Give me one good reason why all downies shouldn't be forcibly aborted

Give me one good reason why all downies shouldn't be forcibly aborted

Attached: Boy_with_Down_Syndrome.JPG.jpg (929x1279, 218K)

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>Give me one good reason why all downies shouldn't be forcibly aborted

There is none. They all should be aborted.

Attached: downald trump.jpg (750x703, 99K)

We need a downy army to harass the Jews overload their resources.

>Give me one good reason why all downies shouldn't be forcibly aborted
You'll be held accountable to God for your actions and beliefs when you die.

Downies are too cute to boot. Keep them

Performing abortions on downies basically amounts to cleaning up God's mess.

> downies
> cute

Have you ever seen a downie?

INB4 pointless appeals to emotion

I can't really argue with it.
Screening for genetic disorders is the best thing we can do with ourselves as a species.

Can I hold God accountable for all the suffering he's brought by creating downies in the first place?
I think me and the Big Man can reach a moral compromise.

There is none. We should send em to the gas instead

Yes. They are so cute and huggable. I love them.

WHo will manage all nigger workers at the nursing home?

Because that's a whole arm of the nursing/care branch that would be out of a job.

What's funny is the abortions would probably cost less than the wages of all the care workers, the equipment and resources used, and time investment needed to care for them.

You would have to deal with the "how much downs/autism is too much" problem in addition to being able to detect it really early on.

The other option is to go full The Island mode and begin organ harvesting. That would create a new industry to replace the defunct care industry, but that's an entirely different moral dilemma.

It's not your kid, fuck off.

Attached: right to privacy in the home.jpg (1413x1071, 165K)

>trusting the gubermnt on which pregnancy is a downie

they are generally awesome ppl, and most can do a job

The ultimate redpill is to gene mix them, I wonder if an agenda can be pushed to blackwash downies?

There is a huge amount of corruption and abuse in the downie care system. As far as I can see, the only people who chose to work with downies either want an easy target to abuse/experiment with, or want to be able to boast about how good of a person they are.

That's true. They can't do very sophisticated work but they are really good at sorting. Question is should all niggers have forced abortion? They're utterly worthless.

because then you are not liking diversity
oy vey goyim
abortion is murder but only when it is kids with down syndrome

>Oy the baby's white? Quick, tell them it's going to have Downs syndrome!

they are the only true superhumans with their innate retard strength, why we don't utilize it is beyond me. These fuckers have the strength of 10 men, 10 MEN!

How's come it's always a white downy?

cuz non-whites don't continue to try to have children after 30, duh

and the intellectual capacity of .10 men!

That article is such bullshit. Downies are unpredictable and their retard strength is scary and dangerous. Plus they don't live full lives anyway


Because you might be next?

Yeah, it's something I didn't really think about until recently. Just the other day people were posting about this supposed doctor who would upload photos of him abusing disabled, critical condition, deceased, or aborted children. I think the alias that was discovered for the individual was Dr. Gloves.

OP said a reason AGAINST, fucking emu-lover

Perry Ponceman

Funny, because much of the rest of the world see white Yanks as worthless. Can we abort you?

Because tard stories are funny.

Their lives are full, as they see them. As I imagine you see your life as full, while it is arguably quite empty.

Ah, and disposing of the OP would be a good thing - right I see. Well, I can't argue with logic like that.

They're sterile anyway. Who cares. Let the roasties have their pets.

Because they could have long and fulfilling lives in the circus as clowns.

This is the most convincing reason in this whole thread

I meant the low life expectancy and health problems

Good, we get rid of the OP and downies. It's settled and OP's sacrifice will be noted alongside his choice in 2D anime girls

not true, downie females can reproduce.

Because it's none of your business, and it sets a dangerous precedent for the government to forcibly abort others deemed undesirable. First it's downies and then the next thing you know, your kids are being aborted simply for being Irish.

Ginger kids are a menace tbqh

>Give me one good reason why all downies shouldn't be forcibly aborted
yea but who would vote for republicans if they did that?