askenazi jews that came from caucasus that subverted the religion, and was even marked for extermination

>calls other "kikes" for rejecting jewish-inspired religions

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Keep the meltdown going...

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I like this thread. Thank you Sven

European religion comes from the Indo Europeans. Abrahamism comes from the Jews.

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The modern jews are also of the Tribe of Judah, you can't make this up on how retarded you are...

Don't you have so church to go? Priest must be anxious to diddle a faggot today.

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>greco roman mythology and thor shit are the same

how the fuck is ancient greece jewish?

dont u have a wedding to go to, faggot?

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Ad hominens and desperate attempt at an argument

No The askenazi jews are not Hebrews or from the tribe of Judah

They are Askenazi converts that forced the hebrews to convert them when they were enslaved in Babylon

>ITT: ((("Europeans"))) slander their own culture

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In Greek mythology, Europa was the mother of King Minos of Crete, a woman with Phoenician origin of high lineage, and after whom the continent Europe was named. The story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a white bull

^straight from wikipedia

how is Europa riding on the back of a white bull even closely related too moloch?

Some have complained that there is no citation for the backhanded slap but that it is just a theory. The reason why scholars do not readily provide a citation is it comes from the Talmud. There are a number of references to various to traditions in the Talmud that are found in the gospels, because of Jesus’ debates with Pharisees and St. Paul who was one himself. This is what scholars have when they do have a citation. I add this to user’s (thank you user) original work as request from some atheists. Thank you Sup Forums for your researching.

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Originally to use a backhand slap against a superior was a serious offense since was meant for the slave class, or those goyim that did not bathe, since the back of the hand was used so to touch an unclean person as little as possible while still striking them. Touching something unclean with the palm of the hand made that hand generally unusable. So the Jews Jesus is speaking to would see this not just as dishonorable but also a baseless insult. To turn the other cheek would force the ones backhanding them to recognize that Jews indeed bathe just as the civilized Romans and Greeks did by slapping them with front. So if a goy were to turn his cheek to a Jew that is backhanding him, then the goy would be forcing the Jew to recognize that he is clean as he is. In a personal argument, to force a Jew to recognize that he is your equal is more effective than just punching him. If he does not recognize his equality with you, then observers would have been redpilled on kikery.

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>The famous edition of the New Testament by Johann Jakob Wettstein at least, New testament scholars have been aware that in some rabbinic texts a backhanded slap was considered particularly blameworthy. (1) The commentary on the New Testament by Hermann Strack and Paul Billerbeck advanced Wettstein’s research. (2) The key text is m. B. Qam. 8.6: “If one cuff his fellow, he must pay him a sela.” R. Yehuda in the name of R. Jose the Galilean says, “A maneh . If he slapped him, he must pay him two hundred zuz; [if he hit him] with the back of his hand [לאחר ידו] he must pay him four hundred zuz”. (3) Samuel Greengus has shown that the offense in a number of different Babylonian laws including the Laws of Hammurapi. In the Laws of Hammurapi (§ § 202-205) a social inferior who struck the side of a superior’s face was flogged, and a slave who did the same to a free person who lost an ear. (4) He thinks that talion is naturally associated with the slapping of a face, since m. B. Qam. 8.6 and the Hammurapi Laws (§ § 202-205) are in sections dealing with “serious bodily injuries”. If talion was the “ancient literary and legal setting for a discussion of dignitory torts”, then the similarity between the Mishnaic passage and Matthew is explained. (5)

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>R. Yehuda ha Nasi (fourth generation Tannaitic teacher who died 217 AD and who redacted the Mishnah) took his view from R. Jose the Galilean (2nd generation Tannaitic teacher) concerning the fine for slapping one’s friend. (6) One can assume that the Mishnaic teaching may well have it’s origins in the 1st century AD or before. The commentator Yom-Tove Lippman Heller (17th century AD) calls such a strike “extreme humiliation” (קלון יוחר). (7) t. B. Qam. 9.31 requires the same payment for a similar transgression: “If one has struck another with one’s backhand [באחר ידו], with a paper, with a pinaz, with untanned hides, or with a role of documents that are in one’s hands, then one pays 400 zuz. Not because it is a blow of pain, but because it is a blow of [public] shame (בויון).” (8) Greengus interprets this to mean that the fine is not so high because of the pain, but because of the public dishonor. (9) The Mishnaic text on the “backhanded slap” appears in the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds. (10)

