A person should be judged by their merit and ideology

A person should be judged by their merit and ideology.

You can't hold a person accountable for the actions of other people who share an arbitrary, immutable trait.

Attached: OK RACIST.jpg (176x250, 6K)

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Absolutely true. However, we can’t possibly make policies based on the individual, it would be impossible, and so we must deal in generalities. Should each us citizen be examined to determine if they are allowed to own nukes? No it would be too expensive and time consuming and so for safety private ownership is illegal. Same with tanks etc. when you meet someone you should judge them as an individual, but your immigration policies out of necessity must be generalized. Millions of people come to the US every year. We can not possibly vet them at an expedient rate. How can you get to know millions of people on a deep personal level? It’s impossible

How do you justify making those decisions based on immutable qualities, when you can make the same decision based on qualities within the person's control?

These are little known facts that you can easily verify
90% of interracial crimes are black on white. Think about that.
Black people comprise 13% of our population.
That means about 4.5% of the population are committing nine out of every ten
interracial violent crimes.

That alone is staggering but it's far from all.
Over half of the crime is committed by black males and that's all crime.
The violent crime ratio is something closer to 70%.

For every black male killed by police officer 40 are killed
by another black male. When the demographic is dangerous not
just to the majority but also its own apex predator then we're
well past the point of not prejudging the majority
based on the exceptions to the rule.

Poverty affects more white Americans than it does black Americans.
What defines us is not our similarities but our differences and what is
different is the way black Americans react in emotional situations.

We can argue nature vs nurture all day I don't think you'll find very
many people saying that black culture isn't deeply broken.
Black men impregnate multiple women.

Perhaps the greatly inflated myth of slavery that occurred for centuries
ago is still to blame. Even though 90% of African slaves came from Senegal
and Angola which means that unless you are of senegalese or angolan descent,
there is a less than 5% chance you are the ancestor of a Slave.

Then of course there's the uncomfortable fact that only 4% of southern white Americans
and 1.5% of all Americans owned slaves as compared to 33% of the free blacks in America
owning slaves.

The vast majority of slaves were sold or traded into slavery by their rulers,
and kidnappings were very uncommon and mainly perpetrated by the Portuguese.
Also who owned the majority of the slave ships and who compromised
the majority of slave Traders? Jews... Not white men. Semites.

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I was an anarchist coming here to troll. Started in December 2016.

Things started to change when I saw a NatSoc General thread. I watched many of the videos, including The Greatest Story Never Told on YouTube. My old comments dismissing it as propaganda are still around.

Then I saw a "redpill" thread here in Sup Forums regarding Jewish influence in the US and Europe. Now I notice it all around. In advertising and popular media. Porn. Food industry. Their goal, in their own words, is to create a raceless stew of "goyim" over whom they will rule. Erasing whites is a major step toward that goal. (All you anarcho-xyzs lurking here, be aware that if you promote the genocide of whites, ultimately you are promoting the genocide of blacks and browns as well. That is the end goal of the Jewish elite. To dilute all of us. Take that as you will.)

It occurred to me that many of the social issues I fought for as an anarchist were unwittingly aiding this Jewish Talmud agenda. I read a handful of books, stuff like Ride the Tiger and another called White Identity, did months more of lurking and research.

Now I just wish I never found out about any of this.

Not throwing a pity party. But I want to tell other anarchists who may be coming here to troll, you won't see it coming... you will be me soon. Click "catalog" and view the NatSoc general threads, and the redpill threads. Or just leave if you still can.

I prefer benevolence and peace. But I understand what Europeans must do, and are about to do, in order to secure a future for our white children. To survive. Something in this ancient DNA or European psyche is being activated. I know I'm not the only one who feels the time is approaching. It is beyond hate. It is necessity.
Black facts pastebin.com/7wfQE5mD

do you ever wonder if you might be a useful idiot?

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing

FACT: - Blacks are responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases, despite being only 13% of the population.
See page 28:

FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males.

FACT: - Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children

FACT - Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005"

Fact is black teens comprise only 15 percent of all U.S. teenagers but were 70 percent of all news AIDS diagnoses in 2012, according to CDC

Fact is Black privilege in America means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 20 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.

Fun Fact: only 25 percent of Black males are graduating in New York state, and in New York City?which has the largest Black male enrollment?only 28 percent graduates.

It's copy pasta my dude

its ok, I'm a bot shill

Fact is research shows black women, many living in Atlanta, are being infected with HIV -- so much so that the new cases are being compared to African countries.

Fact is Black Privilege means being responsible for virtually all crime in Atlanta: Blacks are 54 percent of the population but are responsible for:

- 100 percent of homicide
- 95 percent of rape
- 94 percent of robbery
- 84 percent of aggravated assault
- 93 percent of burglary

Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

FACT: Most inventions attributed to black people are myths.

FACT: - 62% of ALL Black births are paid for by the US government
cdc.gov/nchs/datawh/statab/pubd/2319_69.htm [archived]

FACT: 68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock
cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/pdf/nvsr50_05tb19.pdf [archived]


Total Murders committed by blacks in 2011: 2925
Total Murders committed by whites in 2011: 2823

White victims of black murderers: 448
Black victims of white murderers: 193

Murdering rate for blacks 7.1 / 100,000
Murdering rate for whites 1.1 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for blacks 6.7 / 100,000
Victimhood rate for whites 1.3 / 100,000

Rate of black on black murder: 84% of all murders committed by blacks
Rate of white on white murder: 93% of all murders committed by whites

Rate of black on white murder: 15% of all murders committed by blacks
Rate of white on black murder: 6% of all murders committed by whites

okay, fair enough. Now what do we do with the other 90% of them that will kill and maim you for entertainment and whatever you have in your pockets?

