Missing Hitler Speech

I'm looking for the transcript of a missing Hitler speech that took place on November 16th, 1928. It's the first speech he gave after his speaking ban was lifted and the first speech he gave in the Berliner Sportpalast. According to this website, it's also the first electronically strengthened Hitler speech, which is particularly interesting.


He also lost in an election previously, so I'd like to see how he addressed the NSDAP's poor electoral performance, but I have been unable to find any transcripts or recordings. Not even articles reporting on it have popped up either.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 10.57.54 PM.png (832x432, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/HitlerRedenSchriftenAnordnungenFebruar1925BisJanuar193312Bande/Hitler - Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen, Februar 1925 bis Januar 1933 (12 Bände)_djvu.txt

Come on Sup Forums somebody's gotta have something. Are you telling me no autist has found this out?

Attached: Die Gewalt der Rede.jpg (400x582, 54K)

Maybe ask 8pol

I was thinking the same thing desu will do


8pol as paranoid as ever

Sup Forumsres/11414404.html

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.26.06 PM.png (489x190, 46K)

found it


I don't think the 1928 is in there though

Nah, it just goes from 1924 - 1930, thanks tho

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.49.15 PM.png (777x495, 726K)

Attached: file.png (1589x510, 229K)

Is it this one?

Never mind, he's already chancellor in this one

Here's a picture from the event. from the article in OP. Looks like he was just in a regular suit.

>Adolf Hitler am 16.11.1928 im vollbesetzten Berliner Sportpalast, erstmals elektroakustisch verstärkt
>„Zum ersten Male bediente sich Adolf Hitler der Unterstützung einer Lautsprecheranlage, so daß das Wort des Führers in jedem Winkel des Riesenraumes klar und deutlich zu verstehen war“

Attached: Adi 1928 .jpg (800x466, 113K)

archive.org/stream/HitlerRedenSchriftenAnordnungenFebruar1925BisJanuar193312Bande/Hitler - Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen, Februar 1925 bis Januar 1933 (12 Bände)_djvu.txt

Search for:
16. November 1928

Attached: 6c21736aba907df8b71fdc35ae09cd16b082c5e4619d71b4df1dd890c383ceb1.jpg (393x863, 44K)

Sadly we already tried that up here

It has a speech titled, "the struggle which will break the chains", from the NSDAP conference in Berlin. It gives the correct date as well.

Attached: 1928.png (1231x926, 65K)

Kek. That's so cripplechan ><

Oh, sorry, you're link crashed my browser the first time so it didn't open.

What does VB vom 21.11.1928 mean?
Is this the publication that recorded the speech text or something?

Thank you by the way, really appreciate it.

The only shorthand VB that would make sense in the context of a Hitler speech is Völkischer Beobachter, a NSDAP newspaper.

Probably, I'm reading through it now, looks to have the date a couple times, probably the right thing. How'd you find it user?

I just googled "Hitler rede 1928", this was one of the first things that came up. Maybe it's more difficult to find from an american IP.

Yeah, I didn't get much, it looks like that first thing was an article from the VB. Reading through the next ones, but it has a list of articles written about the event, so there's definitely some archives I could looks through in that regard.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 12.38.01 AM.png (837x452, 188K)

Do you celebrate your history, even privately?
Hitler was a magnificent bastard.


what does that translate to Deutsch user?

the lines with numbers in front of them seem to be explanations by the author, like you would see at the bottom of a page in a book.
So first it says:
>"Der Kampf, der einst die Ketten bricht" 1
then lower, it explains the 1:
>1 Titel laut Plakatankündigung. Druck: Arena der Leidenschaften. Der Berliner Sportpalast und seine
Veranstaltungen 1910-1973. Hrsg. v. Alfons Arenhövel, Berlin 1990, S. 265.

Yeah, lol at this
>Negermusik herrscht, aber setzten wir einem Jimmy 9 eine Symphonie Beethovens
entgegen, so ist der Sieg entschieden. Besinnen wir uns auf die deutsche Seele, dann
werden Glaube, Schöpferkraft und Zähigkeit nicht versiegen. Unser Volk hat noch im-
mer Männer gefunden, die die Not gebrochen haben. Jetzt glaubt man, Männer entbeh-
ren zu können, und macht nicht Welt-, sondern Unterwerfungsgeschichte.
>9 Gemeint: Shimmy, Gesellschaftstanz der zwanziger Jahre im 2/2- oder 2/4-Takt.

Dass liest wie eine Rede

>Ein Volk, das sich der Verbastardierung seines Geistes und Blutes widersetzt, kann
gerettet werden. Das deutsche Volk hat seinen spezifischen Wert und kann nicht 70 Millionen Negern gleichgesetzt werden. Wenn es seinen Wert erkennt, kann es Kräfte gestalten, die zum Siege führen.

