A rare moment of sincerity from the left

Their endgame has always been killing us.
Strap up boys, it's starting

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They have been killing us for 60 years, not like we got something to lose like they do

Yes. Did you not learn from the first time?

Reactionaries get gulag.

Oh I fear Trump will gulag us

Get a brain

it's not Trump you have to worry about, you really think people like you?

With what guns? We own them all! Ahahahshaha

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my group of friends is large, tight and 100% right wing

I'm self employed too

real life smuggie

How is he going to kill a gun owner without a gun?

These people believe 100% that the military estabilishment is on their side

>liberals do nothing but complain about the military estabilishment, laugh at their deaths and ask for it to be abolished
>we should kill our active supporters because they make liberals nervous and afraid

lol You forget, we're talking the US here. The military is recruited from rural lower class schools. (ie those nefarious deplorable Nascar enthusiasts)
That's what they aren't understanding here: not only are they the "supporters," but they literally *were* the military, and now it's their younger brothers. Throw all the women you want in the military, but it won't change *where* they recruit. (My high school had a permanent setup outside the lunchroom and the recruiters got their own office. We also had "drive your tractor to school" day. Do the math.)

Poor kids man, being syphoned to die for Israel

I'm aware of this. Even under threat of military imprisonment and execution, they won't be capable of making soldiers kill their neighbors, friends and family.

The day these orders are given will be the downfall of America, because China and Russia will pounce at the opportunity

No, it's great: they get a free college education and healthcare at world class facilities forever! lol
Yeah, it ain't pretty. Probably 25-50% of my graduating class ended up going in the armed forces, and a lot didn't come back in one piece. Worse, most got screwed out of all the extras they were promised by shifty superiors. It's not pretty...
But the economy in the South is finally starting to thaw (after a fucking decade) so we'll see. A lot of people around me are starting to do better, businesses are opening, and well... Again, we'll see. Can't count on the government, so we count on each other and hope for the best.

>Fighting for Israel cause gins
Ok Rabi.

You literally didn't understand anything he said, huh?

No. I was just looking at something else at the same time and sperged. I'm not afraid to admit I fucked up.

best laugh i've had today
molon labe

I think we went to the same school.

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>you really think people like you?

Hmmmm but wouldn't they need to use guns to do that?
>le thinking face .png

>We also had "drive your tractor to school" day.
Did you get Doe Day off?

And just like the Civil War you will lose. