So by making a fake Facebook profile...

So by making a fake Facebook profile, we learned that Facebook will only respond to Leftists who report "abusive" Leftist posts, articles, etc. If a Leftist profile reports a post from CNN, the censors are more inclined to take it down.

Step 1-- Create fake YouTube, Facebook, Twitter profiles, etc. Disguise them as Leftists. TrollJan Horse the enemy, and force them to play by their own rules.

Step 2-- With these LeftBots, report content from all Leftist outlets that do not meet the recent censorship requirements. This means articles, videos, any posts that show guns; Such as the sawing of guns, displaying the "danger" of guns (If we can no longer have safety demo and instructional videos, they shouldn't push "violent" fear mongering ones..) Report any content with B-roll footage and stock photos of guns, injured children, racism and biased slander toward whites and Christians. Anything percieved as "graphic violence", "harmful acts", "Clickbate"

Step 3-- The censors will censor the Left. The Left will either (A) Be forced into loosening their biased grip, the platforms will be forced to apologise, and it will shed an immense light on their blatant hypocrisy. Possibly bigger than ever before (B) If they clamp down on the Leftist profiles, they will start banning and removing actual Leftist's content, exposing the Left to their own hypersensitive censorship. Or (C) If they have censors to manually analyze each report, it will be even more convincing; being as they were reported from accounts that appear Leftist

**TIP: One key is to dig through the older posts, videos and articles that do not meet the current censorship requirements. This is what the Left has been doing to conservatives. No matter how much we comply with their constantly evolving standards, they will search through all of your old posts and remove your content, causing strikes to channels and bans of accounts- simply due to videos we have long forgotten about.

Attached: CensorTheCensors.jpg (1883x1710, 871K)

Other urls found in this thread:

**REMEMBER: The Left doesn't think ahead. They are emotional, and reactionary by nature- and will react accordingly; in an extremely reflexive manner.

[For instance, how the Obama campaign advisors data mined the profiles of 150,000,000 facebook profiles in 2012. The Left praised it, calling it the "Holy Grail" of campaigning.

When Cambridge Analytica used the same data mining techniques to mine 50,000,000 the Left reacted in a reflexive manner by happily throwing their own under the bus. Somehow forgetting the vast amount of articles praising Obama and social media for using the same exact techniques in 2012. They are attempting to regain control over social platforms.]

Because hate it or not, the inception of social media has created a new environment for election campaigns, and if we don't have an equal standing online, we greatly lose touch with the youth- and seeing as how we don't have Hollywood, we don't have celebrities, and we definitely don't have Universities- and witnessing how vital of a roll these all play on the minds of our youth; We need to get some kind of foot back in the door. They are private companies, so why not utilize their features to our full advantage as consumers.

We won't win a war against an enemy who doesn't play fair. An enemy that uses our own morality against us. We stopped Kamikaze's with an atomic bomb. It is high time we Agent Oranged this entire forest and finally got to exposing this enemy.

Very good point. Make some while you can, I still have my multiples

>"If you're opponant believes in the concept of Freedom, use that against him. Because if he foolishly believes in Freedom, he won't be willing to use the underhand tactics that you do... He will play fair.. While you play dirty." -- The Lost Protocols of the Elders of Zion

They use our own morals against us

Bump n sheeeiiit

Attached: MassFlagging.jpg (750x1334, 359K)



Attached: CNNReport4.png (1080x1472, 204K)



A Mass Flagging. We'll use what is at our disposal

Attached: MassFlagging.png (1000x963, 310K)

Attached: CNN.jpg (623x1024, 82K)

Freedom bump


Attached: memewarsneverends.jpg (880x615, 292K)

Liberty Bump

Have a bump OP


Create Israel #1 fan club

Attached: LeftBotMeme.jpg (1024x655, 175K)

Why the fuck would we do this? The radical left is our greatest asset.
Remember that article in a uni newspaper that said "white people: your genes are an abomination"? That's redpill material right there, and if our opponents cloak their feelings because of censorship we lose this ammunition.


