Dealing with State-Induced Mental Illness - Serious -

If your patient is from canada and believes that men can get pregnant and women can have penises, what do you diagnose him with?

His whole country tells him this is true and he has seen people be persecuted for not believing it.

He might even have told this is true by his doctor. He might also have been told he has 'privilege' despite being poor and having no discernible privilege. And he probably also believes this or is afraid not to say he doesn't.

His mind has been conditioned to categorize things differently. His mind has assigned a different meaning to the words we all use. it's scary and insidious.

What do you do man? what do you do when a patient presents like this?

How do you unfuck that brain? How do you tell a man that his country ruined him mentally?

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You dont, you kill him.....fool

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I mean, as long as he can still know Israel #1, I think we're okay.


powervul bumbers but unrealistic advice. Euthanasia is not legal for people with the type of illnesses that canadian state induces.

Canadians are unbelievably fucked up.

Double doubled doublez.
And the truth no less.

Who has indoctrinated you into thinking this is a bad thing?

You don't, anyone this brainwashed can't come back, it's easier to kill him already.

So it's all about bullying, violence, murder and death here. How about considering the Hippocratic oath?

cathy newman-tier posts

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what about mutiple doctors telling him the same thing? think that might help?

i can confirm this.
the people in this country are like nothing you have ever seen. ever.
the amount of poison in these people's minds is inconceivable.

what the fuck is this even supposed to mean? what does the hippocratic oath have to do with the fact that everyone in this country is fucking brainwashed and mentally defective?

it wasn't always like that. Canadians in the 90s were great. but they've split off into a different reality at some point since then.

Nice banter but your opinion is wrong. Perhaps you just feel helpless and out of control because of recent emotional trauma and need to blame society. There is help for people like you. You should seek it instead of letting hatred control you.

you should read the sticky before getting all psychological with your ad homs

>cathy newman
Actually more like Jordan P.

what's the matter?

>trying to rationalize a country that encourages people to sneak over its borders and violate its sovereign territory by awarding them with citizenship
>trying to rationalize a country that encourages 6 year olds to make life altering decisions that they don't even understand yet.
>trying to rationalize a country that takes away people's children if they try to counteract the state brainwash they are fed at school and by the media

this country is fucked, and all you xers and xhems are going to get a rude awakening sooner than you think when all the start to encroach on your rights just as you have encroached on the rights of normal people.

that poster you replied to is either lashing out or he is perception management.

either way it shows how bad things are.

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You are mistaking intention with actuality.
Point 1. The intention of government is to control the US border and avoid American from sneaking in. International law has it that if you land in a country who respect human rights like Canada, you can claim refugee status. Canada is trying to limit this by controlling this before they leave. However it's hard to stop people from crossing at random spots along a 3000km border.
Point 2. Not sure what you mean here since the law applies to everyone equally. What law has been broken?
Point 3. Again what law was broken here?

Also we are in a democracy. You don't like it, you can change it. Be happy with that.

you are very condescending

You are too sensitive.

This thread provides a good example of what Canadians are like.

KttLx+TA believed that someone was suffering trauma and they immediately attempted to further traumatize them.

KttLx+TA regards himself as a 'good canadian' but he also attacked a person he believed to be vulnerable to adverse exposure, in order to negatively affect that person further.

He does not know that he is a bully. He thinks he is 'good'.

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it's part of his technique to make it seem like his 2 bit [non]refutations of my points are actually legitimate.

>point 1
pretend like you don't know what i'm talking about. we allow all those people who sneak over the border to stay here. not the ones who claim asylum through the proper channels, that's not what i'm talking about. we let people walk over the border and sneak in and reward them for it. we let "refugees" commit violent crimes and still consider them as "refugees" when they clearly are not.
this country lets known terrorists keep their citizenship (as long as they're not white)
and doesn't even punish them in any way. in fact, they are actually given more benefits to help them "reintegrate with the community"
>point 2
yeah, pretend like you don't understand how fucked up it is to be encouraging children under 10 to believe that they have "been born as the wrong sex" when they're so young they should barely even know about the concept of sex yet.

>what law was broken here
what the fuck are you talking about? can you read? are you mentally defective? or are you just being obtuse? either way, you can not refute my points so have fun continuing with your weak shtick.

also, democracy doesn't work when the entirety of the population is kept selectively educated, is unable to think critically, and has their opinions formed for them by state brainwashing.

i highly doubt he isn't a paid shill. it's not possible to be that obtuse.

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he makes a good case study.

