How do we make getting married and having families more fun than video games?

how do we make getting married and having families more fun than video games?

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You don't. Fuck off, I prefer video games.

You make it beneficial

Make the women more reliable than my pc

Women return to being actual women.

No divorce.
Women become property of men.

>how do we make getting married and having families more fun than video games?
beat the shit out of white women til they are happy to be chained barefoot in the kitchen and want to put the bonnet back on

Considering like 2/3rds of marriages get divorced these days, it's not hard to see why the male children of said marriages wouldn't want to play the divorce rape game

You cant women are not fun.

Do something about the roastie problem. Modern vidya is fucking garbage too, I won't play anything newer than PS2 and honestly I mostly stick to superior 2D 90s stuff.

Fix divorce law and ban single mother's AND THEIR SPAWN from gibs.

>men have hobbies
Women better stop being bitches, I guess.

Make women less entitled cunts so they're more appealing to men

because op is a fag who didnt bother linking the actual article i had to find it myself.


3DPD trash are already obsolette. Artificial wombs and VR waifus will seal the deal.
The glorious 2D waifu age is upon us~!

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link, where is link?

Every woman I've been with has betrayed me

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kill no-fault divorce and alimony.

Too late. Better luck next gen humans.

Honestly I don’t even understand how you guys find enjoyment playing some pointless digitized game. It’s just pixels. I stopped playing SIMs in middle school because I realized what a huge waste of time it was and that it was all fake. Go work out or read a book or go out and make something artistic for yourselves, damn. And I’m not perfect but I just don’t get the appeal

Does anyone have that picture of the numale eating fruit loops and watching Rick and Morty? No, we don't want to make raising a family more fun. We must show that pursuing fun usually leads to misery. It's a hard task considering how baby boomers have tought their kids to "follow their passions" and "do what they love." Turns out kids love video games and will keep loving video games until they grow up.


Gaming is power fantasy escapism, its increased popularity, especially among males of our generation, is derived from a feeling of helplessness. Cultivate self-empowerment in the real world.

Sounds like a (you) problem


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>be straight white male
>go into trade
>work hard
>spend all your free time playing vidya
>vidya is cheap so can save/invest all your money
>become millionaire by the time your 25 years old
>"checking out of society"

>be white woman
>spend 8 years in and out of college/uni for a worthless degree
>spend all your free time hating on white men while riding all the black dick you can find
>25 years old, $300k debt and no job
>no straight white wants to pay for your roastie now that your old and indebted for life

check the image faggots

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You don't.

Maybe the alphas come out once we reach a critical low, but that won't happen for a decade at least.

You're better off investing in artificial womb/egg research and free market mass nannying.

How about making them as expensive as video games.
If a kid cost me as much as a video game addiction I’d have a kid no problem.

>having a baby isn’t the ultimate hardcore video game
>takes 9 months to download
>can’t turn off alerts and notifications
>needs 18 years to max out its stats
>iron man mode always on

also found something hilarious in the article.

>After a while I realized that becoming master of a fake world was not worth the dozens of hours a month it was costing me, and with profound regret I stashed my floppy disk of “Civilization” in a box and pushed it deep into my closet. I hope I never get addicted to anything like “Civilization” again.

this guy describes playing games like being gay lol. how can you be so retarded. pic is him, apparently not playing video games didnt save him from being fat/genetically inferior

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Women join biker gangs and allow themselves to be declared property.

It’s enjoyable for me to play a quick game in between classes or something. Whether that game is a pvp video game or online chess doesn’t really matter to me, I just like pvp games

posted it awhile ago.

remove womens rights

>ban single mother's AND THEIR SPAWN from gibs.
This is very important. There should be consequences for being a used up cum bucket.

World War 3 will set all these faggots straight

Yeah sadly far too many do it for like 8 hours at a time and end up getting real emotions over it.

You don't make it more fun, you make it rewarding. What are the rewards for settling down and marrying a woman right now? Marriage used to be a partnership but at the moment women hold all the power.

It's not that games are more fun. It's that they are more fair. Do X and receive Y as your reward, every time. Real life does not offer this.

