Marxist Logic

Post worst logic from posters at todays march - go!

Attached: march4lessrights.jpg (1080x1350, 528K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>expecting logic from a roastie

Why do they always write in a passive aggressive style and start of sentences with "I mean". was there a statement before this poster?

Banning Pizza wont stop murders, since there are over 300,000,000 Pizza's in the US. Pizzas will simply fall into the black market, Pizza free zones have the highest Pizza related crime rate because people know that there will be no other Pizza's in that zone.

They even have a cup of coffee, so fucking typical and pathetic.

The chocolate slave trade that is probably benefiting from in that very cup of coffee in her hands kills more young children that every year and yet she drinks.

>pizza killed 30000 people a year
and if only 2 deaths where via murder and the rest were thanks to suicide would you commies ban pizza then?

I don't have anything from this march, but a feminist in a debate in Poland started complaining about white males.
In Poland.
We never had any fucking colonies and have 99,9% white people.
It's funny how they copy postmodernism without thinking.

Don't forget that niggers are very gluttonous, and they like to eat lots of pizza, even illegal pizza.

just ordered a pizza thanks

How many people die from obesity-related diseases in the US every year?

claims to be pro "life"

enjoys pizza with meat and dairy which kills endless numbers of animals each day

>half of those were suicides
The CDC estimated that Obesity killed 112,000 in 2004 in the United States as a conservative estimate.
Ban Assault Pizza!
(Pic is from a different protest)

Attached: protest.jpg (920x690, 68K)

>300k people die each year from obesity
>Almost 40 times as many people as gun murders.

Oh, I guess you were just being facetious about the pizza, uh?

take the Sup Forums poll!

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smug prick

Fixed my own reply.

Attached: Pizza kills.jpg (1080x1819, 816K)

It's because they have a passive personality themselves. Deep down they're afraid of hurting someone's feelings, so they write in a manner that's more "lighthearted" and humorous instead of direct and confrontational. They themselves are the female equivalent of beta males who were never taught to take a firm and loud but respectful stance on any issue without tearing, crying, or becoming overly aggressive in the process. Why? It's because they lacked firm alpha male role model figure, and were raised by women instead. Women, being less brave than men usually, convey messages using passive aggressiveness. Their children do the same.

You'll see hordes of nerdy beta males all over reddit writing with that passive aggressive style when they disagree with someone, often using ellipses throughout their sentences.

Marx was pro-gun.

Attached: marxguns.png (917x960, 195K)

From another march

Attached: powerful.jpg (400x400, 45K)

The shooters are all mentally stable choirboys with straight A's in ALL honors classes.

This cunt solidifies the assumption that women are emotionally retarded dumbfucks.

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He also didn't think much of niggers or faggots.

Just goes to show how his followers can fuck up even the best of things.

This desu. Reddit speak is very disingenuous and obnoxious

Why are you guys protesting against guns? We would kill for some guns here.

I mean I fucking love freedom but if our 2nd amendment got taken away then we would be thrown in jail for posting facebook memes about jihadists and transgenders

I hate these people. They seriously barely have a brain. Creepy fucks

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>my entire political philosophy and self identity is built around my sex organs
>I objectify myself into nothing more than a walking vagina

pizza probably does kill more than 30,000 people in the US a year from obesity, maybe pizza should be outlawed.

pizza make people fat and obesity kill people

I don't think Liberals are Marxists.
Most have probably never even read The Communist Manifesto.
It's better to understand the enemy if we want to bring them down.

EXACTLY. The 2nd Amendment allows the 1st Amendment to exist.

ban american pizza

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Xhe isnt wrong though

I mean like I fucking love cars but it cars violently killed 30,000+ people a year I'd be like no you see cars have a purpose I need to get to jamal's house and back without my boyfriend finding out so I'm fine killing people every year for that right like we need economic growth to pay for womens studies degrees like

It is, I can smell hers from here

You leave that Chicago style deep dish alone!

do it faggot

Attached: 2.png (579x388, 32K)

That's the thing, they're marxists and they don't even realize it. Modern Liberalism and Marxism follow the same assumptions and obsession with absolute equality at the cost of all else, not to mention blind faith in government institutions

Attached: marx_gun_control.jpg (449x491, 63K)

I wish people died when I ate pizza. Namely these people.

Marxism does not have to do with equality. It has to do with stealing from the rich. Stealing from those who generate economic growth, and giving it to niggers, Slavs, Jews, and degenerates.

Attached: only 30000 eh.jpg (580x500, 144K)

Neither of you have read Marx, have you?


Why are cancer deaths rising when better cures are available?
Is it just smoking?

I also never read Stalin or Mao and I know it's garbage.

>believing in the "investors create economic growth" myth.

We better ban womyn for the safety of the world. I am calling for a gay society to be established.


Carcinogens are deliberately added to our environment. You can make a lot of fucking money selling chemo drugs.

Alcohols kills 70-80,000 Americans annually.

I bet they own a car!

>replace pizza with niggers

Over 30,000 people die each year from car crashes in America alone... why aren't they trying to ban assault vehicles?

it was harder to diagnose back then. people died of "old age". now people die of extremely specific cancers. same thing with mental health. lots of people were just "crazy" or "slow". now theres a million different diagnoses for crazy

oh shi....

people have the right to self-harm too, I'm pro-gun but that comparison is retarded.

I wonder how willing they are to talk about the specifics of those numbers, how many are suicides as I've read in this thread, how many are from blacks, how many are from the mentally ill with broken homes?

Allowing women to run wild with unchecked opinions is dangerous and then they have pathetic weak orbiters that will protect and encourage them.

Pizza makes people gain weight. People with more weight are unhealthy. Unhealthy people die sooner.

Put down that slice bitch.

Because they don't understand real aggression.

We should ban alcohol

Hmm, if there is only a total of 10'000 homicides, there has to be less that are gun related. And from gun related homicides over 80% are by illegal firearms.

> if illegal firearms are involved in 8000 homicides per year, maybe none of us should have illegal firearms.
(legal firearms are involved in

Love Chicago, hate their nigs and deep dish. Also, their sausage is shite.