>we allow all those people who sneak over the border to stay here
We do? Like who? The Haitians who crossed last year? They are being processes and will likely be sent back to Haiti unless they are valid refugees. See my post about why we have to hear these claims.
Known terrorists go to prison regardless if they are Canadians or not. Their citizenship is irrelevant. In fact it's easier to put a citizen in prison.
Point 2. Why should I care? Parents can do what they want provided it's legal.
Point 3. We are the state. We vote the people in who make the laws. The state is not a third party. Again democracy solves this. If you don't like it why don't you claim refugee status in China because they are not a democracy. See how you like it there.

>trying to seem like part of the discussion

he is the perfect example of 'canadians' as a whole.
most canadians live in such a bubble that they can't conceive of the rest of the world's problems. only now that our inexperience with reality has brought many of the rest of the world's problems here to roost will many canadians be faced with the realities they thought they knew better than but in fact they had never encountered.
like the race issue for example: most canadians couldn't understand racism because the only minorities they ever encountered were mostly few in numbers and therefore were well integrated and were just average canadians. the few fresh off the boat immigrants that were here had chosen canada and worked hard to get here, so they tried hard to fit in and become good canadians.
and this is what gave canadians their good image of "diversity" and "multiculturalism"
only now that we have inundated ourselves with a completely different type of immigrant - one who does not want to integrate, one who does not want to become a productive member of canadian society - will canadians realize just how good we had it before.

canadians can not see the forest for the trees and won't realize what they have done until the last tree is chopped down and they see the unobstructed view of the new desolation that they have created.

in short, canadians, like every other country, took the luxury created by their forefathers for granted and didn't realize that a country this great doesn't just happen. it is not infinite. it was a reflection of the quality of people building it. when you fill the country with shit people, it becomes shit quickly.

a country's quality of life rises or falls to the level that it's demographics allow for.

why do we want subhuman terrorist fucks in our prisons? why aren't they deported? or better yet, executed? why do people who come here and rob people, or murder people, or rape people not have their asylum revoked?

>point 2, no, actually parents can no do what they want because now trying to tell your 8 year old son that he is not supposed to want to cut his genitals off is grounds for your child to be repossessed and given to a foster family.

on a side note, why does this country give asylum to people with iphones, versace and d&g and other designer clothes? people who are clearly not hungry, not run down.. people who already had been granted asylum in other developed nations but decided they wanted to come here because the benefits were better... we grant asylum to all these people - if they're black or brown - but we refuse to grant asylum to white people from south africa who have had all their possessions stolen or destroyed, who have been mutilated physically and psychologically... but we can't grant them asylum - that would be racist!

if you are actually arguing these points honestly and actually believe this communistic idealism that you're preaching - then you have a rude awakening coming your way as the country that afforded you the luxuries that allowed you to become who you are today no longer exists.

or if you're some piece of shit disinformation agent being paid to spout this garbage.. either way, you will realize one day what you were complicit in destroying for all of humanity.

precisely. and the reason why canada was so great was because it was built and populated by productive individuals for its first 100+ years.

now that we have a net drain on our society by our population the country will deteriorate rapidly. just look at the state of social services today compared to what they were like 25 years ago. the medical systems here are catastrophically fucked up.
in fact the only systems that seem to continue to function without a hitch are the free gibs for people formerly known as minorities.

NO one here tells him this you absolute fucking fairy. You're both deluded faggots who only read tumblr and buzzfeed.

>on a side note, why does this country give asylum to people with iphones, versace and d&g and other designer clothes?

it's for financial reasons. Those people have clean credit scores and can be heavily burdened with debt while being spent heavily on, which raises gdp

>"canada need more immigrants to raise gdp hurr"

democracy can only function well when the population is intelligent.

people have been systematically dumbed down here for decades like they have in all the other developed countries.
now, all that constitutes "democracy" is getting fed up with the incompetence and corruption of one party and replacing them with another corrupt and incompetent party. there is no viable alternative choice to the status quo. just "we'll vote them out next time" and continue down the same path.

plus, now they want to give 16 year olds the right to vote. literal children will be deciding the future of the country. although i guess it's been decided by people who have the mental capacity of children for a long time anyway.

sure, that's what they tell us.
in reality it's just to destroy the demography of a once thriving nation.

the revolt against civilization is real and it's been ignored for so long it's essentially on its last legs now.

can not thrive in homogenous and morally pure societies. which is why they must create multicultural weimar republics out of every formerly christian nation.

>communistic idealism
Uncalled for. I'm not a communist any more than you. I believe in free markets and capitalism.

>why aren't they deported?
Many are. You need to broaden your media sources.

>to want to cut his genitals off is grounds for your child to be repossessed and given to a foster family.
Curious. I'd like to see some source.

>disinformation agent
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a disinformation agent. Now you're being paranoid.

everyone outside canada knows what goes on there now. you're too late to hide the abuses.