Attached: Spimpulous.jpg (1416x640, 91K)

Good point, but would they ever allow their feelings to ever be cloaked? It seems they'll lash out at their own platforms before they ever agree to censor themselves. I personally don't think anything will change until they start to experience the exact same level of censorship we do.


The thing is, by reporting leftist content too much, we betray that we are really right wing. Tricking the algorithm isn't likely going to be easy, and I don't think using some soy boy as your avatar pic is going to cut it.

You can't just Look like a Soyboy, you got to talk like one, act like one, and really nail in "I'm a Soyboy" to the people that look at your page.

get other people to make extreme right wong material and report that too.

True. If the end is to restore the equilibrium of Freedom, and their endgame is to destroy it then deflecting the censorship back at them might be worth it, if it regains freedom for all of us

What I mean is, they might stop censoring the things we report because our accounts are flagged as "far right" even though we're posting shit about our queer dance theory and our feminist video game analysis, since we report anointed Real News™ sources.

This is an easy approach to address, is my point.

pretend like you're a feminist woman, with a grossly inflated sense of accomplishment/entitlement. to get a good idea of what your character should be, go look at the hashtags #IntersectionalFeminist #humanrights #Beyonce #takethepowerback #ResistTrump #walkout

Pretend you have a Tranny son and "praise" him oh, I mean "her"?

I think this approach is better. Instead of trying to censor the left, be more left wing than the left. Always double down. Go as far left as possible, and make sure to spill out into normie zones and make an ass of yourself. Get your leftist friends to dogpile normies with accusations of misogynerd racism or whatever.

Feign being left wing and antagonize uninvolved people mercilessly. It's like commie accelerationism, except applied to the commies.

You got to act fast, but it's a High speed Low drag kinda thing, you gotta be fast but still be convincing.

I missed being a part of shenanigans

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This is a really good idea. And the easiest part is we wouldn't have to actually believe what we are saying. And people would never know when we are being rediculous, they'd just attribute it to Lefty mental illness


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Y'all think some of us should post links to vids that are a Target to mass flag?


Attached: 1521711265676.jpg (707x737, 137K)

Is this a good start for what your average SJW white woman in the 20-30 age range would like? Anything else I should add?

And what are some accounts that we can add to this easily?

Attached: file.png (713x805, 225K)

Add the Office to the TV Shows bit, sprinkle in a couple books, Fiction books and you should be pretty damn close, follow some absolute hardcore femenists, like... "Kill all men" tier.

Fair. Here's the account id: 100025054032501

Add it

Was meant for

Perfect idea

Here are some CNN videos that show guns

Here is a CNN video of the man getting shot in front of the White House. Definitely worthy of a "Violent or Graphic Content" report

Attached: CNNstomp.jpg (300x259, 15K)



Doing gods work

Bump bum bum da bummmmmmp

Too funny

I don't know what the fuck this is but I reported it hahah BuzzFeed's Facebook has TONS of sketchy articles that can easily get removed. Alot of shitty sexual/race ones

Attached: Buzzfeed7.png (1080x1465, 558K)

Alot of good reportable CNN videos in the 'related videos' to this

Attached: CopShotByNigger.png (1080x1167, 616K)

the red fox flies at dawn

Attached: 1520452344475.png (1200x1000, 299K)

Bumpin if actually happening.

The algorithm is based on what things you "Like" in Facebook, and which people you follow

Need to definitely get this one down. This one is probably the easiest and most important one. This is a well known one too, that one of that CNN reporter firing a gun for his first time. And YouTube just banned gun demo videos. Definitely reporting on all of my channels

Attached: CNNDEMO2.jpg (1865x1903, 691K)

fuckin lol'd

I don't really get what this ban entails; if you search for AR-15 on youtube, 28.7 million results come up. Do you really think they are going to delete all 28.7 million videos?