Why don’t the retards supporting ubi realise it just leads to inflation?

Why don’t the retards supporting ubi realise it just leads to inflation?

Attached: image.jpg (1100x724, 228K)

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Because how else do you get immigrants to fuck off? Sales tax?

>Why don’t the retards realise
A wise man's question contains half the answer.

Answer in question

UBI is just "enough" to eat, clothes, and have something above our head to sleep...
You eat Gmo crap (half woodpwder) pumped up withh "expensive" vitamins, you dress with recycled platic 2nd hand pants, you live in a box in a megacomplex of boxs.

Indeed, AI, robots and automatism wiped out 70% of world workforce. Politicians just pushed UBI for "the sake of human rights"

Every technological marvels from health to transportation are so "expensive" (Ohhh dear relativity), that just a few (guess who), can afford it.

Funny enough what i've described, is probably 80+% of the futuristic movies coming from hollywood... dystopia for the masses/utopia for... you know... :)

>Because how else do you get immigrants to fuck off
you dont
once they immigrate they never leave, they multiply

I wish someone would give me free money so I can sit in my flat and play vidja all day.

1. It doesn't because all the money already exists, only in the hands of the very rich.

2. Some inflation is necessary for an economy to function.

Since 2008, printing 17 trillion dollars didn't increase inflation at all.
Its frightening to me how little people understand the times in which they are living.

>Since 2008, inflating the currency didn't inflate the currency at all


Attached: 1492881552204.gif (498x498, 617K)

>1. It doesn't because all the money already exists, only in the hands of the very rich.

Get out socialist.

People still believe in communism. Figure that one out.

I'm very close to that.
All I have to do is play vidya all day and check on a website on a different monitor and click on an interface when some numbers go wrong. All from home.
I hope that robots can grant us all that lifestyle one day, nobody would go out to fight for retarded shit.


Attached: wealth inequality.jpg (1242x693, 228K)

You are more wealthy than over 80% of the population if you have 1k lmao.


>When you make an argument that supports the other side's position.

Gg, kraut

Not really, it was supposed to show you what "rich" is.
I earn good money and don't waste it on bullshit, I invest it. Just because the majority can't handle being responsible with their money, doesnt mean that they get exploited.
I spend less money than most of my friends/colleague/family and now some fucker like you will come around in 15 years time and complain how it is unfair that I accumulated wealth and they did not.

In 15 years I'd expect even prostitution to be automated. Someone would be lucky to have any job at all by that point.

UBI isn't viable or necessary until automation has made human labor obsolete. It's something that we'll be forced to switched to eventually, but we aren't there yet.

>the dole, social security, welfare, disability is somehow not "ubi" under another name


>Inflation hasn't hit hard since 2008
Know how I know you don't have a real job?

What's your job user?

Because that's fucking retarded, and mathematically you cannot just have "all the prices rise". And that's because you're not printing money to pay for it, you're taking taxes out and balancing it out by getting rid of minimum wage.

Money is being taken AWAY via taxes. What part of this is so hard to understand? It's like saying that paying wages causes inflation.

UBI is peak fascism.

If you gave them no money you could get them to kick the Muslims out.

Then why the fuck are you so angry?

what is your job please

You are just dead wrong.

Look at the CPI vs. real wage increases. Further, CPI doesn't take into consideration the price of real estate and cars.

The fed lies. They say we have ~1.8% inflation, when it is much closer to 3.5% for the average American.

A friend of mine is an engineer.
He has a patented system for farms (and other stuff too but mostly farms) and that system is monitored online. I just monitor that shit from monday to saturday and give the system certain parameters during the day. It doesn't have any AI so a technician is required unless the client specifically request to take care of it. For each client he gets I get a small cut. All I had to do is 1 month formation and read a really big instruction book.