Something that somewhat irks me Sup Forums is the general consensus even from Supposed atheists Believe that rights are...

Something that somewhat irks me Sup Forums is the general consensus even from Supposed atheists Believe that rights are inherent or in the more religious point of view is that Rights are endowed by God(s), Personally, I am a Mutualist-syndicalist and a Christian and I don't believe that rights come from God but The individuals ability to protect themselves from those who attempt to steal away their rights. essentially rights come from might, I'm no egoist and agree much more with Nietzche than Stirner. I'm fairly open-minded and I'm open to various Ideals. Let's discuss the origin of rights.

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>implying We all believe in Sky-Jew

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So you’re a Satanist

Yeah, you guys are pagen's and fascism/Nazism is a meme ideology no one takes seriously. Follow your leader nerd.

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Rights are a philosophical concept. The Bible doesn't speak of "rights".

You cant read I'm a Christian and a Nietzschean existentialist Satanism dives more into alot of larping and Is essentially a "herd" religion which I wouldn't agree with.


>meme ideology
>anarchist flag

I'd tell you to follow your leader, but you would just head to the Wall Street.

>The individuals ability to protect themselves from those who attempt to steal away their rights
But that doesn't define what your "rights" are, nor does it in any way objectify the actual EXISTENCE of rights.
At its core, atheism is Satanism. Both have the same basic premise for morality: Morality is getting whatever you want; do what thou wilt. As long as nobody can stop you, it is "right."

I don't have a leader and I'm against Wallstreet, and most modern "anarchists" are really communists in denial and don't actually want a free market which is what anarchism implys

Both are still really dogmatic, not in a theological sense but a herd mentality sense.

and again "rights" don't exist, Only your ability to fight for what you want does such as The ownership of firearms, freedom of speech "right" to free market trade etc...

Back to the oven kike subhuman.

ahhhh more authoritarianism, he can stay this is an anarchist thread all are welcome.

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Have you read this?

Or maybe Nicomachean Ethics or Politics by Aristotle?

No i'm on it.

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My Philosophy is similar in a way because i think reciprocity and anti-aggression are the basic fundamentals of natural law or the" law of the jungle" for example if one cougar decides to attack another cougar over a piece of meat (a metaphor for "rights" the cougar who was attacked will generally speaking attempt to defend themselves and their rights.

Since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,

slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,

foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Remember and do not forget:

God will bring you — body and soul — through life and death to full and everlasting pleasure, if he is your safest refuge, and your supreme treasure, and your sovereign Lord, and your trusted counselor.

Look, God created us and stepped back and watched the show only occasionally manipulating the events in our world.

Might makes right.

That’s all there is.


God is sovereign over all of creation, every molecule. God is intimately acquainted with every cell in your body. He knows when you sit and when you rise.

Lol this

God is dead and we Killed him, Free yourself from the Herd of Organized religion shake of the chains of societal expectations

Yeah Modern anarchism has become very capitalist influenced and became social justice cucks, many influential Political and philosophical figures were anarchists such as George Orwell and to some extent Nietzche.

lets talk archimedes op

>ignoring unified field
user breathe

You aren't a Christian idk what makes you think you are one, heretic.

John 1 English Standard Version (ESV)
The Word Became Flesh

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 He was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

>might makes right

This is why you're still here commie faggot

And how EXACTLY did you KILL GOD?

>Both have the same basic premise for morality
atheism doesnt have nothing to do with morality, satanist does becuase its a cult, with certain rules, a dogma, rituals etc.
athiesm does not have rules, we are no a group, just a bunch of individuals who dont believe in deities, we dont have a unique dogma or sacred book, neither rules

You are not a Christian.

the Founding Fathers [who were mostly Diests, not Christians] held that our rights are bestowed upon us by our Creator, whoever or whatever that Creator is, whether it be God, Allah, Yahweh, Darwin, or the Spaghetti Monster.
simply existing as an intelligent rational person you have inherent rights. one of those rights it to bear arms, so you can defend yout other rights

I believe in That Jesus is the king of kings and the son of god. so yeah I'm a Christian. The Phrase "God is dead" doesn't mean what you think it means it refers to the past purpose of organized religion and dogma within society and how gradually humanity has abandoned organized religion to some degree to pursue other herd trends, I'm a Christian I just don't subscribe to any particular sect.

