Well guys, he's done it. He's given an answer to the Jewish Question. Is he right...

Well guys, he's done it. He's given an answer to the Jewish Question. Is he right? Are we mistaking simple averages and trends for a conspiracy? Read closely at the personality and politics section.

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Other urls found in this thread:


> High IQ
> No Jewish tricks. Nothing to see here goy.

And people still take Peterstein seriously.

He's right, but there's an added factor of nepotism that Peterson didn't mention. Good response by him.

Why is ok to attack people on ground of colour and implement afirmative action against whte people as a whole, but when you single out (((them))) thats a bad thing?

Fuck off kike

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Glad to see these intelligent and well reasoned rebuttals

There are a lot of factors he is either purposefully omitting or has yet to learn, the former makes more sense because the latter would mean he isn't learned enough to speak on the matter.
Also, the educational organization he works for is completely owned and operated by Zionist Jews as is Toronto, things he will never mention and makes what he says a bit disingenuous

Peterson is human filth! Fuck these fucking internet attention whores who use Sup Forums as their personal advertising platform. And fuck the shills who shit up Sup Forums with these shit-threads

Someone calm their mutt down!

he is correct. please inform me why if you disagree. no pictures of quotes or anecdotal examples please. come at me

>Higher mean IQ
>High IQ correlates to liberalism
>Pareto distribution ensues
Let us agree with this for arguments sake. Let's say biology and Pareto distribution puts Jews at the top hierarchies.

Are they any less destructive to the overall values of western culture???

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>muh IQ
You can't say it is the (alleged) IQ. Since there are more whites with an IQ over 130 then Jews.

>You can identify with the hypothetical victimization of that group and feel sorry for yourself and pleased at your compassion simultaneously.
>Jews are disproportionately eligible for admission at elite universities, where they, along with Asians, tend to be discriminated against


Does Jordan Peterson as an individualist equally view collective Identity politics of Jews and Israel as evil or is it basically evil when gentiles whites do it?

> expelled hundreds of times throughout history
> muh IQ
> Ignores the Jewish experiment that is multiculturalism for everyone except Israel.


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>Sup Forums believes niggers are inferior, thus establishing hierarchy of the races
>Sup Forums think jews are controlling the world and infiltrating all control and authority positions in public institutions despite being only 2% of the population (with success). This puts jews above Europeans in the hierarchy of races (according to Sup Forums logic).
>Sup Forums refuses to admit that maybe the jews are just pushing for multiculturalism because it favors them and not because of some big global conspiracy to eliminate white people.
I-I-It's not my shortcomings.. its da joooos!

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Why don't you whites stop being retarded and sort yourselves up instead of crying about muh jews all day?

Why dont you get back to getting stabbed and raped in the streets?

Your participation is amusing. Go on.

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how many oportunities for a final solution wasted

>"if you are misguided enough to play identity politics, the you require a victim (whites) and a perpetrator (Jews)."
>"Once you determine to play, however, you benefit in a number of ways. You can claim responsibility for the accomplishments of your group you feel racially/ethnically akin to without actually having to accomplish anything yourself. That’s convenient. You can identify with the hypothetical victimization of that group and feel sorry for yourself and pleased at your compassion simultaneously. Another unearned victory. You simplify your world radically, as well. All the problems you face now have a cause, and a single one, so you can dispense with the unpleasant difficulty of thinking things through in detail."
Why can't Peterson understand the importance of pride in your ancestors and a sense of belonging?

Don't those same IQ tests that show jews with high IQs also show blacks with low IQs?

jews are evil. Shitskins don't understand that they're being subjugated by proxy, to them it's all womyn shitflinging and muh dick. Maybe one day they'll evolve a prefrontal cortex too.

>if you are misguided enough to play identity politics

He's a boomer who has just barely translated the wisdom of the past into the discourse of the modern day.

But one must never forget that he is a boomer.

>is he right?
Yes. The biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. Of course there are influential groups vying for power, but they are more disorganized and scattered than people are led to believe. There is no tightly controlled global center of everything.

i am gay ;)

>he even had to add in "so called" to the JQ

he should distinguish between pride in yourself for the accomplishments of your ancestors, and appreciation for/a willingness to protect those accomplishments. As should identitarians.

He has a different interpretation of identity politics than I do... I think if it as understanding whites think similarly and I want my country to operate under white rule because I am white. Ethnicities have bias towards their own. That is why obama got 99% of the black vote. It has nothing to do with being a victim and everything to do with competition for resources/power with other ethnicities.

If you want to crack the Jews, DIVERSIFY THEM. Promote this dumb motherfucker as the next head of CNN or some shit.
Not my cup of tea, but someone drinks it.

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Right. Pride in your ancestors gives you pride in your civilization and what you have around you. It gives you a reason to want to conserve the great things your ancestors did for society.... conservatism and ancestor appreciation go hand in hand.

>Are they any less destructive to the overall values of western culture???

The fact that JP is actively avoiding talking about the role of jews in the west, and how they influence the political debate and thus society as a whole speaks volumes for what he truly knows.

Well, the "media jews" at least. You're more retarded than Shef if you hate the entire religion/ethnicity

The alt-right has been officially BTFO

What a good goy.

Not really, dummy. The blog wasn't even that great of arguments.

pic related
Yes, they do push multiculturalism for their own benefit. That’s our point. They constantly try to brainwash everyone with its benefit and convince everyone of how beneficial it is. They know the end result is the elimination of whites, and they don’t care because they aren’t white. The conspiracy is that they have a vigor for undermining their host nations purely for their benefit, and they are doing so now.

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>Thus, no conspiratorial claims based on ethnic identity need to be given credence.
Well, I guess that's that. Mods, pls delet Sup Forums, all we had to do was be individuals all along.

Don't see Uganda on the list . Idi Amin had some kind of tiff with the Isreali's hence the media lie's told of him.

just because a successful people pushes diversity doesnt mean a less successful people can't say fuck off kikes
african niggers are allowed to tell whitey to fuck off somewhere else too
Sup Forums consistency
truth is truth you kike apologist leaf

High IQ doesn't make a great nation. All white nations are desirable nations to live in. The IQ of the whites was enough.

>how do you do fellow kids?
this guy has always been an infiltrator

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Let me get this straight, JP addresses the JQ by citing the Jewish Supremacy argument. Yet, never touches on nepotism, never touches on a single statistic, never touches on the Talmud and how it speaks about gentiles.. Doesn't mention the porn industry and birth of the Catholic school girl.

Jordan Peterson the guy who hosts a lecture breaking down the subtle psychology of hitler propaganda showing jews eating a family dinner and the minuscule nuances within that. But glosses over the entire JQ in a patronizing manner.

Like others have said - he's accurate in answering the question, other than the fact that he didn't add nepotism.

I especially love the "why" part of identity politics that he wrote. Extremely succinct.

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He took the bait. Kevin MacDonald and E Michael Jones will have a field day with this.
Thanks Peterson, your fanboys will be redpilled in a couple of weeks.

I like how we're pretending now that AIPAC and the ADL don't exist.

this thread

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>is the fact that smart people are working hard for our mutual advancement really something to feel upset?

Oh gosh.

Jordan Peterson is a public figure. It would be social suicide for him to call Kikes parasites and religious zealots and trickster business men with no morals. We can because we enjoy freedom of speech with no consequences. However, the FBI and CIA niggers don't. They will imprison anyone that threatens to kill their money tree kike and rid the world of these degenerate religions.

We must accept this fact and not let the kikes get the better hand. Learn to work with them. Take what it is you need. Watch them wither and die. That is the Sup Forums way. Learn, before it's too late.

Thank God there are geniuses here on Sup Forums to guide us.

That's a good point actually.

Jews are as Nietzsche calls it a priestly people (which is a mindset, not literal priests)

All priestly people are vile naysayers to free will and seek to subvert others too them with pretty stories of what should be rather then what is

The worst man however is the Christian Jew hater

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thats a sad video that I'm sad I watched. Story?

Peterson's messiah complex won't change a thing. He's as insignificant as the modernist "philosophers" that make his peeny twitch. The so-called western civilization will cease to exist, not due to jews, muslims, or marxists, but due to its foundational precepts. It will be fun watching what happens throughout our lifetime.

Peterson is fighting windmills both on the left and the right, for the purpose of personal enrichment and public adulation.

>So, what’s the story? (in bold for emphasis) No conspiracy. Get it? (in bold again)No conspiracy.




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>JP shills Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago work as a counter to leftism.
>Completely ignores Solzhenitsyn's work (Two Hundred Years Together) that calls out (((them))) as the instigators of the Soviet system.

He's afraid desu.

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Brazil is not white. The end.

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We know this guy is great and you shills aren't going to change that.


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1) Asians have higher iq and don't have the ridiculous levels of over representation in culture and politics.

2) They are still outsiders in every society. So even if it were true that they are better and will take over every instituion, more reason to kick them in the ass.

He has your faggots' number:

First, psychologically speaking: why do the reactionary conspiracy theorists even bother? This is a straightforward matter. If you’re misguided enough to play identity politics, whether on the left or the right, then you require a victim (in the right-wing case, European culture or some variant) and a perpetrator (Jews). Otherwise you can’t play the game (a YouTube video I made explicating the rules can be found here). Once you determine to play, however, you benefit in a number of ways. You can claim responsibility for the accomplishments of your group you feel racially/ethnically akin to without actually having to accomplish anything yourself. That’s convenient. You can identify with the hypothetical victimization of that group and feel sorry for yourself and pleased at your compassion simultaneously.

for real

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Fuck this ultimate lefty/pol/ cuck faggot

Almost 20% are arabs in israel and they're the only middle eastern country to host LGBT parades.
This doesn't prove "the jews" aren't behind much of the shit in the world, but it shows that your arguments doesn't work.

Honestly consider suicide before our day will come. I will have great fun carving up your body.

>So, what’s the story? No conspiracy. Get it? No conspiracy. Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ. The effect of this group difference (approximately the difference between the typical high school student and the typical state college student) is magnified for occupations/interests that require high general cognitive ability. Equal over-representation may also occur in political movements associated with the left, because high IQ is associated with Openness to Experience, which is in turn associated with liberal/left-leaning political proclivities.
How does this justifies their crimes like the ones in USSR - red terror, gulags, famines... Which he himself constantly brings up.

>There is no evidence whatsoever that Ashkenazi Jews are over-represented in any occupations/interests for reasons other than intelligence and the associated effects of intelligence on personality and political belief. Thus, no conspiratorial claims based on ethnic identity need to be given credence.
>oy vey, there is nepotism, goy. Just high IQ and Openness to Experience

Fuck this dishonest piece of shit jew lover.

Faggots is an integral part of Jewish culture so it's not "multicultural" for them to have fag parades. It is a direct insult to Christendom to have this flagrant debauchery on our Holy Land tho

I don't understand why he thinks "Openness to Experience" is correlated with a high-IQ and left-leaning politics. From what I've seen people on the left are the most close-minded people. They live in bubbles. Meanwhile people on the right, more specifically, the far-right like us, are constantly pushing boundaries. We're the modern day rebels. Left-leaning politics is the status quo. They're not Open to experience because they smoke weed, dye their fucking hair, and get tattoos.

I don't understand, isn't this the board that believes in race realism? The apparent race hierarchy goes:
various qroups who lack "privilege" < Whites < East Asians < Jews.
There's plenty of evidence for this. Jews take up a crazy proportion of Nobel Prize winners and heads of business. For sure there's a good chance of nepotism happening on the business side, but nepotism is not rare. The intellectual superiority of Jews shouldn't be in dispute here.

Isn't the question actually why do they subvert everything and undermine the general populace once they have that power? There's a common idiom about that, I would have thought that was pretty straightforward. I've always felt there's a bit of a contradiction in this that people tend to overlook, Jews are well known for pushing Marxism and Communism, but they're also well known for pushing Capitalism, for the longest time that was what they were most associated with. The Jewish path (that we're most exposed to) is pretty clear:
>be smart
>worm your way into a position of power
>think "I've got big ideas for big changes that'll make everything better"
>fuck up and piss everyone off who never wanted revolution
>deny it was really your fault because you've got a massive ego from being a smart and persuasive person
rinse and repeat

Isn't the JQ merely how they seem so exceptionally conspiratorial and dishonest so much?

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Also, why is he critiquing people for having a "simplified" world view when he literally chalks every single fucking thing down to five personality traits?


Why do people take this pseudo-intellectual seriously? I'd rather listen to some dumbass redneck than this faggot because at least the redneck knows about hard work and shit that matters.

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Actually they just dont give a shit about whites. whites destroy themselves, thats kinda petersons point. Empowering white people is whats needed, not empowering socialist and totalitarian regimes.
Funny how a certain group want peterson to explicitly tell them to holocaust the jews when those same people get all butthurt when asked to simply clean their room.

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I honestly thought he was /ourguy/. He's incredibly smart and in academia but he's proven to be just another cuck.

Honestly please just neck yourself

What are you, dumb? Arabs lived there before Israel was even a thing. Meanwhile you have the chief rabbi calling black people monkeys and a democratically elected government that is deporting anything that is black.

If they want to show how loving and caring they are then open your borders to Africa like you're trying to do to every other civilized country on earth.

> inb4 Israel is a small country.

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Yeah, peterstein purposefully didn't actually address the JQ, just his strawman version

clean your room

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Neck yourself, lefty/pol/ cuck.

Media, Hollywood and academia aren't high IQ industries at all. The Jewish IQ counterargument that he uses is disingenuous as fuck. We're not talking about aerospace engineering or cancer research. Or the myriad of other high IQ industries.

