Kosovo is Kosovo

Kosovo is Kosovo.

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Macedonia is Greek

>Macedonia is Greek
No, that's it's own country too.

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you got that wrong bud,Kosova is Albania

Thats the Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia.

Don't forget the other words user

Kosovo is Serbian

whose kosovo?

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>Kosovo is Serbian
>declared by a Serbian



serbian for land of blackbird

Keep on wet dreaming buddy.

Attached: AchmedsGrandEnding.webm (480x360, 2.91M)

Declared ?
It was for centuries Serbian and still is no matter how many 10ft Clinton statues you build and worship like faggots in Tirana.

Attached: AchmedChargesSpetsnaz.webm (480x360, 2.04M)

I don't give a fuck but imagine being so pathetic your identity is based on hating Slavs but you use Slavic names for every place in your "country", and name of your "country" is Slavic too.


That was a pretty badass last stand if I'm honest.

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>butthurt kebab removers still cannot admit that Kosovo is independent from Serbia

Lets remind everyone here that Analbania got on this world only in 1913yr just because Brits and Italians didnt want serbian monarchy to have acces to sea and port of Drach.
Rest is unimportant hitory of that shithole part of world.

The day will come.

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Serbian army kicked out turks and liberated port town of Drach and was rewarded by London afreement to form Analbania.

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I would take that to be an axiom.

Hoćeš ti da se preseliš na Kosovo?
Budi iskren.
To je problem sa Srbima, mnogo seremo i busamo se a niko ne bi da uradi nešto korisno.
Kosovo je izgubljeno za najmanje nekoliko decenija.
Natalitet nam je u kurcu i odseljavanje je ogromno.
Tako da imaš dvije opcije: Kosovo sa zaostalim šiptarima, ili praznu regiju koja će samo da košta.
A drugo, ko će to da nam dozvoli da u 21. vijeku očistimo Kosovo od milion i po ljudi?
Jedino da Zapad potpuno ode u kurac, a i onda je upitno.

Ne svađam se, samo pričam.
Malo mi je čudno koliko energije trošite na Kosovo, a puca vam kurac za RS i CG gdje ima dosta Srba i velike šanse za ponovno ujedinjenje.

Nothing badass in kissing pavement face down like gunned down dog. imo

Kosovo is Serbia
Macedonia is Serbia
Everything is Serbia

Attached: serbia strong.jpg (479x479, 49K)

Realno, ne bi nam ni dali da ga cistimo, ali zato nece biti po njihovom.
Oni kad bi mi priznali Kosovo vec sutra bi ga pripojili Albaniji, pa bi onda krenuli na Sandzak, pa Rasku, Vranje , Nis itd.
Das im prsti,uzece ti ruku.
Oni mogu da zive u pokrajini visoke autonomije, kako god hoce.Svi manastiri ,crkve,fabrike,Telekom i ostalo sprsko ostaje sprsko, ne njihovo.Basen Kolubare takodje.
Formirati zajednicu srpskih opstina i skloniti tkzv. granicu ispod njih.
To za pocetak.

A final charge knowing full well you are going to die for a cause you believe in is pretty badass.

But Kosovo is the birthplace of Albanians Ivan.
You came there in the middle ages.

Pa nisam ni ja za priznanje. Više za ignorisanje.
>oni mogu da žive
Opet te pitam, ti bi da živiš sa milion i po šiptara kojima je poenta života mržnja Srba i Slovena?
Aj makar da su kao Albanci ovdje ili iz Albanije, makar malo civilizovani. Kosovari su dno dna, cigani.

Mnogo su naroda proterali odande, koji se realno nikad nece vratiti medju divljake.
Zato treba sacuvati sve ostalo sto je srpsko dole, ukljucujuci imovinu Srbije a njima neka zemlje koliko hoce.
Samo da se ne prikljucuju Albaniji.Ako nece milom uvek moze silom, samo treba pustiti da prvi krenu, da ne bude posle mi krivi opet,treba iskoristiti medije kako treba a ne ko Sloba da vice malo morgen Nemackoj i Nato-u.
Bole nemce qrac za albance, samo im treba baza dole da nas i Balkan kontrolisu.

Go back to Prizren what in the fuck are you doing in side New Zealand shittying it up? You probably are a refugee hopefully you were exposed to radioactive fallout during the bombings.

When serbs came there there wasnt ANYTHING albanian or remotely named like that there. It was different tribes warring among eachother.
Modern Analbania became in 1913, before that they didnt have any national unity or indentity.

>birthplace of Albanians
>not a single place has Albanian name
>not a single Albanian cultural remnant or monument
>region itself has Slavic name which Albanians use
Even without consulting history, any historian will laugh at your face, unless he's paid to spout that bullshit.