You're just as much part of the problem

fuck you nigger fight your own zionism wars

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Let you shoot bad wives?

replace women with child(male )bearing robots

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I'm scared to get married, if the mother of my children attempted to divorce me while the kids are still around I would go fucking batshit.

its just changing plus perspectives. Ppl have bought into the education, job, etc before marriage meme

>you don't even have to touch a woman to be considered a rapist
>wow why aren't males giving us attention?
hm maybe if someone could connect the dots?

Roastie getting toasty.

Capital punishment for out of wedlock pregnancy, two birds with one stone

That’s where the problem is, it grows into a clear obsession for some to the point where it’s overtaking their normal life.


This. If I go over to my cousin's house I can see how miserable he is being married with two constantly whining and crying kids. His wife doesn't cook or clean, he has no time for himself. That doesn't look fun at all.

I like to date and fuck chicks, but none of them I want to have kids with or marry. I see my cousin's life, it looks pretty shit desu.

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>survive WW3
>go back to roastie, she has given birth to black triplets while you were gone
>survive WW3
>free new world lets you build VR machines and robots so you can with your waifu forever

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make women more interesting, less controlling, and most importantly more willing

My friend works in the prosecutors office. He says they have to deal with hundreds of false rape accusations. This isn't the west fortunately so the cases get thrown out but says it's 99% party sluts that had sex then regretted it the next day.

I'm trade school right now and there is a massive shortage of skilled workers because of all the numale faggots. They can't find enough people to fill all the jobs. My instructor gets about 50 requests a day to hire his students


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24 married living at grandma in laws house, go to school for 12 hours a week and collect 1300 a month from GI bill.
I spend probably 8+ hours a day playing CK2, EU4, and browsing Chan's. I have absolutely no intention of paying taxes, but I also have connections with other work. Even been playing with the idea of starting a small security company in my area (personally forecast more instability [more crime] and would love to answer to myself vs incompetent middle managers) why play your games if you guys don't want me playing your games, I've got my own games.

Video games are the soyest thing ever. If you're going to have a beta hobby, at least build models or some shit, you'll feel more productive and satisfied. You're welcome.

People are so terrible now a days. The chances of me finding a good woman, who wont get sick of me after two years, and staying together for the rest of our lives seems so implausible now. I dont even care about getting laid anymore, I just want a life partner. I dont think they exist and I think its partly because I'm a terrible person too

Video games are just an form of escape from the hellish reich reality these kikes have turned our civilization into.

Heres the spoiler, its only going to get worse

I have a good family life but i have friends who have come over during crisis days, and i wouldn't be surprised if i turned them off the idea a bit.
Forcing people to raise children if they don't have any desire to is wrong though. Think of the life the kids will lead first, not the birthrate.

>how do we make getting married and having families more fun than video games?

Truly the question of a child

Know a good strategy for Duklja? I get subjugated by Bulgaria early in the game.

whatre you retarded

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It's a sign CIA niggers are watching you lad, better give Terry a call

Same in Sweden.

All I do everyday is put down floors and I literally make more than doctors do after 5.5 years of uni and two years of foundation programme.

Oh and I started working full time when I was 17.

>you can do anything if you put your mind to it
>i am going to live a life drenched in weed, porn, and video games

>I'm trade school right now and there is a massive shortage of skilled workers because of all the numale faggots.

t. Trade school recruiter

>how do we make getting married and having families more fun than video games?
Stop sucking Jew cock, for one.

Why when we will have robot families in the future?

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>Give up your youth, money, and future to have a family that resents you, a wife that will divorce you the moment it's financially appealing to her, leaving you broken and broke at age 40
>playing entertaining games, fucking barsluts and used up roasties, or jerking off to whatever porn you want.

Gee, I wonder why more men are opting out of the traditional lifestyle.

Thats bizarre because it's a similar story here except they import refugees to fill the schools and the trades. I would have thought sweden was in the same boat. You must have established a foothold before the real influx, like my friend did.

>doesn't mention porn
Jew york post

>Marcus the Manlet

T. Virgin soy boy still living with mom

Man I wish I would have started ten years ago. I would have a nice little nest egg set aside. Never too late tho.

Fix women.

If it wasn't video games it would just be some other solitary activity. I don't really blame people for wanting to opt out of a garbage society filled with garbage people, it's not exclusive to women.