It's not a coincidence that media, academia and Hollywood have significant influence on the flow of information and culture.

>dirty room
>kekistan faggot
>unrealistic violent fantasies
you will never amount to anything, you are the one that should neck himself. But i bet I dont need to tell you that, I bet you think about it all the time.

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E Michael Jones on Jordan Peterson and JQ

>defending your kike shill daddy
Good goyim. I will have so much fun killing leftist faggots like you.

>Jordan Peterson is a public figure. It would be social suicide for him to call Kikes parasites and religious zealots and trickster business men with no morals.

Shitty straw man. Absolutely nobody is advocating he does this.

He goes out of his way to bash white identitarianism while praising Jews and defending them from criticism on the grounds of their group traits & identity... yet opposes whites who defend themselves based upon their own identity. It's his pathetic hypocrisy that people are rightfully getting fed up with. If he doesn't want to get tangled up in this subject, he should've simply avoided it.

The biggest problem about understanding the JQ is to think that every single act perpetrated by an ethnic jew advocating for the destruction of white countries is made contientiously for the sake of their group instead of being the result of their radical culture of critique. Cultural jewish political radicalism is something real and many times it's destructive to jews too (it promotes racemixing for exemple).

Anyway, there is NGOs that are vastly dammaging to white countries like B'nai B'rit and ADL that do so in order to protect jews from nationalism and other collective group strategies of gentiles.

Japanese and Koreans also have high IQ and live mostly in cities, but they DO NOT create radical political movements as jews do. In fact, they are very friendly towards whites and pro-white whites.

Jews: more intelligent than the white man.
Kevin McD: retard attempting history.

I bet. you sound real dangerous, kid.

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He is 50/50 right.
1. Jews play an ethnic nepotistic game.
2. Jews more or less play by the LEGAL rules of the society.
3. Jews verbally disarm goys with accusations of anti-Semitism.
You brought it on yourself! Goys are attacking other goys for pointing out Jew tricks.
If goys just didn't do that, Jews would have no power. It would end by the snap of your fingers.


His answer is bullshit.

They are disproportionately represented in positions of power because they discriminate against other candidates to hire their own. ALL. THE. TIME.

When a group does this, 95% of the time, over many generations, the upper echelons would be dominated by them.

THIS is why this has happened. Not because of an "average higher IQ".

There are more qualified people for PLENTY of these positions, but those evil fucking kikes only hire their own to keep the perpetual kikery going.

Fuck all Jews. They all deserve to die for their betrayal of mankind over thousands of years.

He is 50/50 right.
1. Jews play an ethnic nepotistic game.
2. Jews more or less play by the LEGAL rules of the society.
3. Jews verbally disarm goys with accusations of anti-Semitism.
You brought it on yourself! Goys are attacking other goys for pointing out Jew tricks.
If goys just didn't do that, Jews would have no power. It would end by the snap of your fingers.

First comment on the website refutes Peterson's entire point perfectly. /thread

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That boils my blood.

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I haven't read the it yet, but before I do let me explain something about the IQ explanation:

A high IQ could NEVER explain the variance in wealth, high status positions and power between Jews and Whites. Jews have an higher Mean IQ, yes. But this means nothing.

There are only 2% Jews in America and. That is roughly 6 million. There are 60% Whites in America, which translates into roughly 200 million. Studies have shown that the difference between Jews and Whites is 1 std, that is roughly 15 points. Let's exaggerate a bit to demonstrate how ridiculous the IQ explanation is and assume that Jews have an Mean of 125IQ vs 100 for Whites. This is obvious false, but I want to exaggerate in order to demonstrate something.

Now an IQ of 125 would put you at the 95th percentile of the IQ distribution. Remember, there are only 6 million Jews in America. A 95th percentile IQ would mean that there are currently 10 million Whites who have an IQ of 125 or higher.

Conclusion: Even at an EXTREME estimate of Jewish Mean IQ (125 in this case), there would STILL be far more smarter Whites than smarter Jews living in America. I have NEVER heard any of these people who contribute Jewish success to IQ EVER mention the population difference.

the fuck you are posting it here mate, preaching to the choir here buddy
don't be a lazy cunt and actually fucking send this to peterson, everyone should
we should obliterate his email with JQ redpils until his assistant who reads them quits

I genuinely like Peterson. I could wreck his IQ argument, but I would never want to put him on the spot. I think he should just stop writing or speaking about the JQ. It will probably back fire on him once some Low-Inhibition guy figures out my argument on his own and confronts Peterson with it.

>juden b. picklestein
>so-called jewish question
stopped reading there