ITT: God tier waifus

ITT: God tier waifus
>bonus points if literally a god

just please dont post that retarded blue haired slut

You can't stop me.





Not as hard when she got fucked by those wolves amirite?


>tfw when your waifu was fucked by a giant wolves...

No. She beat the shit out of those little puppies to teach them a lesson that they should not disrespect the elderly.



She's my god.

I'll take those bonus points.



Mai Miracle of the Supreme Ultimate






Shit taste is strong with this one





>posts tadoroko


Read this .

You're both wrong. She shoved her face in the dirt and begged the Alpha to spare Lawrence and let them pass. She's prideful as a goddess and that much is too degrading to let anyone, especially Lawrence, see.


Why is people so concerned about thousands of wolf cocks, i'm more concerned about all the big black cocks she's enjoying in modern France right now.



People seriously interrupted that as a rape scene?


I like puffy vulvas too

>What did Holo really do with the pack of wolves?
A. B. C. D. Others (please specify)

>blacked anime posters
you people deserve worse than death

>blank spot in 4th row
this irritates me slightly, atleast it's not off to the side

D. All of the Above

2/3 is fine by my standards


Who has more Saber figures: Gil or Medea?


What about an angel?

Among the reasons why I never applied for a janitorial position in all the years I've been here was never the >he does it for free, rather the knowledge that if I had that power I'd definitely delete posts like these even if they don't break any rules.


godly tier and is a goddess


I love Wiz!

does openly defying god grant a few bonus points?

Not a god but still somewhat immortal



best fate

Yes, it grants 10 bonus points. This brings her total to -293,782 points.

They just want it to happen.


>tfw yours isn't there
Also I'll have to kill you for insulting the Princess.




>Not posting the full version with futa column all checked

>has dick [X]
That's where you're wrong, buddy

>can't be memed

I win.

h bestia

Who the fuck made this garbage

Oh, hi, prez!


Terrible chart.

The answer is A. Do people actually think the other shit happened?

In any case, Holo can be a real cunt sometimes. I always felt bad for that one kid in the side stories. He got played so damn hard. I mean, sure, things ended up in the positive, but still.

D. With seven distinctive seeds to plant inside of me

>No Rin


Since 2011




add tomboy

My beloved.

You delete that right now.

It's a meme.

It's a meme, Whoro just fucked a bunch of humans before meeting Lawrence, that's all.