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1. J. J. Wettstein (ed.), Novum Testamentum Graecum cum variis lectionibus et commentario duobus tomis (2 vols.; Amsterdam: Dommer, 1751-52), I, p.309
2. Str-B, I, p. 342.
3. P. Blackman (ed), Mishnayoth (trans. P. Blackman; 7 vols.; New York: Judaica, 1963), IV, p. 66. According to Blackman, p.67 apparatus, a maneh = 100 zuz = 25 selah.
4. S. Greengus, ‘Filling Gaps: Laws Found in Babylonia and in the Mishna but Absent in the Hebrew Bible’, Maarav 7 (1991), pp. 149-71 (152-55). Cf. Laws of Eshnunna §42.
5. Greengus, ‘Filling Gaps’, pp.154-44.
6. Scholars take this as a reference to the generations of the Tannaim from H.L. Strack and G. Stemberger, Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996), pp. 73, 76.
7. C. Albeck (ed.), Shisha Sedre Mishnah (Hebrew) (3. vols.; Jerusalem: Eshkol, 1955), II, p. 20 (m. B. Qam.).
8. t. B. Qam. 9.31 (see Liberman [ed.], Tosefta [5 vols.; New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1955-73], IV, p. 49 [Nezikin]). Cf. Sifra Emor 14 to Lev 24.19-20 for a similar tradition. Cf. The texts in P. Fiebig, Jesu Bergpredigt: Rabbinische Texte zum Verständnis der Bergpredigt, ins ihren Ursprachen dargeboten und mit Erläuterungen und Lesarten versehen (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1924), Teil I, pp. 95-96 (German), Teil II, pp 44-45 (Hebrew).
9. Greengus, ‘Filling Gaps’, p.155.
10. b. B. Qam. 90a, y. B. Qam. 7, 7a (Venice ed.). Cf. P. Schäfer and H.-J. Becker (eds.), Synopse zum Talmud Yerushalmi. IV. Ordnung Nezikin Ordnung Toharot: Nidda (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1995), p. 48. J. Weismann believes the tradition in b. B. Qam. 90a goes back to the time of Jesus (‘Zur Erklärung einer Stelle der Bergpredigt’, ZNW 14 [1913], pp. 175-76).

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Meanwhile at a "conservative pastor" church...

The Ashkenazis aren't "turkic" you retard. Khazar theory is mostly bullshit (((they))) make to deflect and make you trust other jews. Khazaria was infiltrated by the same Eternal Jew.

>Ashkenazis converts that forced the hebrews to convert them when they were enslaved
>slaves forcing jews to convert them to judaism


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yep definitely looks like traditional paganism to me, you're definitely not misrepresenting paganism at all

It's a (((disease))) in their mind...

Here what the "spiritual father" of the Third Reich said on this:

>"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not ... to the Gentiles, ... But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)

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>b-but Europeans somehow adapted all their religions from Babylon somehow
>It wasn't made by the Indo Europeans!!!
No! It was the Indo Europeans who brought the religion to Europe long before Babylon even existed.

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>Pagan religions like Hellenistic Polytheists aren't pagan


>Paganism isn't European

Dignity isn't Swedish, whats your point?

Yes kid

the hebrews did not willingly make the askenazis into judeans

Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.


>The non-Levantine origin of AJs is further supported by an ancient DNA analysis of six Natufians and a Levantine Neolithic (Lazaridis et al., 2016), some of the most likely Judaean progenitors (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2002; Frendo, 2004). In a principle component analysis (PCA), the ancient Levantines clustered predominantly with modern-day Palestinians and Bedouins and marginally overlapped with Arabian Jews, whereas AJs clustered away from Levantine individuals and adjacent to Neolithic Anatolians and Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Europeans. To evaluate these findings, we inferred the ancient ancestries of AJs using the admixture analysis described in Marshall et al. (2016). Briefly, we analyzed 18,757 autosomal SNPs genotyped in 46 Palestinians, 45 Bedouins, 16 Syrians, and eight Lebanese (Li et al., 2008) alongside 467 AJs [367 AJs previously analyzed and 100 individuals with AJ mother) (Das et al., 2016) that overlapped with both the GenoChip (Elhaik et al., 2013) and ancient DNA data (Lazaridis et al., 2016). We then carried out a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis (Alexander and Lange, 2011) using three East European Hunter Gatherers from Russia (EHGs) alongside six Epipaleolithic Levantines, 24 Neolithic Anatolians, and six Neolithic Iranians as reference populations (Table S0). Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.

