If communism is so bad, why do people want it back?

If communism is so bad, why do people want it back?

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Anything is better than FUCKING BLUMP

Because recovering from communism is like a normie escaping from prison into a nuclear wasteland.

I want the government to be mommy and daddy because mine kicked me out and life is hard.

Strictly gen x women who think it'll work this time and millennials who aren't capable of remembering the cold war and duck and cover.

Because it sounds nice
>everyone is equal
>no poverty
>no wars
>no rich business men that make a profit off of slavery

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Utopian ideas for gullible people. Faggot.

National Socalism>Strasserite>Non-Natsox Facist Movements>>>>Communist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(((Capitalist))) and Modern (((Communism)))
Reminder that the communist purge all the faggot sjws when in charge, Lenin's useful idiots and all the degenrates are gone. Early communism was atleast built on some fair philisopical principles, but I will admit that modern communism is utter jew shit. Old school communism is better than capitalism, but still not Natsoc

Because most people are fucking idiots and totally ignorant of history. Your average idiot is always going to be interested in free handouts.

Everyone is equal because everyone is dirt poor.
No poverty because dirt poor is enforced by law


Because Capitalism is shit too. Would you rather some corporate globalist shit show where your country is abused by faggots with too much power or would you rather have your country under a communist system where you are stepped on by a tyrannical government and abused but at lease nobody from a third world country will want to invade your shit

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Because anything is better than neoliberal capitalism, gay propaganda in schools, niggers on the television, illegals raping your women and the police doing nothing about it and Jews telling you you deserve to die for being white.

As bad as communism was, at least it wasn't this.

Because they're stupid and untalented.

because people are lazy and like free gibs

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Personally, I think communism sounds great. The problem is that enforcing communism requires totalitarianism. I theoretically support small-scale anti-capitalistic measures such as profit sharing co-ops but I do not support system-wide mandatory communism.

East Germany, Czech and Poland were worse under communism

USSR, Bulgaria, all of Yugo except Slovenia were better under communism.

Because the people that want it now never experienced it in the past or learned in school about how fucked it is as a system.

> communism requires totalitarianism
No it does not. In order to achieve the Marxian vision of communism, it requires it to be stateless and classless, thus basically anarchic. Co-op agrarian and democratic socialist societies are possible.

That's funny because those surveys are asking people who lived under the state socialist (more accurate term than communist, more like "attempts towards achieving communism") regimes

Who is to enforce classlessness then? Emergent hierarchies are vital to human socialization.

I disagree. How would a shift from our current system to communism work without force? It seriously wouldn't.


Read The Gulag Archipelago and get back to me.

FWIW I'm a democratic socialist.

As a Hungarian, I remember talkshows doing polls about this shit all the time. Obviously it was mostly old people who had time to vote on it and since most of their good and bad experiences happened under socialism and the new world was confusing to them, they mostly voted life better during socialism. These are the same people who were waving Ruski Go Home flags in the streets just a couple years prior.

Because capitalism is worse.

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kill yourself tankie faggot

I don't know much about Hungary but this is an interesting data point. Thanks user.

Democratic socialism is possible and could be achieved through electoral means theoretically in the United States if you wanted to go that route. If genuine socialist fervor swept the democratic base and they all voted for socialist candidates in their elections, they would institute socialist policies through the congressional framework theoretically.

Or of course, there is revolutionary socialism, which is my personal choice.

Can't read the small type. Why are people here so bad at sharing images?

>when you spend 80 hours a week working to provide for a future family but greg, MtF anarchist thinks that is unfair so i get min wage and starvation

You're a misinformed one if you're peddling Stalinism as the epitome of communism.

And how are you talented?

>If communism is so bad, why do people want it back?

because it's only something they have read about, they have never actually lived it.


I did want to go that route...I voted for Bernie. Again, I do not support a violent socialistic or communistic revolution. That's not to say that our current system doesn't require gross amounts of violence though.

>live in the era of the highest quality of life known to mankind
>get complacent
>want more
>sell comfortable living for pipe dream
>end up with nothing


Bitches dont know about my Soviet Russia

I'm not peddling Stalinism as the epitome of communism. Nice try though.

It has been attempted to be reached, but it has never been reached no, because communism is merely an economic theory.

cause redditards and boomers click on the thumbnail and save the thumbnail

Gulag Archipalego only applies to Stalinist societies.

This. Also, the only reason people liked """communism""" is because they had somewhat stable employment and the population stayed homogeneous. Now, they get an internationalist government that not only lets chinks and pajeets outcompete locals for everything, but also actively tries to replace the population with easily controlled shitskins. These people don't favor the ideology, I assure you. They favored the conditions, most of which had nothing to do with the ideology.

In the places where it didn't, like the Baltic states where shit-tier Russians (and I mean "Russians that were shit", not that Russians are shit, seeing as communism releases the dregs into the open) were dumped en masse, you will find much more negative opinions.

full size image

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Well just look at all the people who march in the streets when a career criminal dindu gets justifiably shot by police. A lot of people are idiots.

That and they do not understand that Communism and Socialism are the same. They bring about the destruction through not being able to OWN property or your own place and even how much food you can eat.

Cause people are under impression that they are living in capitalistic societies, and think that what they need is more gibs, not realizing that said gibs are what's fueling most of all the rotten shit that happens to them. as long as the "people" have anything to do with policies, there will be push for gibs. communism as a meme comes back cause the new generation doesn't know shit about history, yet without heavy backing nothing will come out of it. undesirables can't do shit on their own

I think you're limiting the scope unnecessarily. Do you really think communism could be implemented in the US tomorrow without violence? Gulag may not be applicable to the US on a 1 to 1 basis but intelligent minds can infer.