Crimea is Russia

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Zato i treba napraviti rezervat dole, sa svake strane.
Vidis da cepaju Makedoniju, sve rade samo da naprave smrdljivu fiktivnu v. analbaniju, a vidim vasi politicari bas se ne ustrucavaju oko demarkacije, cak i cestitke salju Haradinaju.Alal vera za bastion srpstva.
Samo zamrznuti sve dok se ne rasele po belom svetu, i sami znaju u kojim govnima zive.

it would be nice bait if you wrote from real country

Slažem se ali slobodno zaboravi na nasilno rešavanje pitanja.
Misliš ti da je Slobo stvarno njih nešto klao i tlačio?
Ne kažem da nije bilo zločina, ali to je glupost.
Njima je i to malo bilo dovoljno da sponzorišu teroriste i naprave masakr u medijima.
Nisu na našoj strani, jebiga.
Jedino se nadaj da odu u kurac i da Rusija ojača. A u međuvremenu, baviti se pametnijim stvarima. Ekonomija, natalitet, kultura. Sve je to u kurcu brate moj. Srbi su dno dna postali. To je naš problem, šiptari su negdje 7 ili 8 na listi.

Kosovo is Camp Bondsteel

lol says the serb. You are essentially a serbnigger. Look back a thousand years ago and Albanians still existed. Skenderbeg fought against the Turk whereas you slavshits joined side with them. Serbia is responsible for much of the darkening of Europe.


Absence of national identity doesnt deny the existence of the people.
It's no coincidence that albanian identity is made through race and language more than government or laws.
Those tribes you speak of were proto-albanians.

Nisu oni moji brate. Njih je postavio Zapad, glasa ih lokalni šljam i ovi koji od njih zavise, a što im fali glasova pokradu ili im daju muslimani i Albanci.
Crnogorci su ogromnom većinom protiv toga (mislim na pravoslavce), ali jebiga, postali smo pičke prevelike. Eno ti i sam Marković priznaje da je 85% bilo protiv priznanja Kosova.
Istovremeno ti priznaje da su oni ništa drugo no zapadni satrapi.

Looks more like a piece of Serbia to me.......

Macedonia is Bulgarian

Shill more faggot.
WE literally expelled Turks from Balkans, alongside Greeks,Bulgarians and Romanians.
You didnt even exist even in fiction till London 1913 you analbanian faggot and you know it.
Go build another Clinton statue with bigger dick you can suck on.

Kosovo is Socialist Yugoslavia.

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>Look back a thousand years ago and Albanians still existed
Albanians didn't exist even 500 years ago, they came with the gypsies in the 16th century. Go back to pakistan you fucking cow.

Tacno tako. 100% tako treba, nadam se da ce se svi opametiti vec jednom.

Socialism caused all this shit.
Not that they didn't do good things, but they also did bad things and unsustainable things that resulted in 90s.

I think you mean Yugoslavia?

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Crimea is Putin’s personal playground.

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Serbia and their bitch Jr. partner Mount Negro caused most of the problems.

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You fucking idiot learn history. The Albanian people were the ones fighting off the Turks where as the Serbian traitors married them. Don't look at modern Albanians, who are essentially Turkish rape babies due to hundred year invasion which Serbia let happen.

> c*mmunist

absolutely fucking disgusting. fuck you nigger subhuman

DNA evidence suggest the contrary but you are too dumb to know Igor. We are actually more European than you.


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Thats like saying gypsys are proto-new-world Gypsy land nationals, they live everywhere, speak same language yet they somehow dont have any country.
Now imagine bongs made them a country in London and now they claim they were unified same natives there all along.

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Nama treba disciplina. I da očistimo korov.
Pa posle, kad Srbin može da živi normalno, kad Srpkinja može da rađa, kad popovi ne diluju gudru, kad Happy nije najgledaniji kurac u zemlji, kad Srbi ne žive u tri države, onda možemo da pričamo o povratku Kosova i drugim stvarima.
A do tad, to je samo zamajavanje naroda i trošenje energije.

You accepted turkish dick and their DNA with their religion you faggots.
Says the Mohamed, Edis etc. to Igor,Ivan,Milos
.Sure you are.

cut off from kosovo
make life of serbian christian better
wait for right time to restore what was ours
when i say was
i mean 3 seas

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Tito told the (((Democrats))) to fuck off, and he told Stalin to fuck off. He was okay in my book.

you're getting baited

>expelled turks form the balkans
Ah yes I see that's why turkey still owns
Constantinople and hagia sophia is still a mosque get fucked orthocucks

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But why?
Maybe because 40% of Serbs lived outside of Serbia?
Maybe because federal government was doing shit about Kosovo?
Maybe because Vojvodina was separated for no reason but to appease Croats?
Maybe because all these compromises meant shit and Croats and Slovenians still wanted more and more?
It's easy to rely on popular/media tropes and blame only Serbs, but course of events tells a different story.

eitherway, a shithole.

>The Albanian people were the ones fighting off the Turks
>due to hundred year invasion which Serbia let happen
Which one is it, Serbia let it happen or Albanianaloamas were fighting it off?

