One Piece

If Brook's crew hadn't gotten obliterated, would he have become one of Big Mom's husbands while she was still hot?

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Would BM be interested in a non-skeleton Brook?

>kinda strong
Fuck yes, he's everything BM loves.
He'd be smarter than that though.




I want Robin to read the ponegylph imprints

What if Big Mom is being possessed by Caramel?

that old bitch lived for a really long time then

Oh, the anime reached that already? Did they doo justice to best skelly or should i not even bother downloading?

It's not the scene you're thinking of yet. This is anime filler of the beginning of the battle.

Ah crap, thanks user. Shouldn't be too far off though.

Ghosts are a thing in One Piece.

does carrot have extremely powerful thighs, or can she merely jump and move quickly because she's a rabbit?

When is Eneru coming back

I have a feeling that Luffy really is going to end up losing his arms at some point

But don't worry, both him and Shanks will use haki to give themselves spiritual arms to use in battle


What if Big Mom passes out after eating the cake and Germa 66 comes and seastonecuffs the shit out of her so they can give her as a gift to the WG?

I think they should just push her into the sea

germa will be jobbing one of the veterans



Brook is white there aren't even one black straw hat.


>there aren't even one black straw hat
what is zoro?
what is Usopp?
what is pre TS robin?
what is Brook?

Nah, just one of his hands so that he can have a hook like his mommy.

Then parrot. Then eye patch.

Gomu Gomu nooo... Stumpu!

they're all just tan

Zoro was orange and an animation error
Usopp sure
Robin was an animation error
Brook is Austrian

>not black in a decade or two

>Robin was an animation error
You take that back!

Go on

Ussop isn't even black. He's arab. Well, from his dad sid. His mom looks more ashkenazi jew.

Post all your best Katakuri pics.


Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

Then I want Robin to tell the rest of the crew what they mean

whoops meant for

Of course not. Back when he was young he was just a random ningen. A human who didn't even have the benefit of being BM sized or a royal like Pound. The way he is right now is the hottest he will ever look as far as BM is concerned.




Sure. I'm just reposting stuff that's already on /cm/ though.



I'm prepared to finally drop the anime after following it autistically since 2005 and sticking with it no matter how low they sink, if they'll get his hair color wrong. Toei is bad enough to give him black hair.

No worries user look at pic related. You can tell the hair is pink even if the head is obscured.

Let's hope it stays that way.

what will you do when one piece ends?

I'll start reading One Piece next generations: One Peace.

start reading One Piece Super

>story is about one of Luffy kids
>Luffy is the Pirate King and now he's busy fucking his harem gluttonously 24/7 AND cheating on them all the time


How can people still be this delusional. Do you think Luffy is 13 or that he will grow up at some point? Luffy is completely asexual. Except for meat.

I don't think he's asexual.

I think he just cares about piracy 1000x more.

asexual people can still have sex for reproductive purposes.

They just aren't interested in sex itself.

nah Luffy not being petrified makes him either gay or asexual.

No homo moments that stand out though so sexual attraction is pretty much not there.

>nah Luffy not being petrified makes him either gay or asexual.

or he just a strong how haki protects individuals against any other powers


>a month later a prequel manga is announced.
Congrats, you played yourself

Big Mom could break free from cuffs. Seastone or else.

Didnt he and Ussopp perv on Nami while she was taking a bath once?

And I'm pretty sure he had some sort of interest in Vivi

Luffy was just copying Usopp

Did Toei do Brook justice?

Goku had the same mindset as Luffy when he was all bout the food and getting stronger. He was fortunate Chi-Chi was there to show em.. ahem.


>Pink smoke instead of flames
>Brook's clothes not heavily damaged
>Instead of it looking like Brook is getting up from being beaten up by Big Mom it just looks like he just started fighting her

do the yonkos know how to read the ponegylphs?

>Instead of it looking like Brook is getting up from being beaten up by Big Mom it just looks like he just started fighting her
That is what's happening. It's not the same scene.

So they used the panel during the wrong time? The hell?

They showed the start of the battle now and will show the other scene later.

No shit Einstein. But harem isn't the institution that was created for reproductive purposes. That's marriage. The purpose of a harem is purely recreational. It's even implied in that user's post with the word "glutonously" as in "glutonously fucking". It suggests a thrill, an interest Luffy can relate too. There is no such thing as "glutonously having sex for the sole purpose of procreation without having the slightest interest in the sex itself", whether in that post, or in reality.

Read "Ruffo, One Piece Next Generations"

I miss ivankov
hee haw

No, that was the whole point of Pudding, Big Mom has a three eyed kid because they apparently have the ability to read poneglyphs when their third eye awakens.

what about kaido?

>But harem isn't the institution that was created for reproductive purposes.
Literally factuallly incorrect.

If the Kozuki clan had books for teaching their offspring how to read the Poneglyph language, Kaido could have learned it from those by now. Otherwise he made it so Robin really is the only person in the world that can read Poneglyphs

I want to marry a young Big Mom!

The Reverie arc is most likely to happen before Wano. The revos will surely be there.

ah that makes sense
I was gonna ask about shanks and blackbeard, but shanks either doesn't care and/or already knows where raftel is, and blackbeard will probably pull something out of his ass to read the ponegylph

Blackbeard’s hobby is reading history. He will pulling something out of his black ass about Raftel.

>2017 is almost over
>WCI is still going

it's almost over, don't worry

>Zoro was orange
We will make sword fighting great again.

Dragon Ball Super?

i swear to god, this bastard always gets the best songs. it's not fair

nope, your thread is this way

I want to protect this smile.

>Look down
>No feet


oda is happy that one piece is selling

I’m happy for Oda. I’m glad that he created One Piece. Where can I send my questions to Oda?

>while she was still hot
I don't think she was ever hot. Or if you're referring to Brook, he was never hot, either.


How can other authors even compete?

Shouldnt bege have way more men? In Sabaody he had a horde troops in him

>that one part early in the early arcs where Oda takes about sitting in a cafe or something and watching a kid get excited about One Piece, instantly thinking "this is why I have to keep going"

I love him.

Oda has gone on to say that what helps him keep going, week after week, is because he REALLY wants to draw the ending, he is super excited to make the ending to One Piece

I have some confidence he'll be able to make a satisfying ending then. He's incredibly smart, I'm not sure how long he thought One Piece would go but over all this time he's created so many "promises" and "afterthoughts" that the crew wants to do after they find the treasure, with all that, it can create a fulfilling finale.

Oda literally said Usopp would have been born in Africa in the real world.

Basing it strictly on looks is stupid considering the green haired swordsman is Japanese and the blue haired cyborg is American

originally he thought it would go for 5 years. But looking at the story, i'm pretty sure that by the time he planned baratie (introduction of shichibukai and the 3 great powers, 4 blues, 'paradise'), he knew that wasn't gonna happen.