Kemono Friends

Will they ever reach mainland?

Kemono Friends season 2: The friends reach China and are very surprised to see how they are treated there.


Why are you making another thread?
Go away!

You don't want a 72 hour thread?



Stop making new threads please I want to forget.

When will they get off the boat?


How many actually followed them both again? I remembered only the trash panda and the dolphin they found en route.

Stop making threads if there are no news.
Wait for the day of Tatsuki's event on China

>Berserk got off the boat
>Kemono Friends got on the boat
One franchise can't get off unless another takes its place.

Absolutely not. Don't be a general, goddamn it.

Two and a half weeks...?

>stop wanting to talk about things you enjoy unless there are news
Please stop being dumb. Any news that do come up are completely pointless anyway and only remain relevant for a few posts.
And just like Tatsuki avoided everything in the last event he was in, he's going to avoid everything in China.

Be patient user. Show you love for the show

What if this time we got news about China wanting to invest on Tatsuki's Keifuku to air next year?

That's worth 5 threads or a 3000+post sticky

Chinese people are just going to ask him what kind of girl he likes again.

>China wanting to invest on Tatsuki's Keifuku

Tatsuki has done so many impossible feats. I'd be careful with those words

How many other directors were invited to the same Chinese event anyway?

Did Uro, Shinbo, Miyazaki, and Shinkai got there to?