Why is everything about the Nazi regime so comically villainous? ”Oh look at us...

Why is everything about the Nazi regime so comically villainous? ”Oh look at us, we have these jet black neatly cut uniforms with these two lightning strike logos and a skull emblem on the cap. Also my rank is Sturmbannführer, which sends shivers down anyones spine when they hear the word.”

Somehow it feels like the Nazis didn’t even exist. It’s feels like fiction. But it also makes me rock hard.

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Prussian military tradition was always full of unrestrained edgelordism.

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Because Israel #1.
It's crazy how often this is correct.

>Why is everything about the Nazi regime so comically villainous?

It isn't. You're displaying a caricature.

Apathy is pushed so hard, anything you take pride in is immediately ridiculed.
>Dress nice? Edgelord
>Have faith? Religitard
>Unity? Racist, nationalist, bigot
It's all leading to a society full of children who have no pride, no faith, and no hope in anything beyond the state that rules them and gives them their gibs and (you)s.

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Is the raid almost over?

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Jews (and the normies they brainwashed) literally made them as evil as they could possibly imagine. Thing is most of them were fairly normal, and the uniforms weren't too extravagant for the era.

They wanted their military to be respected at home and feared abroad. That means looking good and instilling fear in the enemy which a shitty green cotton blend uniform and the rank of daffodil are incapable of doing.

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It's only me. It only ever was. Thanks for the flattery, though.


also the obvious psychological effect of looking intimidating, powerful and deadly


>Give your officers regular German names
>Clothe them in Hugo Boss because aesthetic is important
What is the deal?

maybe because hollywood likes to use nazi aesthetic for thier villains and now your retard brain puts the horse before the cart? crazy I know

>Why is everything about the Nazi regime so comically villainous?
1. because the look of the Wehrmacht et al. was a key propaganda point for hitler -- it literally demoralised allied troops (better attire, better guns, better tanks etc.)

2. because it has been embellished in line with the "(((H)))olocaust" theatre, in order to make the "enemy" looks as villainous as possible -- thereby accentuating the plight of their enemies and victims (*note: how mostly the nazi officers are portrayed in MSM, and not the soldiers who fought in the bog and blood, as all sides did)
>pic related

3. correspondingly, there is a glorification of the third reich by nazi wannabe faggots and ingrained race cücks, wanting to try push the whole "ubermensch" crap as appealing as possible

4. nazis objectively looks a lot cooler and less utilitarian than the allies -- there's a thing called "nazi chic" that's and literal fashion style in the likes of japan and thailand

Attached: nazi truth copy.jpg (1021x1005, 172K)

>makes me rock hard.
Oh good, I thought I was the only one. Company of Heroes (THQ) is like porn for me.

>no pride, no faith, and no hope in anything
No faith. In myths. Like the Holocaust. Jews maybe shoulda thought a bit more about derailing the white youth.

Because you have it backwards.

The comic villains were based on the Nazis. Not the other way around.

Ironically, as you say, it turns out that over time, as the generation that lived through the war goes extinct, all that's left is the generations that only learned of the Nazis through media. The imitation becomes the original. And as such, the historical Nazis come to be seen as "lol, no way that happened, it sounds like a cheap edgy comic book villain organisation"

I don't know. I do know Israel #1.

Didn’t hitler say he wanted nazi children to be raised as brutal killers and warriors?

He basically embraced the identity of the ruthless villain.

It only sounds villainous because you've been conditioned to associate nazism with evil.

This. OP is a brainraped simpleton

No, no he didnt. Unless you can provide me with a quote from meim kampf or a speech he did where he says this, its not true.

Because post war fiction made it seem villainous.
Nat-Soc Germany inspired a lot of sci fi,horror and alt history.

Being capable of fighting was a virtue back then. Don't try to understand, soy-boy cuck, but being weak is not a goal to any sane person.

ive been playing alot of hearts of iron 4 lately and no matter what i do even boosting germany essentially cheating, the allies just ignore the soviet monster and it destroys everything. i might do a game as the soviets and make them go facist

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>”Oh look at us, we have these jet black neatly cut uniforms with these two lightning strike logos and a skull emblem on the cap. Also my rank is Sturmbannführer, which sends shivers down anyones spine when they hear the word.”

Ya'll know nazis are straight up ballin'

>back then
Fuck that, it still is. The West yearns for a return to militant culture.

Because it was Rothschild endeavor with the purpose of destroying nationalism after WWII, when Christianity/market and godless communism would counter balance each other while they funded both sides for maximum profit.

This and the aesthetic was specifically designed to be dark and edgy by the government to inspire that sort of feeling of "Check it out, we are hardcore" after all the post-WW1 humiliation, with the uniform of the SS going all the way and being pitch black, so even the normal Nazis feel inadequate and softcore by comparison.

Also, you guys have done a great job of memeing us into supervillain status (well, more supervillain than literally wanting to take over the world and subjugate/exterminate vast parts of the population already was) to make your victory and the war on the whole all the more incredible and glorious.

Things get rather disappointing when you start looking into the details and it turns out Hitler was not a tactical supergenious, the german army was not uber-mechanised, Blitzkrieg was not a word at the time and the tactics associated with it were not revolutionary they were established prussian military doctrine applied to upgraded vehicle technology, the german army also produced a lot of turds when it came to vehicles and weapons, ultimately even the good shit like the later tanks and the MG42 may not have been flawed in terms of performance, but in terms of the military doctrine and logistics behind them, the story which has grown up around the Bismarck is greater than the actual ship was itself and ultimately things came/come down far more to which side has more resources and better supply-chains than who made what tactical errors.

