Can someone tell me why Jordan Peterson is being attacked by every idiot?

Can someone tell me why Jordan Peterson is being attacked by every idiot?

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Because he sounds like Kermit

Kermit is the best muppet tho?

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try to put the pieces together yourself

he was attacked by a really obvious idiot who was a caricature of emotional responses to logical statements, taking the physical form of a woman

this interview is subsequently shilled aggressively in all the meeting places for observant young men

peterson=controlled opposition, designed to make you wate your time, thinking about and talking about things that are not harmful to anyone in power

in this particular case, he is also being used to convince you to attack females or anyone else that isn't precisely like yourself

Because he's centrist
Don't feel bad though, he knew what he signed up for.

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Because he skewers their retarded arguments in a rational and calm way. Because he is so rational and calm he makes them look completely retarded when they deploy their standard approach of calling him a Nazi.

because people hate being told that their problems are their own fault.

>he is also being used to convince you to attack females or anyone else that isn't precisely like yourself

Gonna have to strongly disagree with you here. He's not promoting bigotry.

Yes goy, everything is your fault hehe

Saw this on twitter just now lol

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Pretentious, loved by Reddit-Athiests, basically 'daddy issues dude addition'

I don't mind him, he has some good points, but falls off the grid because I have yet to see him tear down Islam, or Judaism.

seriously how in the fuck does this woman have a job?

the orchestrated conflict between reason and absurdity is designed to convince a less intelligent viewer that one side (peterson) is a clear winner

the actual truth, that both the woman and peterson are colluding against the viewer, is not even being considered

anyone who resembled the woman, that is to say, female and emotional, is perceived as possessing all the characteristics of the flawed interviewer

and thus the interview is an attack upon both the viewer and the women that the viewer later encounters

You could apply this logic to any interview and it would make just as much sense...

I think in this case JP happens to be speaking the truth. The interviewer is going against that.


answered your own question

Understandable, but his message sounds very Christian to me. A lot of biblical references and he doesn't come across as some annoying atheist who rambles on about nothing all day

lol i see

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your very first statement was a lie, my statement was not based on any logic

instead, I specifically accused the two people in the interview of collaborating for the purpose of weakening any people who are not members of the synagogue of satan

if you're going to respond to something, respond to that

because he's an overrated buffoon who lacks consistency and chugs anti depressants whilst flogging rules to young men he dosen't even adhere to, he's a very unimpressive thinker who states basic obvious things which are then heralded as the second coming. The reason he's suddenly doing these news programme things is because the cathy newman episode proved it's good for ratings so every network is trying to replicate it by having him on opposite an opposing female for all the dumb fucks to believe it's legitimate when news anchors are briefed on how to be and which angle to take, it';s all about ratings, entertainment and money.

Ok I see what you're saying now. You are alluding to a vast diabolical conspiracy where virtually anyone in media is "one of them".
Obviously, I can't prove you wrong. If you think Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman are in cahoots with each other, just having a fake argument on television and the internet to deceive people on some deeply wicked level...well, yeah. That's pretty fucked up.

I simply choose to believe JP is a good dude and a genuine person who isn't doing all of this for show. I listen to him speak and I see someone who believes what he's saying. I don't think he's serving Satan nor do I think any of these awful debates with him are orchestrated.
I'm not disregarding what you're saying. What you've said intrigues me.

I dunno man, his book is pretty fucking good

I swear Sup Forums forgets that they're not a hivemind.

I try to never forget that I'm just some dude lol

Wisdom shineth amongst the idiots, but the idiots comprehend it not.

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Add JP to this pic.

because he's a calm, rationale, engaging speaker and anyone who opposes the leftist agenda while being articulate and engaging becomes enemy number 1.

That wouldn't make sense retard

Fucking kek.

The children hate being told , what is right

What's wrong with blacked? It's top quality, My enjoyment of it has nothing to do with my political leanings. I'm a fascist

>Opposes leftist agenda

The fool thinks he can reason with them using logic and facts.

>speak uncomfortable truth that requires people to take responsibility for their own lives
>weak people hate you
surprise surprise

Understandably he can't tackle the jq because, in Canada, he'd probably go to prison. Yes it's that bad.

His lectures are nice to leave playing in the background though if you just want something to listen to

What is soy about Prozac?

I honestly don`t see anything wrong with John Oliver since most of his shows content is related on education regarding economic issues in this neoliberal era.

No, but he probably does rightly believe that by being able to stand his ground with facts and logic before the crazy masses of neo-liberals, thereby dispersing the thick fog of their delusions and lies. Ultimately, he shows everyone else who is rational that there IS hope, that there IS a way out of this; that the steady voice in the back of your head that you've been taught to shut up by the modern media is actually right and that you're not going crazy and that what these retards are doing and making us comply with IS fucking wrong that we should NOT abide to it.

His debates with these morons are an eye-opener to everybody else in society. That is where his biggest quality lies, if you ask me. And if he is aware of this (which is I am certain of), then his long-term strategy is far better than convincing even one of those loons that they are wrong. In the end, many of the people who vehemently attack JP are at this point so far gone, that it doesn't matter if he ever convinces them or not. It's a waste of time compared to redpilling everyone else - those whose opinions and acts in life actually matter.

Stop being a nigger lover you faggot

That interview was great.

The far right hates him cause he's a Jewish bootlicker. And the far left hates him because he has common sense. Moderates either like him or don't care.

The extremes are the noisy ones. Because they're mostly made up of dick less failures still at mommies house in their 30s. Moderates are generally to busy with... Anything else besides virtue signaling. Thus it seems like so many hate him.

Just goes to show you a major flaw of his rhetoric. Individuals are ganged up on by the collective. And lose.

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Because he's right

What is wrong with marvel, overwatch, TYT, Dr Tyson, Rick and Morty, GOT?

John Oliver's greatest skill as host of "Last Week Tonight" is in reassuring his audience that they are, in fact, as smart as they think they are, and most definitely smarter than everyone else. What Oliver is really doing with his show is inoculating his audience from thinking critically. Oliver serves up the very bitter pill of American Empire and Citizen Subservience wrapped in a delicious serving of liberal red meat. His audience is too enamored with it's own delusions of superiority to realize that they are, in fact, just like those ridiculous Fox News viewers they love to hate, in that they too are gullible rubes lapping up gobs of American Imperialism by the bucketload.
Oliver sells himself as the brave and noble truth teller, a much needed check to the power of the mainstream media. But Oliver only mimics speaking truth to power and standing up for the little guy. He appears to plant his flag on the high ground of rational thought, moral superiority and common sense, and waves it with a robust sense of self-satisfaction. This is all little more than theatrics though, because the reality is that John Oliver doesn't speak truth to power, he is merely a puppet of power, a useful idiot, a weapon they use to pacify and control those who believe themselves to be well informed and deeply critical thinkers. The stark truth is that John Oliver doesn't stand up for the little guy, he consistently kisses up and kicks down. And as for being a symbol of rational thinking, Oliver instead waves a red flag of emotion in front of liberals in order to get them on his side and then feeds them misinformation, disinformation and propaganda while they are in their highly emotional state.
In other words, if you don't see anything wrong with John Oliver, you are a faggot.

That explains a lot. I've definitely been too busy to care about this stuff. But then O stumble upon groups of people who are enraged for no reason. Fucking rabid idiots.

I'm becoming very aware of this haha

Sounds like his lectures won't even be legal to listen to in Canada soon

Perfect answer

I agree 100%