A look back at newspaper accounts of the "6 million" Jews well before World War One, and the subsequent years.

(About the NY Times clipping)
>1906 - A Jewish publicist in front of an audience in Germany states that the Russian government found a "solution to the Jewish question", namely the "murderous extermination" of "6 million Jews". Of course, the Russians never had such plans, but this fictional tale came to life during World War II, this time the Germans were accused. The "official story" about the "Holocaust" was promoted for the first time in 1906, Russia was accused of it.

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[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah demand that "6 million Jews" must disappear before the establishment of the state of Israel can be possible. "You will return minus 6 million". This is why the Israeli historian, Tom Segev , stated that "6 million" is an attempt to transform the history of the Holocaust into a state religion. These 6 million, as the prophecy says, must have disappeared in "burning furnaces", which is now legalized by the judicial version of the Holocaust. And indeed, Robert B Goldmann writes: " . . . without a holocaust, there would be no Jewish state ". A simple consequence: If you include 6 million Jews gassed in Auschwitz who finished in "burning furnaces" (the Greek holocaust = burned victims), then the prophecies were "fulfilled" and Israel could become a "legal state". - unknown author

1900 - The American Zionist, Rabbi Stephen S Wise , smuggled the Zionist program behind the Holocaust scam to promote the public's sympathy for Zionism (the Jewish takeover of Palestine): "There are 6 million living, bleeding, suffering arguments in support of Zionism."

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1902 - Under the slogan "anti-Semitism", the 10th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica speaks of "systematically desecrated" 6 million Jews in Romania and Russia

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1905 - A Jewish preacher says that if the communist uprising in Russia (under the Jewish leadership) succeeds in fulfilling their former goal, overthrowing the tsarist government, Zionism will become obsolete. He mentions "6 million Jews".

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The New York Times writes: "From 1890 to 1902, Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, Prosecutor General, caused the expulsion of 6 million Jewish families from Russia." If there were 6 million Jewish families in Russia (one consisting of a mother, father and at least one child), there would be at least 18 million Jews living in Russia? Absurd impossibility.

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1910 - In the annual report of the American Jewish Committee, it is said that from 1890, Russia applied the policy of "expelling and exterminating" 6 million Jews. (source: American Jewish Yearbook p. 15)
Originally, the Jews claimed that the Russians planned to kill six million Jews. They revived this story during World War II and accused Germany of the same.

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1911 - Max Nordau , co-founder of Teodor Herzl of the World Zionist Organization, at the X Zionist Congress in Basel (Switzerland) issued an astounding statement. He stated that 6 million Jews would be annihilated. It was 21 years before Hitler came to power and 3 years before the start of World War I. That's what Zionist Ben Hecht says in the book "Perfidy." He also confirmed this in 1943.

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1914 - The slaughter of World War I begins and the Jews are already saying that there are 6 million Jews in danger. Jewish groups immediately come out with the story of 6 million suffering Jews.

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1915 - Jewish leader Louis Marshall announces: "In the present world there are about 13 million Jews, of whom over 6 million live in a war zone: Jews whose lives are threatened and who are subjected to all kinds of suffering and sorrows. . . "

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1917 - Jewish lobbyists convince the British government to support the Zionist plan to make Palestine the national homeland of Jews. The British official James Arthur Balfour draws up Balfour's Declension. The letter is addressed to Lord Rothschild's

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In the same year in Russia, radical Jewish Marxists take power during the Bolshevik Revolution, establishing the first Zionist state, the "Soviet Union." The Jews kidnap Czar Nicholas II, his wife and children, shoot them and bayonet them. The "revolution" was directed by the Jews: Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Lev Kamanev, Jakub Swierdłow, Mojżesz Uricki, Aleksander Parwus, Karl Radek, and the Philosopher, partly a Jew, Vladimir Lenin [I think it's whole, after my mother! - admin] , who received funds from the capitalist international Jewish bankers: Jakub Schiff, Maks Warburg , as well as Rothschild. Communist Jews and their pawns established 60 years of terror. About 40 million Russian and East European Goys were killed in gulags, death camps, mass executions and man-made hunger under the leadership of Jewish communists.