Isaiah 58:13-14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Keeping the Sabbath
13 “If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot
From doing your own pleasure on My holy day,
And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable,
And honor it, desisting from your own ways,
From seeking your own pleasure
And speaking your own word,
14 Then you will take delight in the Lord,
And I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;
And I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”


Then include the whole quote for christs sake!

"“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Im saying God just dropped us here without any particular purpose and only occasionally influenced our humanity that being the events of the Original Bible.

Keep spitting out quotes from a book that changed hands several times.

You underestimate my laziness.

a lazy philosopher is a shitty one

No, you are a heretic, you are not close to Christianity, you are just a putrid reprobated heretic that will burn in hell for twisting the truth of scripture into lies.

You realize you're on the internet right, regardless quit following the herd my dood.

Forgiveness of sins and justification are good news because they remove obstacles to the only lasting, all-satisfying source of joy: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not merely the means of our rescue from damnation; he is the goal of our salvation. If he is not satisfying to be with, there is no salvation. He is not merely the rope that pulls us from the threatening waves; he is the solid beach under our feet, and the air in our lungs, and the beat of our heart, and the warm sun on our skin, and the song in our ears, and the arms of our beloved.

This is why the New Testament often defines the gospel as, simply, Christ. The gospel is the "gospel of Christ" (Romans 15:19; 1 Corinthians 9:12; 2 Corinthians 2:12; 9:13; 10:14; Galatians 1:7; Philippians 1:27; etc.). Or, more specifically, the gospel is "the gospel of the glory of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:4). And even more wonderfully, perhaps, Paul says that the preaching of the gospel is the preaching of "the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8).

what are you going to burn me at the stake?

>Keep spitting out quotes from a book that changed hands several times.
i think i talked to this guy before, everytime you question god he starts circlejerking into the bible, when you question the bible he comes back to god and so on and so on. he has no other thing to say

Thanks for the warning friend.

im the one who told you to go read aristotle and you tell me to quit following the herd.......jesus fucking christ you are dense

No, foolish heretic, I will do nothing, Jesus Himself, the terrible judge, will cast you into the eternal lake of fire though.

I'm not really even questioning god just the events in which we have recorded that spit out modern Christianity and organized religion in general.

Quit following the herd.

You may rationalize your pretentious meme flag nonsense, but your impulse is fascistic (like a lot of lefties) and that is what you really are underneath.

>Im saying God just dropped us here without any particular purpose and only occasionally influenced our humanity that being the events of the Original Bible.
i mostly agree with that. that part i disagree with is "without any particular purpose," God put us here to honor and praise Him, to make Him proud

>claim to be Christian

>ignore/reject arguments from sacred scripture

Do you see why I tell you that you aren't even close to being a Christian?

quit larping fag.

Go read Aristotle and Plato before you post one more time you ignorant little shit.

You read some Nietzsche and think you mastered it huh? Good fucking riddance you pedantic little shit

>He believes in hell to perpetuate his juvenile sense of justice


>Personally, I am a Mutualist-syndicalis
You're a cuck.

You sound scared and terribly ignorant of the history of the Bible

The Bible passed hands Over centuries do you really think nothing changed?

> doesn't tell me why I'm a cuck.
> argument is instantly invalid.

he is likely a 14 year old who just read Nietzsche because he readily admits to not having read Aristotle or Plato. The kid took a crash course in philosophy and now feels like he is an ubermensch because he made it through Beyond Good and Evil

>Gatekeeping this fucking hard

>I am a Christian and I don't believe that rights come from God

u wot m8

but yes you're right, morals are just agreements of conduct between humans, if I murder you but no one finds out and I don't feel bad about it nothing will happen to me, only how humans react to it could

Go back to /r/anarchism, newfag.

Typical edgelord, not even suprised.