>when the population is intelligent
Brilliant. You get a vote.

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>sure, that's what they tell us.
>in reality it's just to destroy the demography of a once thriving nation.


you don't. you are unaware of the marxist origins of your ideologies. you are unaware of the "transphobia" bill that takes children away from their families if their parents disagree with their child's confused "sexual identity" (or legally punishes people for not "using the correct pronouns" - but that's another point).
you are unaware that multiculturalism is doomed to fail if there isn't a definite host culture and definite subcultures that are less numerous and powerful than their host.

you really aren't aware of much. or at least, you pretend not to be. but then i suppose it must be easier to argue for the side of insanity when you aren't intimately acquainted with just how insane it really is.

>you really aren't aware of much. or at least, you pretend not to be.

this. he is also pretending like the rest of the world isn't aware.... Canada is in the news everywhere for all the wrong reasons.

I'm aware of what I observe and have no idea what you are talking about. Multiculturalism works. The only problem with it are the xenophobes - typically entitled children who play vidyas and refuse to work for minimum wage because they are so privileged.

Another source for your continued enjoyment and to broaden your reality:

I think there is hope for you yet.

>I'm aware of what I observe and have no idea what you are talking about.

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it's a convenient way of ignoring all facts that oppose your dreamworld mentality

>multiculturalism works
>sexual assault up 75% from last year
gee, i wonder what changed?

people like him are causing mental illness in others.

the irony if bezmenov is that you could show his speeches to this fucking idiot and he wouldn't even understand what to do with the information.

demoralization to the fullest extent.

canadian identity in the 21st century is mental illness. it's the only thing that sets us apart anymore. our unique ability to remain with heads firmly planted in the sand whilst the rest of the body withers from exposure.

A dangerous, fatal and contagious prion called “Liberal voter”

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This is very true. I pretend I'm not Canadian when travelling bc everyone everywhere rips on Canada now. Canada is a pariah

yuri actually tried to settle in canada but trudeau senior was too friendly with the soviets

Don't you understand? In Canada every man deserves to be a woman, every woman deserves to be a man and every child deserves to go to the bathroom beside a 300 pound trucker with a penis wearing a bra! Long live Canada!

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doesn't surprise me at all. the fucking slime that has been running this country since the 60s have all been neo-coms

his fucking "wife" looks like chewbacca without facial hair

with a bullet or some rope and a basic understanding of physics.

>his fucking "wife" looks like chewbacca without facial hair
Look up the larger version of that picture, the smug look on her face is truly sickening.

the reputation as autistically goodhearted people is gone, unfortunately.

Canadians under age 30 are a different species of from older canadians mentally and physicaly. they are literally a different race of human on average.

i still would though.

also witnessed

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indeed they have studied and learned how to program humans just like a computer.
watch this documentary:

it fills in a lot of the gaps in how things got like this. the 60s/70s/80s are the forgotten decades in societal deterioration/degeneration.
the "drug era" was just establishment sanctioned experimentation on the mind with the aim of turning humans into what they are today: good obedient docile little commies.

>i still would though.

I don't know you but I have to believe that at the last moment you would come to your senses.

this tbqh. we owe israel enough

whenever it got shut down in the states mkultra was moved to canada. now they call it The CBC.

i'm telling you man, you would too. you know this in your nads to be true.

oh moral orel. legality does not equate to morality

did i say otherwise?

canada had its own version, possibly more than one. mcgill was one of the institutions that had a program similar to ultra.

>gee, i wonder what changed
Perhaps the definition of what constitutes sexual assault changed or more likely that victims feel they will be taken seriously. Also remember that the majority of sexual assault cases occurs in northern isolated communities despite the much lower population.

Those who voted for Trump seem to have been programmed to do so through Facebook. Change people, change culture, change ideology, change government.

Might as well share a source that's not from the CBC.

>i'm telling you man, you would too. you know this in your nads to be true.

I am going to be 100% honest with you here. I would rather fuck a wet sock full of live wires and broken glass.

they are testing what people will stand for there:

To all who doubt the imposition, I implore you to take heed of the words of the devout on r/canada:

>UofT has done this for a while now and it's great. Once you know where all the water fountains are it becomes super easy.

See, it is not inconvenient for him to make you pay the pennance his devotion demands of you.

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i'm talking about sexual assault cases from major urban centers.

it's a lot more complex than facebook. facebook is just one result of decades of research and experimentation on the mind.

watch the documentary, you might just learn something.
but as per bezmenov's law, i would imagine that none of the information will mean much to you since you don't know what to do with it.
but it might be worth a try.
maybe it will help you understand why intelligent people tend to lean toward dictatorial states while moron masses lap up "democracy"
hence the rush after the second world war to dumb down the whole world.
the saw what can happen when smart people get together and decide to make their own way.

mcgill had real psychological experimentation programs in the 60s/70s/80s/
look it up.
a lot deeper than "how will people react to no bottled water"

drugging people and experimenting on their minds.