Looks like the right thing, I didn't realize Uncle Adi talked shit about the Negermusik in public speeches. I'll have to read some more of this stuff.

this book might have it but it's in German so it would take me a long time to translate it.. can you do a quick browse through it and check if that speech is in there. It's a large file so it could have it

The title of the book?
"Hitler Speeches Texts Commands February 1925 to January 1933"


Depends on what you mean by celebrate. I think Hitler mostly did the right things and was one of our better leaders.

Yeah user, it looks like it's in there. Command F: "16. November 1928" and you'll find it. He talks about Freedom, bread, the Revolution that lead to the Weimar Republic, and Negro music. It's not that long, so I wonder if it's the full thing.

I figured that part out but I don't know if I can actually find it in the book once the pdf finishes downloading. seems like a promising book title though .

Find what?

the speech transcript op is referring to (1928)

>Ein Volk, das sich der Verbastardierung seines Geistes und Blutes widersetzt, kann gerettet werden. Das deutsche Volk hat seinen spezifischen Wert und kann nicht 70 Millionen Negern gleichgesetzt werden.
He gave the speech 90 years ago, but it's still as relevant as it was then.

Just search for 16. November 1928, as said.

it was erased because he deviated from the script given by his (((handlers))) . he was punished and never deviated from the script again until his (((suicide))).

Attached: globalism.jpg (1429x907, 809K)

>"Ich bin Deutscher!"
>Die Rassenschande schreitet vorwärts. Die Verbastardierung großer Staaten hat be-
gonnen. Die Vernegerung der Kultur, der Sitten, nicht nur des Blutes, schreitet fort. Die
Welt wird demokratisch, der Wert der Person sinkt. Die Masse siegt scheinbar über die
Persönlichkeit; die Zahl ist zum neuen Gott erwählt.

Yeah, very, I find this very interesting, this is very ironic too. He talks about the worth of the individual sinking and laments the rise of mass culture, and yet this is the first instance of him taking full advantage of technology to reach organize a Massenversammelung. This is very interesting, thanks for the help. Too bad it had to end like it did.

I take it back, I guess it's not too bad it had to end like it did.

Attached: Arbeit Macht Frei Pepe.jpg (853x937, 168K)

Anyways this was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks user, I'm going to bed.

I found it !!!

the kiked used him to take over germany , send the natives to reeducation camps and use new cutting edge hypnosis and psychoactives to brainwash them into believing they're the jews , effectively replacing the german people and using the war to cover it up from the world, those who it didnt work on they paid the poles to genocide.

the authentic ethnic germans today live in israel. this is why post 1932 germany always did everything in its power to destroy europe and the west and why israel is a based right wing nationalist militaristic tech\science\startup utopia thanks to german autism.

page 1890 pdf

November 1928 "Der Kampf, der einst die Ketten bricht" 1 Rede auf NSDAP-Versammlung in Berlin 2 VB vom 21.11.1928, "Der Kampf, der Ketten bricht" 3. Dok. 50 "Das deutsche Volk hat eine Revolution gemacht", schrieb vor 10 Jahren die "Frank furter Zeitung" 4, und Zehntausende schienen sich dieser Revolution zu freuen. Aber vielleicht war es weniger Jubel als Tumult, weniger Begeisterung als Geschrei. Sieger des Ringens blieben denn auch die, die damals diese Revolution durch die "Frankfurter Zeitung" gegrüßt [sie!] haben. Das tiefste Leid folgte der Revolution auf dem Fuße. Mil lionen wagten nicht aufzusehen, sie empfanden das kommende Unheil schon im voraus. Die "Frankfurter Zeitung" log, wenn sie behauptete, Deutschland habe die Revolution ge macht. Deutschland stand damals in den Gräben von der Nordsee bis zur Schweiz und tat sei ne Pflicht. Dies Deutschland wollte auch Frieden, aber nicht um den Preis der Selbstaufgabe. Wir verstehen unter einer Revolution den elementaren Aufstand eines Volkes gegen seine Unterdrücker. Diese "Revolution" aber war nur ein bewaffneter Diebstahl der Waffen. Das Volk befand sich in seiner ernstesten Schicksalsstunde. Kein Augenblick in unse rer Geschichte sah unser Volk in so schwerem Schicksalskampfe. Es stand vor der Frage, ob es noch Kinder gebären und ernähren könnte. Es war kein Kampf um Grenz korrekturen und Wirtschaftserfolge, es ging um das Leben von 70 Millionen. Das deutsche Volk wollte stark sein, um seinen Frieden zu sichern. Seine ganze Poli tik stand unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Friedens.


Franz von Papen was better than Hitler. If only he'd had a chance to lead.