Da ali ne treba u medjuvremenu zmureti i na te probleme.
Kao sto rekoh, zamrznuti sve ovako kako je do boljih vremena, dok se ne dovedemo u red.

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Actually, Serbians have historically more Serbian DNA. Serbian royalty even married his daughter to a Turk during the invasion. My grandfather had his Y DNA from western Europe and was 100% European. My grandmother likewise.

Not reponding with a (you sorry bitch.

Upravu si,odoh spavati. Ko im jebe mater raspalu siptarsku, ili ciji god da su.

Why are those two contradictory statements? Serbia let it happen and Albanians were fighting it off. Albanian was a country of little land and people. serbia was much large and had more allies, therefore could have actually done something.

actually kosovars have more palestinian dna, pic related
you have to go back tonibler

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Unified maybe not but natives still.
The most accepted theory is that Albanians originate from Kosovo and northren albania. Just deal with it.

Btw your dna puts closer to arabs than us.

Kosovo is a meme therefore should be anexed by some meme nation from an area that should not even exist

Serbian royalty, 1 princess that went 1000kms away to be wife of some mudslime.
The very fact that im dont have muslim name despite 300 years of their occupation shows which DNA i have.
Can 90% of your mudslime country say the same?
Pro tip, it cant.

tfw your actual country flag is a memeflag

Naravno. Ali treba nam nešto pravo, iskreno.
A ne ovaj šljam koji gledaš danas sa svake strane.
Ja kad vidim ko su neki Srbi patrijote povraće mi se.
Patrijota koji diluje droge i daje pare na kamatu i bije se po utakmicama.
Takvi su beskorisni. Treba to sve po kratkom postupku. Kao što rekoh, disciplina.

why can't we just let kosovo and build new monuments, wait for better times to restore it, we lost and won a lot in past, we recovered from way worse, but then we were kingdom
stop getting baited

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>Btw your dna puts closer to arabs than us.
seestop LARPing as "western europeans" when just your severely inbred phenotype shows it off

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Sure it does t. Edis the turk.

>Serb never fought the Turkish ottomans
What is battle of Kosovo? You either have 3 brain cells (you're albanian won't put it past you tbqh) to truly think this or its a sad attempt at strawmanning. Serbs fought the most encounters with the Turks in the whole balkans, they were literally in every battle while you alboshits that speak half turk words in your language today, hardly even battled once.

Tako je.

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Deal with the facts for once shitheads.

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that is Australia on a flag bud i don't know what the fuck a kosovo

Some scholars believe that theLatininfluence over Albanian is ofEastern Romanceorigin, rather than ofDalmatianorigin, which would excludeDalmatiaas a place of origin.[15]Adding to thisthe several hundred wordsin Romanian that are cognate only with Albaniancognates(seeEastern Romance substratum), these scholars assume that Romanians and Albanians lived in close proximity at one time.[15]The areas where this might have happened is theMorava Valleyin eastern Serbia.[15]

Stop being petty. I know my race has faults but you are no Aryan neither broski.
Just accept the truth and move on

when is the new brand of chocolate commin out ?

Agim pls


Kosovo belong to Serbia. Go and smuggle some organs and fuck your 1st cousin Ahmed

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The scholars who support a Dacian origin of Albanians maintain that between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD, Albanians moved southwards from theMoesianarea,[21]while those scholars who maintain a Thracian origin hypothesize that the proto-Albanians are to be located in Thracian territory in the area betweenNiš,Skopje,SofiaandAlbania[22]or from theRhodopeandBalkan Mountains, where they moved to Albania before the arrival of the Slavs.[23]

Autochtonous baby.

Btw it's not us who share dna with turks but the other way around.
Europe colonised Africa a while ago but you find more africans in europe than the other way around today. Same story happent to most superpowers. 2/5 of todays turks are ethno albanians

Yugoslavia was a mistake.

Cisplatina is Brazil

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Kosovo is the Mudslime shithole the NWO will use to overrun Yurop, according to prophecy. If you believe in such things..

What prophecy? Post link to test the meme, if gets, maybe Kek is in the thread

That is because of the historical anomaly that was Kemal Ataturk. Thankfully Erdogan is doing everything he can to devolve them into the islamic banana republic they should have become a century ago.

>muh proto-albanians
Not even a complete ethnogenesis let alone a formed national identity

>somehow Kosovo is in Moesia/Thracia
Shqip can't into geography as it seems. Also by this logic should we claim the lands around Dnieper and Dniester river?

>muh DNA meme
So fucking what? You have also DNA of fucking liana vines inside you and what? You should argue over with Brazil about who has more clay in amazon rainforests? Get the fuck out.

This is about culture and civilization. We got our asses kicked by the Ottomans, got subjugated and utteely defeated. Same as you. But while we persevered our identity you turned your backs on christianity and Europe and assimilated into the invaders. The only thing worst than a Turk is a Poturica. And that is your legacy.