The Slavic Question

These are very common names in Swedish prisons (and they're all Polish names), How do we deal with the Slavic menace? Muslims and negroes are already obvious reasons why society becomes ruimous but Slavs are almost worse. They import weapons from Bosnia and smuggle narcotics.önnutrymme-586638.html
>En 52-årig polsk medborgare åtalas nu för synnerligen grov narkotikasmuggling.

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Yo OP, got a problem? I’ll solve it


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Only because brown criminals aren't jailed.

Crucify them in city centres, every single one of them... but remember to do it also with your rapefugees that break the law, don't just do it to poles since they are white and it is fair game to hate on them.

Most of the eastern Europeans who come to the west actually work hard and integrate fairly well. The ones who don't are pretty much just poor and drink too much, which is what our own poor white people do anyway.

>poor people
>in Sweden
Good joke.

>thiefs who if caught in slavland would be rapedmurdered in prison would rather emigrate to the effeminate west and rather try their luck there and if caught they spend their time in a 5 star hotel
really makes me think sven


Bashar al-Assad neck has posted.

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Most bosnians and serbs that immigrated to sweden where mafia and criminals, sweden litrally got the worset of our people

build a wall and make poland pay for it

So this is only thing you are disagreeing? Great looking forward to all the crosses.

In Bosnia if you want to escape to cops/other mafias you go to Germany or Sweden


Where a muslim turk is bloody to the knees, muslim convert is bloody to the elbows.
Either way Sven or mahmud you will get a bullet too.

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you should be happy to get those unfortunate Polish migrants
eventhough they were the lowest of low in Poland they are pretty well poised in Swedish society still
lmaoing at your misfortune

>They import weapons
>Be Swen cucked to death
>Slav imports you weapons so you can fight against your opperssor state, even endangering himself in process
>You hate it
But truth be told, there are so many of them jus because live conditions in Swedish prison is probably better than in their home and they work hard to get there.

Haven't they got tiny heads

>But truth be told, there are so many of them jus because live conditions in Swedish prison is probably better than in their home and they work hard to get there.
word up

>t.shafir al-mälmi

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I don't think you understand OP's insinuation here, my krokodil injecting friend. Slavs import weapons, like hand grenades, and they sell them to muslims and other criminals.

But I guess that since Slavs come from literal shitholes they prefer to destroy the host country by selling drugs and weapons to towelheads (that come from desert shitholes) instead of doing anything productive.

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you're doing us a bit favour by keeping our trash

Yeah, met a "Swedish" Serb in Greece. He was visiting his brother at a bar. The brother ended up beating some American nigger to death with a group of other Serbs at the shithole they ran. If they were actual non-whites, I wouldn't be perfectly fine with them killing that arrogant nog over taking a selfie with their waitress.

lol? they killed a nigger for a selfie?

Right sorry, they get raped instead.

I doubt they give a fuck whom to sell, mudslimes are just the only ones who desire to buy.
>other criminals
Now tell me, why havent you became criminal violating (((state))) laws with what happens on your soil?

Kill them all, you will do us a favor

Thanks for having them broski.

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Here's the vid

literally this
its your job to filter them out
same goes for UK

Joining the EU did us a great favour and not because of the money but because we got rid of all that fucking scum

lol i saw it in th news. Last summer if i remember.

Yeah, it was big news, too. Some negroid American tourist flirting with their bar promoter girl (who was the bartender's girlfriend) tried to walk away when he got too pushy, and he grabbed her and took a selfie with her anyways. When the bar staff confronted him and told him to erase the selfie and leave, he punched the bouncer and called him a racist.

He made it out the door just fine. But something like 10 people followed him outside and kicked his head in. Beaten to death because he thought he was entitled to some shit he knew nothing about. It was not because he was Black. It was because he was Black and got out of line, forgot his place, put his hands on someone's girlfriend and took a selfie with her by force.

Then cried racism when he was ejected for disrespect. Greece is pretty mixed and relaxed, but like everyone else in the world, there is nothing more annoying than a pushy, loud American nigger. Last I heard, the trial was delayed.

Wow, didn't know it was because of a selfie, I thought that the nog chimped out.

Link to an account by one of the accused about how the nog earned the caved-in skull of dead niggerdom at a bar:

Education. Whites are much more responsive than other races.

Serbs and Greeks are now honorary whites. Based

He did, but I am splitting the middle on how he chimped out and what caused it. He essentially niggered up over a selfie with a girl who did not want to be in a picture with niggers.

They aren't bringing their best you know. It's your fault when you accept everyone, even criminals.

>OP is a Swedcuck

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You mad lads better star building 'UUUUGE, BEAUTIFUL walls

And people wonder why we're trying to suck as much cash as possible out of westcucks before they collapse.

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Every time I run into my fellow Americans overseas, I walk the other way (unless they are armed forces, then I might have a beer first). When I see American niggers, however, I do something more proactive. If it's at a bar, I pay my tab and invite people to go someplace else with me. I do that while looking at the offending blackie. I do not interact with any military who have a 'groid in their group. You might think this is irrational of me.

It is not. American niggers are the worst overseas. They are problem-generating cheapfucks who generally blame the world when they inevitably fail at fucking anyone but a whore who charges them extra for being black. The chip on their shoulder never goes away and never will. If not driven off from a location immediately, and if they are living nearby, they will eventually ruin any place they start to congregate.

They are an infestation, an invasive species. It only takes a few years of nigger tourism to convince most entertainment business people to discourage them and anyone who looks like them from enjoying themselves in their establishments. In Budapest, even several of the strip clubs refuse service at the door, no matter how slow business is.

the male all look as if they suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome

No its just slavic looks, problem is a lot of Slavic males dont really care how they look or fashion since its considered faggy, im pretty sure if you give some good clothes and a nice haircut you wont be able to tell the difference.

The sacrifice was apparently most pleasing to the whiteness gods.

The Polish males suffer from Bashar al-Assad neck syndrome, just like the females.

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>tfw Polish

Feels glorious, man

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and you suffer from chronic cuckshed syndrome.

>go to Swedish prison
>have a time of your life