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>liberals destroy society
>"WTF why is society destroyed?!"

Bullying. Plain and simple.
Bullying enforces behaviors that fall in line with the accepted norm.
Antisocial behaviors like video games were bullied once because hanging out in your room alone for hours was weird.
School shootings are reverse bullying. We fear and avoid and campaign against bullying because we fear school shootings, but that only plays into the hands of the bullied. The bullied win when the bullies are neutered and punished. Bullying leads to a school shooting? Ok?
Well shooting up a school is also a sign of antisocial and abnormal behavior, thus justifying the bullying and proving the bully's point. Kids are very perceptive in that regard.

In all seriousness you should all at least cut back on video games we have more pressing issues than fortnite

Blame the male. Yey. How bout "we are losing a whole generation of young women to feminism and whoring"

>Virgin soy boy

Sorry. Union millwright here. I just don't see all of these job openings you speak of. What scab trade are you learning anyhow?

Fix the family court system. However, the only way to do that is to stop letting women vote. And good luck with that since they make up the majority of voters.

you can't, SJWs and feminism have ruined everything.

be less of a betafag. avoid the beta bucks alpha fucks situation. be both the bucks and the fucks. like an actual man.

Welding. You must have picked a bad trade

I want to grab every woman by the shoulders and shake her as I say
"How about stop cheating on your men and leaving in no-fault divorces where you take everything they have, and half of everything the make for the next 20 years while you use their children as daggers to stab and twist in your chest, allthewhile poisoning them to their father. That'd be a start. I'd say that adultery, child support, alimony, and using children as weapons are a good 10% of your problem, ladies. Men don't need a 100% awesome deal. We'll take pretty much anything when it comes to what will allow us to have a family, but once the odds are such that you have a better chance of winning five consecutive coin flips than you do finding a woman with the integrity to maintain a marital vow, it becomes a known danger and we will avoid it like we would avoid the direction that howls come from when in the forest alone. That doesn't mean that Chads won't fuck you, ladies, not at all. They'll be there; they'll pretend to care just long enough to get into your pants, if you even require that much of them, and they'll move on the next day to your friends. How empowered your life is. How strong, and lovely, and free you are. Free to share the hottest men among you and your bevy of 5/10-7/10 girl friends, at least until you turn 25. Isn't this cock carousel so much more pure than the evil patriarchal institution of marriage, that kept you in doors and secluded from the world, like a sex slave who welps an infant every few years?"

Seriously, what will it take for women to hear this? Do you have any ideas?

wtf why would men want to play an entertainment product that gives you near unlimited freedom without any consequences, rather than go out into soul crushing reality where everyone is against you becuase you was born straight and white bad goys make me sheckels

There was a time when things like courtship and principle were part of our society. That has been replaced with alcoholism and sexual liberation. There is nothing worth fighting for. There is nothing worth defending.

>Get the women to do it
They wanted ""Equality"" right?

Oy vey... our customers!!!

>Losing a whole generation of young men

>Continues to fight patriarchy
>Promoting obesity as being normal
>Talks about high population numbers

>promotes abortions..."her body her choice "

Umm guys so what if I am a whale come get married o wait I need to make a carrier for myself we abort the first one ok..?

O look the obesity really is a health problem who would know....O also it seems I was left infertile after the first abortion + my fat didnt

I guess we adopting an african kid...

Honey you know what I decided you raped me to prison now...

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The appeal is that men are competitive and want to dominate something.

1066 start, play the son Vlad, inherit from dad, convert to Catholic and keep marrying into Hungary. Just started a game with them now, going to see if it works.

That isn't meant to be some argument for puritanism, mind. Women having rights isn't an issue. It's how the climate is abused. Society is off keel. There is no sense of dignity or shared responsibility. And if you bring it you get people screeching that borders are wrong and that nationalism is bad. And then a moment later after the blood haze passes they're on the ground with their throat ripped out and you're standing there with a bloody knife.

What the fuck?

Man, I’ll be a plumber.

bitches cost money

fortnite is free (literally)

easy choice

Make it possible

Well if we keep wasting our lives on videogames instead of working to fix our situation then things are only going to get worse. Are we supposed to just let ourselves be wiped out?