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1918 - "six million souls" need a billion dollars.

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Jewish communist leader Grigory Zinoviev announced a plan to annihilate 10 million Russians.
Jewish communists plan the genocide of the Russians. They propagate stories about the persecution of Jews,

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1919 - Shortly after the end of the First World War, in a fraudulent campaign to raise funds for Jewish charities, and to distract public attention from the Jewish origin of communism, Bolshevik terror and Armenian genocide, Zionists talk about the upcoming "Holocaust" "6 million Jews" in Europe .
The first mention of the "Holocaust" "6 million Jews". Nothing more than Zionist propaganda.
Zionist Sage Nathan Strauss published this article in the San Fransico Chronicle, claiming that 6 million Jews are in danger.

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1920 - Jewish advertisement says: "Today, 6 million Jews face the darkest days in the history of the race."

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1921 - Russian patriots gain the support of the nation against the Jewish Bolshevik usurpers. Trying to hide their participation in the brutal Bolshevik terror against the Russians, Jews again come out with their myth of "6 million".
What the Jew does best, he accuses his victims of his own atrocities. Until then, Jewish communists murdered millions of Russians.

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1922 - Zionist leader Nahum Sokolow brags about the globalist ambitions of organized Jewry, when at a Zionist conference in Carlsbad, California, he declares: "The League of Nations is a Jewish idea, and one day Jerusalem will become the peaceful capital of the world."

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1932 - Jews make deliberate genocide. To suppress the nationalist resistance to the communist takeover, the Soviet dictator Jozef Stalin orders the Soviet-controlled secret police NKVD to organize a man-made hunger in Ukraine. The Jewish deputies of Stalin and the heads of the secret police ( Kaganowicz, Beria, Jagoda, etc.) mercilessly introduce a policy of murderous starvation. In this real Holocaust, 6 -7 million Ukrainian men, women and children are killed. It is known as the "holodomor".
Jewish communists deliberately starved millions of people in Ukraine to death. In the Jews controlled by the Jews, there was not one word about this genocide. Of course, this diary, which revealed this tragedy, was not under the control of the Jews.

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1933 - Adolf Hitler becomes German chancellor. The Jews immediately want to destroy it.
Hitler takes power in Germany. Conversely to the interests of Jewish banks, which flourish thanks to usury (lending to per cent by making debt slave countries), Hitler immediately begins printing its own state banknotes, thus breaking free of the monolithic banking Jewish establishment in Europe led by Rothschild and Warburg. Hitler also removed Jews from all positions in the government, media, education and banks, so far dominated by them.
For this reason, Jewry declares war on Germany in 1933. Jews around the world are launching a global economic boycott of German goods in order to destroy Germany and overthrow Hitler's new government.

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1936 - Already in 1936, the Zionists who invented the final solution to the Jewish question somehow knew exactly that 6 million Jews had no "hope or future".

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Speaking to the Peela Commission, the head of the World Zionist Organization, the first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann , declares that in Europe "6 million Jews will be imprisoned," "where they are unwanted."
The Jews are still agitating for Palestine. The New York Times wrote that Zionist groups desperately lobbied American Christian leaders, Christian organizations and the British government, demanding assistance in creating a "Jewish state in Palestine" to save Jews from the "European Holocaust." These strikingly prophetic claims were pronounced years before the creation of ghettos or concentration camps, and more than three years before the German invasion of Poland.

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In 1936 the Zionists already predicted the "European holocaust", demanding that the Gentiles would hurry and grant them Palestine, a country that did not belong to them.
Jewish leaders met to discuss their plans, deceptions and criminal conspiracies. About the "6 million Hebrews" says the title of the article.

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1938 - Jewish propagandists strengthen nonsense "6 million" before the beginning of World War II. This article writes about "5 or 6 million Jews expelled by dictatorships" and calls them to settle in the "Holy Land" (Palestine).

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The Allies who declared war on Germany in 1939, justifying the pretext that the Germans had violated Poland's sovereignty by invasion, DISTRIBUTED Poland to Stalin and the communist slaughterers who in 1940 murdered 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest!
In the meantime, the Jews were lamenting about "6 million" of helpless victims in February, 7 months even before the beginning of the war. More than half a year before the outbreak of the war, the Jews were already talking about "6 million vulnerable victims of persecution."