>mcgill had real psychological experimentation programs in the 60s/70s/80s/
>look it up.
i know man. it's a horror show. people who even found out about it were diagnosed as having schizophrenia if they talked.. "such things dont happen here"

>Read the sticky.
Nice slippery slope. What you're describing is not a trans person but a bad transvestite.

>i'm talking about sexual assault cases from major urban centers
care to provide evidence? I mean the entire premise of multiculturalism being a bad thing depends on this. Show at least some evidence. Also we're talking about Canada here. Again from experience I never saw any problems with multiculturalism except for what I already stated.

I believe evidence, not ideological lines from someone with an agenda.

you should watch that documentary. it's fascinating and it also explains a lot. the reason why all of a sudden everyone became a peace loving, sexually liberated hippie as soon as the 1950s ended.

it all ties in with those studies about "the authoritarian personality" etc after the second world war whose aim was to prevent hitlers from ever coming into existence again.

everything our societies have become is with the express intent of preventing any kind of popular uprisings like the one in germany.

>pretending to be apart of the discussion

How did you get so gullible and mentally weak?

This. Trudeaus wife is probably a dude

>a bad transvestite
There are "good" ones?

she's got a hillary duff thing going on with the thiccness, it's like a if duff had a bitchier older sister who's husband doesn't fuck her kinda vibe.

i'm stating facts. the one with the agenda is you. the fact that you again play the obtuse card and pretend "not to know" or "not to have heard" what i'm talking about is more proof of this.

also, the same things are happening in every country, not just canada.
what are sweden's rape statistics of late, out of curiosity? what about germany? new years eve in cologne ring any bells for you?

you are trying to defend the demographic and cultural destruction of a country that was once one of the greatest on earth. your ancestors may have even helped build this beautiful country that you yourself work to help destroy. let that sink in.

>not realizing you're the one being manipulated.

her name should have been
>Peggy Trudeau

this is like antifa's first visit to pol or something

>gaslighting people
>expecting to be taken seriously after.

We'll I posted source material. You posted unproven assertions and fallacies just because they align with your ideology. Facts are just inconvenient.

At least you all have your safe place here.

>Multiculturalism works
As Canada is being destroyed by multiculturalism.Listen, multiculturalism does not work, it roots out the culture of the host state and forces it to segregate into separate communities. This causes each distinct groups to compete without collaboration, and pits one group against the other which ultimately leads to violence. By employing Multiculturalism as a political ideology you are essentially splitting up the nation state into sub states which will lead to revolution and the demise of the host state culture, demographics, and whatever wealth/life they had.

>her name should have been
>>Peggy Trudeau

Or Soufflé

You actually think people voted for trump because of facebook posts

As if there weren't a million facebook posts for hillary or something

You're out of your fucking mind, the only reason you think it's all facebook's fault now is because you're literally just regurgitating what the media is saying. You're blatantly a walking talking manipulated fool and can't see it.
Remember: Better dead then red, because you can't be red until you can't be dead.

it's fucking bad here as well leaf.

>the mental gymnastics of the left
>not realizing the world over rejects and laughs at the fringe pseudo academic theories pushed by fringe left leaders

>pits one group against the other
Again making bullshit claims. How about some evidence of this?

This should worry you. Imagine if it was used against you. - Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

(OP) is probably him.

Such a shitty psych he needs Sup Forums's help.

>You actually think people voted for trump because of facebook posts

Gets old don't it. Imagine if Russia really had the kind of influence the liberals are saying it does. Putin could take over the world while eating his breakfast.

Canadins are hopeless

t. Canadian

It is. The media is mad bc someone who was not a leftist used it. How do you not know this

good post.

it's a form of corruption too. an abuse of power. these politicians wouldn't abuse their power and expect to gain by it, would they?

multiculturalism doesn't work. Check Western Europe and the US.

> mfw FPBP truth is truth shoulda stopped here.

Australians are also cucked to hell by the Jews.

t. Australian

check the news, 1 million british schoolgirls have been raped by muslim gangs practicing sexual jihad with the expression intention of destroying these children through horrific abuse and torture.

They just pick them up at school and nobody does anything because they don't want to upset the Muslim community. meanwhile the social eleit tax the productive and give to the non-productive in exchange for votes. This is the result of gender Marxism, rape, poverty, immorality and misery all round.

Socialist politicians are authoritarian and evil, they only care about themselves and there next fix of power induced dopamine hits