What went wrong...

What went wrong? Why did Silver Link decide to butcher the character designs when we could've easily gotten very cute crunching potatoes, like the game OP screenshots prove?

Stella no Mahou and/or Kirara Fantasia thread, I suppose.

And no, OP movie's not out yet, the official twitter just keeps teasing with screenshots. The game should hopefully be out this December.

Other urls found in this thread:


Still looked like a potato though, like a smaller jellybean too.

Somewhat autistic potato, to be honest. Not that the anime design was inherently bad, but I just don't understand why would they even want to change it so much, clearly not making it better in the process. Not the biggest problem of the anime, of course, it was still cute, but it irked me ever since the first character design reveals.

The game opening focuses on the right things.


What do you have against Haa-chan?

Shiinan is pretty cute in the game, too.

I'm confused, this actually get a movie? Game?

She's a bitch.

Kirara Fantasia, a f2p mobage based on comics from Manga Time Kirara, is coming out this month or thereabouts, and they animated an opening movie for the game. Stella no Mahou is one of the participating titles, and most of the recent ones with anime adaptations are in - Hidamari, New Game, A-channel, Gakkou Gurashi, etc.


Not really, she's just a tsundere. And she's the main reason why Tamaki is trying to improve.

Oh, apparently its a mobage, heard about it in some other kirara adaptation thread.


Probably some time this week, apologies for the delays.

It's alright mate, you guys've done great job on the earlier releases.

Silver Link is a shit studio.

My wife Tamaki is so cute

my daughter tamaki is so cute, she loves do lewd things with papa! she will be married with me

Sex with Tamaki.

I didn't even recognize her. Is that supposed to be a spear or a wand?

I think her class is most likely "knight", so I would assume that's a spear or some other physical weapon. Makes sense for her to be a knight, at least, since Tamaki is a wizard and the fujoshi is a priest.

So another money sucking gacha innit?

They're the second best studio today.

It's weird to see a programmer who isn't a mage since the Nips seem to really enjoy making that parallel. But they probably decided on classes first and then fit the characters in later so that you can have show-specific teams and still have a balanced party.

Yes, it absolutely is, the only difference is that it's for kirarafags like us. I intend to register, play for a week and drop it.

Well there exists a certain mage swordsman programmer, too. "Become a sword, my code", and everything. But then there was a washbowl-only wizard there, too, so what gives.

Game-wise, yeah, you're probably right. The classes are pretty randomly picked, character-wise, some match, some don't, but they're most likely recycling existing gameplay mechanics from another gachashit game and like you said trying to shove most classes into every franchise.

Why not keep playing?

Still waiting for them to add the anne happies.

I think this may have been a Stella no Mahou reference.

That "meet" really should have been a "society" or just "club", my fault.

you got that right

The ref made me think the same thing, but it's most likely a reference to the Go Soccer Club in Nichijou.

Because it's a money sucking gacha grinding game, and I already had enough of GBF in my life. I'd rather read more kirara manga, which I am totally going to indulge in once my primary duties are complete.

ahh, I really want to play but as an EOP half the charm will be lost from not getting the character interactions

If they end up being worth reading, there may be translations. I just doubt that they will be any good, if the webcomic is any indication.


Apparently Tamaki's special move will be, and you might have expected this, "summon Papa".

Won't save it though.

I think franchise power will keep it going for a while, but I can see it shutting down in 2-3 years.

Truly nothing is permanent

At long last. No king rules forever, my son

>2-3 years
That's awfully long for mobage, most of them die in few months or turn into closed circle events and continue living as undead before finally finding eternal rest.

My dick likes the design in the top picture the best. Is that from the game?

Just piggybacking off so many popular series will already give it a boost unless it's total garbage, but Fantasia has something special going for it. Normal mobage get a big boost from the rare anime adaptation, but they can get little boosts from adaptations every single season.