California invasion

Why don't we just march into Cuckifornia using football pads and motorcycle helmets as armor? We can preach against the filthy degeneracy while we attack. We can use a superior Roman ranking system. Mark our selves with red as a uniform. Ave, true to Caesar.

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red uniforms? red is bad

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He's referencing Caesar's legion, from FONV. Perhaps the best faction in any videogame

Because we got jobs and families n shiet

please do I'll join your ranks when you get here its a nightmare

I won the lottery!!!!!

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Can we string degenerates up on old Telephone Poles and beat them to near death, OP?

It would be rather boring if we didn't. Don't you think user?

Well, yes. It would be very boring without. But when all is said and done, can we tear down the bigger cities and use the land for Either Factories or Agriculture?

>The change in tone when he says "bye"

Yes to all of that. We will also be solely using slave labor.

Of course! Well... until the feds push us out and all that jazz, but I'm sure even if we are put to rest, The Agri-Pill will change Cali into an Agricultural, Rural, and Peaceful state.

This plan evokes nothing but laughter from me

I would be delighted to see 15 larpers carrying plastic roman gear from Target wielding kekistan flags and screeching "We are invading California REEEEEE". Mental retardation enjoys to present itself in the form of larping. Its not even funny autism, just pure fucking cringe.

is it just me or has this game had a huge resurgence in popularity in the last couple of months? every fucking youtube channel is pushing FONV stuff recently

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Kekistani Fags are a Given, But they suck up all the Media attention.

Kekistan flags?

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Watch yourself profligate

i will join if i can wear a cool wolf hat and sunglasses.

You can get a complimentary bundle of PVC Knife Spears if you do turn up in such garb.

is there free mielurk sushi?

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what if the las vegas shooting was just a ad by bethesda?

That... is debatable. In all honesty, we might as well just eat Spam and canned shit as well as what we can buy, Pack light but pack well, we would need to organize really well if we want to be able to distribute food among ourselves. Prior to that? Eat what you bring with you.

sounds fair.

Can we stop at Nipton on the way I need to buy some tickets to play the lottery.