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1940 - Jewish leader Nahum Goldmann proposes "6 million" Jewish victims before the construction of Nazi concentration camps was completed.
In 1940, Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the World Jewish Congress, predicts that there will be 6 million Jewish Nazi victims if they win. But the Nazis did not win, which did not stop those pathological liars from claiming that exactly 6 million were killed.

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1942 - A British Jew, Victor Gollancz , anticipates 6 million Jewish victims.

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Bump for Pepe

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1943 - A Zionist organization, the American Jewish Committee, claims that the Nazis launched a plan to kill 6 million Jews.

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Ben Hecht , a Hollywood screenwriter and Zionist Jew, comes out with a "6 million" lie in the Reader's Digest Magazine. Later, he will support the Zionist terrorist group Irgun in Palestine "by writing propaganda and raising funds".

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1944 - In September 1944, eight months before the end of World War II, the leaders of the Communist Union (Jewish) prematurely declare that almost 6 million Jews were killed, long before one could learn or count.

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At the end of 1944, six months before the official end of the war, at least three dailies printed stories with information about the mythical death of "6 million Jews". All these propaganda articles were based on the lies of Ilya Erenburg , a Jewish propagandist in the Soviet Union.

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1945 - In January, many months before the end of the war, before the official count or estimation of the victims of any national group, the Zionists announce the death of "6 million Jews".

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Are any of these papers linked on google archives or anything? Just want proof they’re not photoshopped.

More newspaper clippings from 1945, writing exactly 6 million Jews who were killed before the official settlement was made. In May 1945, the New York Times wrote that over 6 million people were liberated from the Nazi concentration camps. The New York Times says that 6 million people were liberated and not killed. Oops!

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You can research each publication individually if you like.

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1976 - Influential Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann , co-founder and long-time head of the World Jewish Congress, publishes a book on Jews, The Jewish Paradox [Jewish Paradox]. On pp. 122 and 123, he honestly admits that in the years before the end of World War II, the two influential Jews who co-opted came up with the idea of organizing a demonstration of the post-war Nuremberg tribunal and paying the Jews "German compensation". Goldmann describes how he, along with two fraudulent Zionist buddies from the World Jewish Congress, planned to use post-war compensation to finance Jewish settlement in Palestine. Goldmann admits to swindle

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Five early "Holocausts" in the New York Times:

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Good overview. Its hard to put so much info into one graphic.

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Denying the holocaust just makes you look ignorant to the normie masses. Like seriously, the harder you deniers push this shit, the more support the juden gain.

PROTIP: Instead of trying to deny the numbers, just put them in a proper historical context. "Yes, the holocaust happened. Six million died, and it was a tragedy. But so were Stalin's purges. So was Mao's Great Leap Forward. Pol Pot's massacres were tragedies too. The holocaust wasn't anything special, brah."

10000% more effective than trying to deny it. I guarantee.

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Hello new friend

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but the other two happened the holohoax didn't.

tfw I have inherited holocaust survivor traumatic syndrome...

This entitiles me to free reperations from germany and a free greencard to israel without any forms of verification.

This goys getting some milkers on a cucks dime.

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bump for good info

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Attached: World Jewry Will Finance Reich Exodus - The Evening News, Wilkes-Barre, PA January 6, 1936.jpg (924x3368, 1.19M)

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This is fucking unbelievable.

What I don't get is why nobody can put this information together and carefully, quietly, and calmly publish it in an organized and rational way and then print it so that it can be talked about in a way that normal people can grasp without scaring them away and turning their brains off.
It really shouldn't be that hard...

It's all about those lampshades man.

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But.... why 6 million?
Is this a sacred, holy number for the jews, or something?
Why 6 million?

I understand completely that jews are lying cockroaches, but whats up with the fixation on this number?

why not 8, 9, or 5 million?
why is it always, non stop, 6 million?
something to do with their satanic gods or?


huh.... so they just keep lying about the number------ 5,6,7 million, doesnt matter, as long as the lie is being spread.
god damn jew cockroaches.

But that would be antisemetic, goy.