This research also shows that most Palestinians have been living in the land of Palestine for at least 5000 years (Early Bronze age Levant).

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Demoralization tactics.

I'm actively studying the Slavic Pantheon to convert to it.

>but God names sound kinda similar!!!
Barely. Only a few of them at most. If anything it was BABYLON who was influenced by their Indo European Persian neighbors.

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>That swedecuck again with his pasta

Yep thats what christcucks do

I am interested in Celtic Paganism but there isn't much information it sadly

Then you will really like this article

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this shit again
ZODIAC is not a "Babylonian invention" ok?
These are the stars you can see with your own eyes. Nobody invented them.

Oh he called the other side kid, implying he is mentally older, and thus wiser. I better listen to everything this guy says, he must be important.
Oh, then he proceeds to say nothing of historical record and bizarre fringe tin-foil claims as fact.

Get off your pretentious, false-knowledge horse you vile cunt.

Don't worry, we know a great deal of names of the Celtic Gods. And remember, all the European religions came from one source and have most of the same practices.

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You're not even thinking clearly. You are getting paganism and polytheism mixed up.

Thank you, looks like a great site.

Only ad hominems

Zoidiac may or may not be jewish mythology, point is that the Pagan gods are Jewish

Well i am most likely older than you kid

No wodan comes from Oden, Then Zeus, then into Marduk from Babylon it is not a indo european religion

Even more incorrect, the pagan pantheom was inserted barely 3000 years ago, Hebreeic Judais was inserted 8000 years ago, and christianty 2000 years ago

Ad hominem
Made by jews with jew capital

You see this picture?

A pagan religion with a jewish symbol at its front the pentagram

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Sorry, simpleton, it looks like your Jewish antics have been foiled again.

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>paganism is a specific religion and not a defining word

oh my fucking god these threads are getting more and more cancerous

abrahomos are getting desperate

>Paganism is one religion
What the fuck is wrong with you, you complete retard? The Egyptian pagan religion is completely different from the Norse religion. You. Complete. Moron.

Pagans worshipped this.

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Paganism is by definition anything that isn't (((abrahamitic))). A "Paganus" in its European conception is the late Roman city dwelling christjew equivalent of "rural/suburban retard".

Well paganism and witchcraft are fingers on the same hand.

Voodoo you care about it?

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I opted for the ancient Slavc faith because of the "dvoeverye" phenomenon - Slavs clearly not giving a fuck about Christianity and continuing their own ancient rituals, while the Orthodox Church kind of tries to provide some context. It is an interesting point to think about: the Orthodox Church emphasizes the God-Mother instead of the Son of God as the primary target for prayer, and angels get a lot more "screen time" as well. This is much more in line with the pagan pantheon hidden right beneath the thin veil of Christianity.

To sum up, I opted for the Slavic Pantheon because it is extraordinarily well-preserved.

The "pagan pantheon". Oh god so many funny posts.

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Very jewish

Yes, I knew someone in Russia who was wanting to convert to paganism for that exact reason (that and he doesn't like Patriarch Kirill)

He forgot his totem for Lady Freya mistress of the bush.

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>being this shallow
Paganism is a word used to define anything religious that's not Abrahamic you shallow fuck.

Buddhists are pagans, so are hindus etc.
Your reasoning is so fucking shallow its not even funny

>Ishtar is the god of Love
Ishtar is symbolically female . You couldn't even get that right . Your opinions have been discarded .

Indeed, the Slavs only did what the Church forced them to, so much of their tradition was completely untouched.

Death to larpagans