It's getting closer every year...

It's getting closer every year, but when do you think anime will finally catch up to western cartoons in terms of quality, production, and story lines?

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Quality and production, never because of insurmountable differences in budget. Story lines, well, I think the west is working backwards at this point so I'm sure they'll meet someday.

OP here. That's sad to hear. People may think I'm trolling but I'm not. I think western cartoons have money literally thrown at them because they can make merchandise out of almost everything and make a profit. Sad but true.

What the fuck is wrong with me why do I think the one on the left is sexier

the power of legs

Left looks more fun, easygoing, and down to fuck. I don't know why the weeb drew Star as a tsundere.

Your b8 is bland, uninspired and raw.

By the way is Star any good? I watched an episode because I thought it was episode 1 but it was actually like episode 5 or something and it seemed stupid so I dropped it.

Star is a slut, glad Marco is gonna end up with Kelly, and Tom is gonna break uo with her.

The East will never top MLP.

I don't watch this shit but from what I've seen I thought she had a thing for the MC?

And with quality and story line you mean SJW shit? Hopefully never. I like my bland, sexist, "woman are only good for decoration" SoL anime.

When will western studios get over their shitty cal arts style?

2nd half of season 2 is her burgeoining feelings for Marco.

Already done.

Hopefully never.

I couldn’t get past the first episode, does it actually improve or remain the same throughout the season?

No user, Japan's MLP is JoJo.

Japs biologically can't have an IQ high enough to write something like Rick and Morty

A worthy opponent, but still not as good. It honestly could be better than MLP if it gets more seasons though. It has the same "animals exploring their animal world" dynamic going on, it could easily last hundreds of episodes and still be great.

>Rick and Morty

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I still considere the average Anime way ahead in almost everything that MOST cartoons.

For example can you name a current cartoon thar is BETTER than JoJo?, which cartoon has a better developed Characters than One Piece?.

in my shitty user-book the only 2 cartoons that are way better than the average anime are Adventure Time and Pastel Colored Horses

I know this is an unpopular opinion, my real problem with current western cartoons is that almost all of them don´t take themselves too seriously, and while this is a good thing most of the time, for me, it reach the point where nothing that happens in then is important, and EVERY BIG EPIC thing that happens in them is completelly irelevant because everything is resolved like it was nothing.

So she got over it? I wonder what the shipping shitstorms for these things are like, but something tells me I don't really want to know.

>Quality and production, never because of insurmountable differences in budget.
Have you watched a western cartoon lately? They're just as static as anime is, and half the times they're animated with flash or a similar program. You think they'd at least be able to do some better animation since the character designs look like blobs drawn by toddlers, but they can't even manage that. It's even more embarressing since there's only about 20 new series being made a year, as opposed to Japan that puts out about 40 a season. 2D animation in the west died a long time ago.

I think people have a terrible idea of what anime is
It’s not just pretty pointy chinned kawaii uguus with weird hair
Doraemon is anime
Onara Gorou is anime
Inferno cop is anime
Stop getting butthurt over what you think looks best

If you want better looking cartoons, watch anime
There’s basically no real difference
If you want a good story, look for a good story

>Adventure Time
the quality of the show has been going downhill since season 3

they won't

if nothing else, western entertainment is far more susceptible to the cancerous interference of politically correct bullshit

now fuck off back to Sup Forums

>but when do you think anime will finally catch up to western cartoons in terms of quality, production, and story lines?
>catch up to western cartoons
>in terms of quality, production, and story lines?
you fucking what

Star vs is pretty damn good, and this is coming from someone who doesn't watch much western cartoons. The first episodes are a little rough, but Star reminds me of Sailor Moon, which makes sense considering the Creator is a big fan.



apulbloom a cute though


Right when she says "Wail sucks, ah gays that ain't gonna work neither" or something, I want to put my dick in her voice right then and there in that moment. Diamond Tiara is the sexiest filly though if were being honest here.

Butthurt is bringing up a topic of conversation that’s been talked about for no real reason multiple times
Even if this your first time talking about it, that still doesn’t make it an issue worth talking about

Oh and posting any image macro with the words >implying is butthurt

>the quality of the show has been going downhill since season 3

Absolutely true, and yet still better than almost every other cartoon currently airing.

I only wish left was actually anime so I could discuss it without having to go to Sup Forums

First season is eh. 2nd season and 3rd are good. 3rd is half way over though

>Absolutely true, and yet still better than almost every other cartoon currently airing.
I have no idea about any other western cartoons post ed edd n eddy, but I'd believe it based on the few ones I have tried.

How can Japan even compete?

It's alright. Sup Forums's pretty weird, though. They're obsessed with her shoulders and they overreact about the smallest things being ntr

Anime is terrible but comparing western (atleast american and canadian cartoons) to them is completely delirious. Western cartoons have been utter garbage for years now. At least anime at times can be somewhat (not that much) tolerable.

>15 seconds in

>he watching NTR cartoon

list of good western cartoons:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Ducktales/classic disney ducks
Megas XLR
Sym-Bionic titan
The Maxx
Xavier Renegade Angel
Tom and Jerry
King of the hill

that's it

She is the MC. The girl is a self insert of the author that frequently gets NTR'd and endorsed her crush being with someone else
The other co-star is essentially her husband which she depicts as a chick magnet
Pic related is creator and husband

Mostly cause they were freaking out over how painful it was for the girl, like I saw it and it was Broccoli guy from Onani Master Kurosawa tier painful to watch

fuck I hate anime.

More personality
doesn't look like a boring bossy cunt.
doesn't have an ugly pointy chin
devil horns

you forgot Sup Forums favorites

Western cartoons look like ass. They keep cutting corners like motherfuckers.

Fuck off

Isn't this actual anime?

Because she's cute and perfect.

Star Vs is about cuckoldry now.

yes, it even has japanese dubbed

nah its western "DUDE HAHA RELIGION IS EVIL LMAO" shit

I'm still waiting for this to be real.

nani ?

>no ed edd n eddy
>no batman tas
>no x-men tas
>no kids next door
>no ppg
>no dexter
>no johnny bravo
>no courage the cowardly dog
>no xiaolin showdown
>no teen titans
>no rugrats
>no popeyes
>no scooby-doo
>no static shock
>no pinky and the brain
>no motherfucking author or jackie chan adventures
What the FUCK are you doing?

Watch more anime retard

You are old, grandpa.

>Cuckventure Time


I heard this was a garbage adaption, more Lords of Shadows than CVIII.

Batman and X-men, pop-eye and WB are alright
everything else is cartoons you just have nostalgia for

>OP is a Sup Forums ponyfag

Maybe if you faggots went to /trash/ after ever hiatus then this wouldn't happen.

It started fun and simple, then the plot got unnecessarily complex and full of relationship shenanigans, like most american cartoons aimed at teenagers.

At least they can afford blink cycles

all Sup Forumsshitters that revealed themselves in this thread should be perma'd btw