Both of my grandfathers really enjoyed killing them.

Had they gone full war economy at the onset of the war(into Summer 1944 the Germans were still making luxury civilian goods for their civilians at home) which in turn would have meant faster mechanisation and put women in the workforce to free up vital manpower. They'd have won easily. You can blame the idiotic inner circle and their petty feudal rivalries for the clusterfuck of policy making and Hitlers willingness to believe everything they said was truthful.

Had the Italians not been such unreliable allies when it came to warfare, the Germans wouldn't have had to delay Barbarossa for 6 weeks while they invaded Greece because the Italians are so shit and they would have taken Moscow by September 1941 with ease. If the Italians weren't so incompetent, vital German forces wouldn't have needed to be sent to North Africa either.
The situation was so bad for the USSR that Stalin ordered every major building and monument in Moscow(including the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral) to be wired up with remote explosives to be detonated when the Ostheer marched into Moscow. Without their capital city and the Communist leadership dead, the central and eastern USSR would have fragmented into rival groups fighting each other. Germany had no territorial ambitions beyond the Ural mountains so that would have been that.
Even the western allies expected USSR defeat after the Germans had got to just 8km at closest point to Moscow and Britain would have literally been on its own, now with the full might of Wehrmacht,Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine focused solely on it.

It didn't help that 10 highly placed traitors(only 7 are known and named the other 3 are unknown or classified) working for the Soviets and gave every battle plan to them from 1941(pre barbarossa but it wasn't believed by Stalin) to 1944 when they were executed for treason.

Germany never wanted to take over the world nor did it want to exterminate the world.

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>after all the post-WW1 humiliation
The whole black uniform with skulls thing predates WW1 by almost 100 years.
>more supervillain than literally wanting to take over the world and subjugate/exterminate vast parts of the population already was
>the tactics associated with it were not revolutionary they were established prussian military doctrine
Inventing modern squad tactics is not revolutionary?

>It’s feels like fiction
It is. The image you see is what haunts the memories of the jew. It is the how the jew perceives the racially conscious white man.

Isn't this essentially the same concept that went into designing gothic churches and cathedrals? Building a massive, gloomy, sordid place that instills respect and fear

you forget that you view the nazis through a modern lense designed by others. the idea of what is 'edgy' or 'evil' are not your thoughts. they were given to you.

the fact that everything evil lines up with the nazi party, who took power largely with the consent of the people of the time would have to tell you that we live in a different world

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from a Strategic Point of view Hitler WAS a Military Genius
Both assaults into Russia were the ONLY way one could hope of defeating russia
What People dont see is that the german army had a Oilproblem from day one
Blitzing into moscow and destroying the main Russian Hub is the best CoA in that Situation
And the assault into the Caucasus with 360.000 men going into Stalingrad was the next best Thing once moscow failed

German Generals just memed themselves into supergeniuses to shift the Blame on Hitler who was dead by then

>Why is everything about the Nazi regime so comically villainous?
Because that is the image the Allies wanted them to be seen as after the war.
"Nazi" has become synonymous with "evil", nothing which the Allies did during WW2 is unjustified.

gothic cathedrals were made to be high to give the People a place where they could cool themselves
at the time Europe had a massive warmth period northern People werent adapted to that
the decorations were just made because of "muh dick"

>at the time Europe had a massive warmth period
the medieval warm period ended right around the time of the onset of gothic architecture tho, and its heyday was during the little ice age.

warmth period was between 900 - 1400
a lot of gothic cathedrals were around 1200

i dont want to say that you arent right, but it depends on the place in europe
of course a lot of it was just a Show of wealth too


totenkopf or the death's head goes back to at least the Napoleanic era. All nations used it for especially brave or feared troops. The British Queen's Royal Lancers sported one as their insignia. The legend "Or Glory" ought to make complete sense culturally for any westerner.

Attached: Queens-Royal-Lancers.jpg (500x463, 40K)

>maybe because hollywood likes to use nazi aesthetic for thier villains

I watched a documentary once where they explained this. It was more about BDSM and degenerate sex than it was about Nazis, but they had to mention Nazis because of the big fetish.

>Some faggot gets interviewed
>Says he likes BDSM, but only when he's being abused by someone dressed as a Nazi
>Gets asked why
>"Because they stood for the opposite of what we stand for lol! It's about humiliation and nothing is more humiliating, scary, but at the same time exciting, as someone who would want to kill you having total control over you"
>Gets asked why the Nazis always wear rubber and leather
>"That's more of a Jewish fetish.(((They))) started the Nazi fetish for the same reason we enjoy it, but with (((them))) it's amplified because of the Holocaust. Jews fetishize Nazis more than anyone else as hard as it is to believe. They love being dominated, both men and women"
>Immediately shut down and quickly jumps to some faggot being whipped or whatever

The rest of it was pretty shit, but that part was interesting. I've seen a few different things on Jews being wholly responsible for the Nazi fetish based on their liking domination.
I know Jews like to dominate, but it seems the more power someone has the more they like it being (temporarily) taken away from them. Larping as the goy if you will. I won't even get started on the amount of MPs who got exposed as being in the BDSM scene for the same reason.
As a side note, the British are cast as villains in (((Hollywood))) because of the Revolutionary War.