Well excuse me, I didnt realize a couple of chapters of Nietzsche was all that was required for the Philosophers Jr. Starter Kit

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i was talking about OP and not you....but that's cool. Edgelord it is

Nah fuck Reddit its full of social justice tards and I've been on here awhile I'm surprised you haven't seen any threads on mutualism perhaps you are the newfag.

> gatekeeping.

And I was talking about him, should've expressed myself better I guess.

>Nah fuck Reddit its full of social justice tards
Like I said, Reddit is to the other say.

Rights are derived/gifted from God, or at least something greater than the sum of ourselves or they can become meaningless and tossed aside to easily.

speak English you fucking wop, im not even a fucking sjw twat.

I believe rights are inherent because having the means to decide your own fate is a desire shared by most humans; regardless of how you perceive what true liberty actually is, some see capitalism as an opponent of true liberty while others believe the opposite, liberty is a value that most people hold dear.

No, as explained above no they are not.

"Mutualists oppose the idea of individuals receiving an income through loans, investments and rent as they believe these individuals are not laboring. Though Proudhon opposed this type of income, he expressed that he had never intended "to forbid or suppress, by sovereign decree, ground rent and interest on capital. I think that all these manifestations of human activity should remain free and voluntary for all: I ask for them no modifications, restrictions or suppressions, other than those which result naturally and of necessity from the universalization of the principle of reciprocity which I propose".[4] Insofar as they ensure the worker's right to the full product of their labor, mutualists support markets and property in the product of labor. However, they argue for conditional titles to land, whose ownership is legitimate only so long as it remains in use or occupation (which Proudhon called "possession")[5]—thus advocating personal property, but not private property."

That's some commie shit comrade.

A AnCom with right wing social views? You're a strange specimen.

Then your rights are arbitrary and I am not subject to respect them.

He is probably crying because his friends insulted him for not being a faggot like them and just found about this place.

subjected? required.


No its really not cause commies want to abolish money, business and want to institute a centralized bank, we are really more of a combo of ancaps and ansyns

Cant read can you im not an ancom.

Involved with radical politics and in his contact with the Marxists, he [Proudhon] soon rejected their doctrine, seeking rather a middle way between socialist theories and classical economics." — Irving Horowitz, The Anarchists, 1964, Dell Publishing

Im a Mutualist-syndicalist which means like you i am not opposed to free markets.

For mutualists, occupancy and use is the only legitimate standard for establishing ownership of land, regardless of how many times it has changed hands. According the mutualist Kevin Carson "A change in occupancy will amount to a change in ownership." An existing owner may transfer ownership by sale or gift; but the new owner may establish legitimate title to the land only by his own occupancy and use. A change in occupancy will amount to a change in ownership. Absentee landlord rent, and exclusion of homesteaders from vacant land by an absentee landlord, are both considered illegitimate by mutualists. The actual occupant is considered the owner of a tract of land, and any attempt to collect rent by a self-styled landlord is regarded as a violent invasion of the possessor's absolute right of property. (p. 200. of Carson's "Mutualist Political Economy." (editor's emphasis)

Get fucked commie

Rights that aren't enforced may as well not exist. Not saying it should be this way, but that's just the way it works.

You don't know the difference between communism and socialism Marx bastardized socialism mutualists have no intent to "redistribute wealth" in the sense marx describes.


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Also Kevin Carson often associates with Ancaps as do i.

Well seeing as you can't refute the claim that they are from God and if not they are meaningless I think it's safe to say that is indeed the origin of rights.

But, say I own two plots of in Ohio and one in New York. You advocate taking my land in New York because Im currently residing in Ohio? You dont think its theft to take the land Ive developed and paid taxes on? You think its yours because you "occupy" it?

Are you Keeping your possessions in both pieces of property if so yes you own both plots of land.

Also taxation is theft.

But I cant simultaneously occupy two places at once.....also, your system would prohibit me from renting out the use of my land that im not currently occupying

Occupancy is Just keeping your shit there, read property is theft by Ian McKay it dives deeper into the subject far more than the wiki article.