Can we have Macau back?

Portuguese Macau: 1557-1999

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_the_Government_of_Portuguese_Macau_(1976-1999).svg.png (800x533, 114K)

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I'm in

Get Angola Mozambique too while you're at it

It's funny because Macau became a way more sucessfull than Portugal


>Americlapping commences

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Macau have an excellent geographic location for trade, and for horny chinese who are addicted to gambling.

No, we don´t want it. Portugal lives in Europa, not in the all world.

They have not even close of our stands of life, from health, to infrasctures an wealth

100% identity

In Portugal we pay more taxes, they make more money per capita, and only have 1.9% unemployment. They're not doing bad, see for yourself...

I don´t care how they are doing, they are not portuguese/european. Therefore they have no place on portuguese nation, them or any non european.
And still, they are far behind in any quality of life rate, check by yourself too

>I don´t care how they are doing
If you don't care why bother

Can you defeat swarmes of PLA minions? No.

start doing something like cleaning you backyard or family's land like my father and I do, even the PM does instead of shitposting stupid stuff - Gen Z. I hate people in fucking urban centres like you faggots.

Attached: antonio_costa_moto-roçadora.png (439x593, 593K)

Yes that's good, but what are you doing to avoid that portuguese aka native whites became a minority in our own land? did you at least voted far right (pnr)? did you ever redpilled anyone?


Então acho que está na hora de deixares o Sup Forums e ires fazer uma queimada controlada. trata tu das tuas terras que eu trato das minha.

acho uma piada tremenda, depois de tantos anos, só agora é que se lembraram que têm de limpar o mato á volta da casa. Isso devia partir de vocês e não era preciso ir o PM mostrar como se faz, todos os anos é a mesma merda...

claro os outros partidos é que sao bons

>Isso devia partir de vocês e não era preciso ir o PM mostrar como se faz
I go to the forest since my 15 years old helping my dad clean up, carry wood and plus treating some olive trees there.
> Isso devia partir de vocês
Urban centre faggot. E para dizer "vocês" é talvez sejas estrangeiro.

Start reading the events leading to Macao handover. Context, o Motim 1-2-3, de facto que controla aquilo informalmente é a PRC, o governo do Prec em 75 queria devolver aquilo. Instead of spamming threads

leste o titulo e ficaste por aí. O facto de haver muita gente naturalizada, não quer dizer que o processo ficou mais simples ou sequer mais barato. Se estás com tanta inveja dos trabalhos que eles vêm cá fazer, começa a acartar baldes de massa e a conduzir táxis. Tás com medo? Compra um cão

Uma delicia

>The fact that there are many naturalized people does not mean that the process has become simpler or even cheaper.
Why do you think they changed the law in 10th June to increase even more. Plus giving out nationality to Goan Indians born until 1961 and descendants and East Timorenses born until 2002 and descendants

>Tás com medo? Compra um cão
Esses gajos autistas estão mais protegidos do que tu com essas respostas de shitposter. Od faggots são os primeiros a levar com eles.

Attached: naturalization_rate_portugal_eurostat.png (898x916, 122K)

pessoas que vivem em aldeias.
Ainda bem que tratam do mato. Mas há muita gente que não trata, incluindo o próprio Governo que não se faz cumprir.
O thread é claramente a gozar, e eu entendo a Lei Básica de Macau

se defendes tanto o Portugal, porque não escreves na Língua Camoniana?

a população está velha e precisamos de mão de obra, se quiseres eu também te arranjo gráficos engraçados, mas esse já deves ter. Começa a foder muito para termos muita força laboral para dar a volta que este país precisa!

volta para a tua terra.

I'm studying in Lisbon starting in August any chance I can meet up with some Sup Forumstugal bros

Are you newfag (novoviado)?
I've got tools here in surburbs and I deslocate with my father to the forest the lands he has there. Before leaving in the suburbs, I lived in the city and I had to go to the forest.

People are living urban centres and the problem is that they will own the private land but not moving a finger.

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not from Lisbon, I'm from Coimbra

volta para o Brasil sff

>People are living urban centres and the problem is that they will own the private land but not moving a finger.

Coimbra too. Lived near Coimbrashopping no Vale das Flores. Now I live in the suburbs in the other bank of river - margem esquerda

Ah! the odds! I live in Bairro N.M

You're welcome to try and get it, euronigger

>a população está velha e precisamos de mão de obra,
Is there a need to give nationality or simplify the process to give out nationality?

Or simplify visa or have PRADO agreements and others of temporary work? People don't even speak Portuguese and are Portuguese nationals. Even the grandchildren part of the new law they have to speak Portuguese or be born into to Lusophone countries. And how much of these new nationals are coming here instead of going to the rest of Europe?

Attached: mail_online_passports.png (2108x1076, 2.3M)

You're not in position to insult anyone