Democrat General

Since this is now a Democrat board I'm going to start making the Democrat generals. ITT we will discuss the blue wave, how to motivate people to come out and vote in the midterms for our candidates and how horrible Drumpf is.

>Republicans Start Talking Impeachment
>Cooper: Trump deafeningly silent on alleged affairs
>Blue Wave Coming? Democrat Upsets Trump District In HISTORIC Swing
>Why Robert Mueller 'Following The Debt' Scares Trump, Kushner

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kek based donkeyflagnigger

that's good because we are tolerant and progressive smart people. Not the racist and anti-semitic retards that voted for drumpf

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Just cause we don’t support Trump anymore doesn’t mean we’ll help the Tumblr/Reddit/Facebook/Twitter party.

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you guys don't have a choice. This board is going blue just like the primaries AND the next president after Trump's impeachment

Trump isn't getting impeached you fucking retard

Trump will be re-elected. I guarantee it. MAGA!!!!

he's going to jail for his affair with stormy daniels and russian collusion. He also worked with the russian mafia in new york. The only question is which crime will he go to prison for first?

You don't go to prison for banging sluts.

Buy more guns these Antifa faggots are just shilling . Remember real power comes from the end of a barrel !

14th for ISRAEL

>implying we're democrats now
Just because we hate Trump that doesn't mean we like you cucks any better.

he cheated on his wife and paid her not to expose his tiny dick you retard

Let's make them slaves again.

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we don't support Israel

Nobody but radical feminists care he had sex with a porn star.

>They hate Trump so they'll just be democrats now
You fucking dummies don't understand this board at all do you?

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Not what you guys were saying when Clinton was in the office.


I've been coming here longer than you. We were originally a democrat board we didn't become right wing until the_donald people came here

>Sup Forums is Democrat

Democrats hang first on DOTR

I used to be a Democrat irl
convince me to come back


democrat thread? democrat thread.

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Just imagine the smell

you don't have a choice you fucking idiot. Not only is Trump and the republicans in huge trouble, after today even his biggest supporters are turning on him. He will be impeached by the end of next week most likely.

The blue waffle

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I remain unconvinced. Got anything in terms of policy rather than "Ra Ra Ra! My team beats your team!" high school level infantile bullshit?
I'm open to it.

I still support DONALD

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see a psychiatrist immediately

What for

Statistically democrats have higher iqs


Then why does the process of an electoral college blow their mind?

>Generational inner-city gibsmonkeys and illegal bean goblins have a higher IQ?

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>having an affair as president is the same as a billionaire playboy banging hookers years before even running
Good to see you're fucking retarded.

Reminder of what the Democratic Party used to stand for.

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Even your parody threads are stupid
>Hope you're ready to sacrifice EVERYTHING, senselessly react to a game you dont even know the score,or the rules know youre losing everything and the proof is all over your weak,estrogen bloated faces.Your'e all scared shitless (and you should be.) You will NEVER get the narrative back...

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