>army of apparatchik with no marketable skills and degrees in Marxism that live in the stolen homes want communism back

Gee I wonder why

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Cheers. The migrant issue is a real problem. Personally, I'm torn. I think the west should stop engaging in activities that create unrest in the middle east and africa which leads to migration but I also think once migrants reach the west they should be treated humanely...

>longtime capitalist populations become beings that only consume and flood their countries with foreigners in the name of economic success
>good amount of Euro communistic societies were/are still self reliant and don't want third worlders

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radical left liberals only worship communism because they haven't done enough research to realize that when you get to the high level of authoritarianism that comes with any authoritarian ideology, women get seized by the state like every other commodity and their wombs become government property.

Every authoritarian regime has done this, either on a grand scale, as was the case with the teen sex camps of the Third Reich (they put girls camps close to boys camps, taught the girls the importance of motherhood and the survival of the nation, then conveniently let them out to go swimming in the river while the boys camp was let out to go do their laundry in the river)

or on a smaller scale for the elites, like the waifu vans of North Korea, which take a tour around the country every year when another class of young ass graduates and they pull the hottest girl in every village into the van to be a concubines for the party elite.

Commie loving lefties don't understand that in the most extreme examples of that ideology, everything gets shared. Especially women.

> I also think once migrants reach the west they should be treated humanely...
lurk more, they are invaders and should be given no quarter. If you treat them nicely, they keep coming.
I can guarantee the flow would stop overnight if we televised a few random executions at the border.

Reminder that when you let your empire fall to communism, its victims will include every nation that ever had anything in common with yours.

Do you think I give a fuck about women's rights?

>Only polling people who weren't killed
Biased much?

Because they're bad too

Probably not, and neither could fascism or really any non capitalist neoliberal ideology. I personally have no issue with violent populist revolutionary uprising towards elites.

Communism the ideology and Marxist socialism the ideology are the same, but not socialism is the same. The state of society, communism and socialism the Marxist dialectic states of society are not the same.

It's very interesting that the modern day Marxist vanguard do not know this, but still talk about Marxist ideas. It looks and feels like brainwashing.

Thanks for the you.

>as was the case with the teen sex camps of the Third Reich
Sauce on this? I know they had the Lebensborn program, but this is the first I've heard of this.
This is absolutely degenerate dogshit regardless.

Once you've told someone they can come you kind of have to treat them fairly
>If you treat them nicely, they keep coming
Not if you don't let them in.

If it doesn't require force, why do commies ALWAYS advocate the state to start things off? If it's the wave of the future surely average citizens would naturally create a communist society over time?

Except WE didn't tell them they could come, that was something imposed on us, like everything else.

Under communism the unique become the slaves of the masses. It's grotesque.

True. But our governments did, and they're obliged to treat them fairly. The people themselves obviously don't have to be nice to them or anything. It's not the government's job to make everyone be friends.


Niggers in the US and Europe were better under slavery .

That could occur as a natural evolution of capitalism in a post-scare economy, but some feel that they could potentially force the conditions needed to achieve communism through revolution and state socialism.

I bet they were lazy bastards back then as well

Communism isn't authoritarianism, bruh.

Socialism can be. It's the inevitable result of vanguardist socialist movements like Marxist-Leninism and Maoism.

Those aren't the only versions of Socialism. Most Socialists in the West are anarchists, Left Libertarians, or Democratic Socialists. All of which are pretty staunchly anti-authoritarian.

That was what Marx thought. He was incorrect.

Read Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man.

>Communism isn't authoritarianism, bruh.

LMAO. Go on, please.

People in those areas are probably unemployed. Its like fucking Sup Forums

Because they're dumb as fuck. It's like with those idiots chasing work in administration only to realise private sector pays much better, just 20 IQ less.

The point of democracy is electing more capitalist government or more socialist depending on your feelings. Full blown ancap paradise or militarized communism do not ask you questions.

Don't use Gretchen's deadname

>why is heroin so bad if people want it?

deutschland verrecke, türkenschweine wie du ins gas

kys nigger ape

Because people are stupid

how do i play the krisis in the kremlin remake, im terrible at it.

If heroin is so bad, how come people will suck a dick to get it?

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private police, celebrity worship, compulsory onanism, gay entitlement, white gloves genocide, mass dumbing down - I miss gapitalism so much

as reward you get those stadium you cannot afford ticket for, no kids, those malls you have neither money nor time to shop

brink gapitalism back! I need those lies

communism - with all the hardship can sustain 3 kids

gapitalism - one is a fucking unbelievable burden

yet is is effective but for what price

in one you have that national pride which won't feed you in the other that celebrity you can jerk to

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B a s e d

Communism is a theoretical stateless and classless economic system. It is the end goal of Marxist ideology.

It's utopian, of course. It won't ever happen. And most of the attempts to make it happen have resulted in the exact opposite.

Socialism is not the same thing. Socialism is simply worker control of the means of production. There are authoritarian and libertarian versions of Socialist ideology, just as there are authoritarian and libertarian versions of Capitalist ideology.

Imagine being brought up by a single mom or a soyboy male. You'd be taken care of all the time, you never really learn anything. You might have learned to change tires when you visit grandpa, but that's about it. These little shits are the products of war. All those countries had huge wars where the men went to war, and the weakest who wasn't even fit to hold a weapon was at home. Those men survived since they're weak as shit, and the women had to take them or nothing, so when the biological clocks started ticking, they just went for it. Those couples got weak boys which are totally dependant on the few men that are left to do shit for them. These weak men need communism. They need stronger people to do stuff for them. Just search for how the communists look like now. Green hair, those huge rings in their ears are as common in their looks now as in feminism. It will all die out soon tho, the ropes are being made as we speak.