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Ok, we need a Portland bro to respond to this and document your findings.

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He needs a strong black man to protect his subhumanoid ass. As long as he pays

>we can take bong hits in my car
I’ve never wanted to be black more in my life.

>implying personal ads still exist

>Lives in Portland
>Doesn't have token black friend

Hmmm. Must have just moved here.

>me chilling with a black male in action

craigslist personals got shoahed

Either it's a troll ad or this is unironically the most ironic timeline

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Again, nothing sexual

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Cloud Act was embedded in Omnibus bill


Der Fuhrer's crusade against human trafficking.

I'm a Vancouver bro and live 30 minutes away from Portland and fit his criteria. Should I try to respond and get pics of him?

Because congress passed a law saying that if personal ads are used for illegal activities, focusing on human trafficking of prostitutes but also including things like rape, robbery, etc. then websites that facilitate their business can be held criminally or civilly liable.

So if you end up getting turned into a purse by some twisted faggot on craigslist then your family could sue craigslist.

Someone cantact him and show up with a gorilla suit.

Make it happen

>tfw I like to talk during movies
>go to black theaters so I don't get yelled at

I mean it's like mst3k but louder. And more Ebonics.

I'll talk if I'm at the dollar theaters also, fuck the other guests, it's a fucking $1

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I'd be one of those people who are weird enough that they would do something like this.

Hey fellow vanbro.

On the drive into work the morning radio host would read strange missed connections off craigslist personals. Was a good decade, sad to see it end

You are

Beaverton bro here. I’d make myself useful but I’m about to go to bed. I’ll be checking the outcome of this thread when I wake though, hopefully with hilarious results.

Fucking white people kek

Jesus fucking christ

I want this story to end in a twitter post of this guy posting the selfies and the final one being a bloody face saying he was mugged

this would be less alarming if it were sexual

Hey whats going on

Leftists are sick and must be killef. How much more proof do u need ?

Portland fag here. I’m replying. What I say?