Blacks are 7x more likely to murder than whites
Blacks are 5x more likely to be murdered than whites
Blacks are 2x more likely to murder a white than be murdered by a whites
Blacks though representing 13% of the data set committed over 50% of the murders

Numbers are arrived at using rounded percentages. National Population was rounded to 13% Black, and 78% White. The 78% White includes Hispanics because that is how the FBI tracks murder statistics. Worth noting that this inflates white crime rates.

Look how otherwise intelligent, critical thinkers ignore both statistical and empirical data to preserve their notion of moral superiority. If you cant break that programming, if you cant handle the idea that race confers different gifts and deficits, then the big truths will never be revealed to you.

Raw Data used: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6


In the United Kingdom:
Approximately 2.8% of the population is black. (Source: 2012 Census)
In 2011-2012, 23% of arrests were of blacks, 4 times higher arrest rate for blacks than whites, taking population into account (Source: MOJ publication, "Race and the Criminal Justice System")

In Australia:

In the UK, ethnic minorities disproportionate source of crime and asocial behaviour:

UK has more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:

Merit, ideology and race are usually intertwined.

That's why racial profiling actually works.


Demographic breakdown of America

Whites (not counting hispanics) are currently at 63.7% of the US population.
African-Americans: 12.6% of the US population.
Hispanics are at 16.3% of the US population.

Source: wikipedia, which has its own sources at the bottom.

Taking the current population of the US (2014 estimate is 317 493 212), that would give us:

White people: 202 243 176
African Americanas: 40 004 144
Hispanics: 51 751 393

Now, the number of people who receive food stamps (in 2012, according to US department of Agriculture): 46 609 000

Now, according to SNAP (snaptohealth.org/snap/snap-frequently-asked-questions/) the percentages are as follow
(percentage of the total number of people on food stamps)
43% white people
33% african-americans
19% hispanic

Now, in terms of numbers that is:
White: 20,041,870
Blacks: 15,380,970
Hispanic: 8,855,710

So far so good, right?
Let's see what PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE PER RACE are on food stamps:
Whites: 20,041,870 on food stamps out of 202,243,176 people. Gives 9.91%
Blacks: 15,380,970 on food stamps out of 40,004,114 people. Gives 38.45%
Hispanics: 8,855,710 on food stamps out of 51,751,393 people. Gives 17.11%

Give or take 2-3% due to SNAP statistics being about 2012 and US population estimate for 2014.
But the conclusion is pretty much:


38.45%? Thats more than 1 in 3 blacks vs whites at 1 in 10. More than 3 times more likey to be on stamps than whites.

If Blacks left America

If all blacks suddenly left America...
(keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)
>The prison population would go down by 37%
>There would be almost 50% less gang members
>Rape would go down significantly
>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%
>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points
>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points
>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%
>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%
>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%
>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%
>The average income would be over 20k more per year
>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%
>Homelessness would go down by 57%
>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%

It's Okay To Be Racist

Unity Is Our Strength

Data does not measure crimes committed

It measures crimes for which the perpetrator was arrested and convicted

Try to break through your own conditioning there, user. Can you prove a causal link between race and a propensity to commit crimes?

Can you do it like this?

>trying to persuade using the word "not"

The left truly can't meme

Attached: 1521900149435.png (465x684, 445K)

>Data does not measure crimes committed

>It measures crimes for which the perpetrator was arrested and convicted
Fucking LeL are you retarded?

Already did you absolute kike shill.

>A person should be judged by their merit and ideology.
>You can't hold a person accountable for the actions of other people who share an arbitrary, immutable trait.

So you oppose equity policies, race quotas, the concept of representation and White guilt?

why wouldn't I?

Das rite wypipo

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Because the qualities within the person's control are still influenced heavily by immutable qualities, ultimately the person's genes determine all behavior.

Let's say we say we only want smart people and give them IQ tests, or personality tests, or screen for skills for immigration. The left will start freaking out because black people will score lower.

Basically every mutable quality is just the outcome of some number of immutable ones, and if we pretend it's not that way, we just discriminate against groups of people while pretending we're not doing so, so it's more dishonest.

Suppise you're alone at night walking. You side has a pack of feral nigs. The other side has an old asian lady. Do you not cross the road because "lol these are individuals and I can't make an assessment on their threat level because I don't know em" or do you cross the road so you pass by the person that is statistically less likely to rob you?

What's the purpose of this then?

The result is usually still the same as judging by race

So you oppose those things and thus acknowledge leftist/progressive and neocon racism (that is, racial prejudice and racial persecution) ?

You are correct

Attached: bernie sanders black lives.jpg (1140x712, 79K)

Here is what you really mean

Attached: 564656474.jpg (176x250, 8K)

If you're still here user I want to tell you that you've actually brought a bit of excitement to this board, I'm here everyday and I've noticed unusually high traffic today. The dissonance is enjoyable!

He didn't answer my question so apparently so.

duh nigger