Would Hitler of sent me to a death camp for being a NEET...

Would Hitler of sent me to a death camp for being a NEET? Seems ironic that many people on this site are National Socialist but they carried out an extermination campaign against asocial people

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Stop fucking making this thread.

Yes. And he would've been right to do so.

Why? I'm a human being and I want to help the world

Nobody cares. The weak must be exterminated.

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You would not be NEET in NS Germany. You would have a job and maybe even a sense of purpose.

Weak = anyone who refuses to work for jews? Hitler himself was once unemployed
If the world was fair, I would work. I'm not going to sell my labor power to jews for them to profit from

Yes, but he wasn't jerking off and watching waifus all day.

Was thinking this last night. Without all the minorities and women taking employment, my job prospects would be looking a hell of a lot better.

I'm not either, you projecting little shit. I'm an autodidact, I use my time to nurture my knowledge and learn of the world

Do you know how fucking normal it is to be asocial? We were asocial when we were hunter gatherer nomads. We hunted and fucked. It was a good time. Now we can't be left alone in our rooms without getting stereotyped and profiled by FBI niggers.

You swine made this construct. You're working yourselves to death. Keep running wagey xD

no,he would give you a purpose

I'd love to go back to hunter-gatherer days, lifelong dream....but what are you going to do, kill off 7.5 billion people? Good luck buddy. Until then you're stuck here with the rest of us.

Social selection is fail. Sociology is not a science! Objectively we need micron resolution of the brain before we can perform "Cognitive sorting".

In lei of centralized eugenics, in the mean time voluntary eugenics should be promoted, before we can characterize individuals to provide them with guidance in regard to their naturally bestowed potential.

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Also Nazi Germany was gassing autists as part of Aktion T4.
The Asperger syndrome was invented by a doctor who did not want autistic children gassed, and he came up with a new name so dumb bureaucrats would think it's something else and leave the kids alone.

>being a NEET because the society is fucked up and you don't give a fuck
>being a NEET in the Reich while you could do something for the glory of your fatherland

You see the difference? I hate modern Germany and my inner conflict is to work for some money while most of it goes to Achmed or damage this society by leeching like a nigger. It's not even some educational thing, companies/headhunters even call me for jobs, it's just that I really hate how things are going. I hope I can go to Austria soon.

How is Austria better?
From what I have seen it's also massively cucked.
Unless you want to go to Tirol or something.

>death camp
how blue pilled can you be?

When will neets learn that the true land is the wilderness, the neets of now need to become the Huns of tomorrow withdraw to the wilderness make neet clans worshipping anime then crush the decadent Eloi in the cities.

Maybe, but they have Kurz. Everything is better than Merkel and the other shitheads that call themselves our government. These people disgust me.

>Would Hitler of sent me to a death camp for being a NEET?

> Seems ironic that many people on this site are National Socialist but they carried out an extermination campaign against asocial people
But the people here aren't living in nazi Germany.
The current system can suck my fucking dick.

Hitler wouldn't of allowed you to be NEET. You'd of been put to work.

Yep. NEETs and antisocials are useless to the homeland, they are weak and any support for national socialism they have is totally misguided.

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This fellow Hans gets it.

High functioning autism can be a boon in some areas. The Nazis would want people who were hyper focused and had no empathy. Very efficient for advancing medicine and technology.

What wilderness?

You need to be exterminated. Get over it.

You're mistakenly assuming that the Nazi regime was rational.
It wasn't, the policy was created by Bormann noting down Hitler's rants at the dinner table. The result was that they were making shit up as they went.
So for example in 1942 Ukrainians were seen as subhumans for extermination, while 1944 they were staffing Waffen-SS (SS-Galizien). This is particularly ironic because SS was all about creating "a new man", who was supposed to be an Aryan ubermensch.

Much of it is pretty rough living but Pure green areas would be pretty easy to live in if you could eke it out in the specific clime, light green you might be dodging enforcement but enough neets should be able to pull clout with local individuals. if not just get violent and vanish into the bush.

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>All NEETs are basement dwelling government assisted retards that don't want to work.
You would know that is false if you went outside sometime but you are probably agoraphobic since this is Sup Forums.

What are you doing right now to improve your situation and the lives of those you care about?

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You mean like NS Germany was?

>Seems ironic that many people on this site are National Socialist but they carried out an extermination campaign against asocial people
Lets break this down

>because OP is antisocial, he assumes everyone on this site is.
classic projection
>OP believes Sup Forums is one person or a group of people that all have the same opinion.
this is a classic autism symptom, not being able to differentiate individuals
>OP just assumes that the antisocial people on this site are "National Socialist" with no proof
why wouldn't they be libertarians?

Most NEETs are the hikikomori type that goes out of the way to never socialize or leave their room. They hate socializing, hate people, and can't fit in.

I've spent a long time looking into this. Was hoping to be surprised. The only place I see viable is Alaska, and I'm having a hard time convincing the wife to settle there in the wild all year.

I've been mulling over Utah, Matt Graham did primitive living there for while so it's definitely achievable, but I really want to keep sheep and work with that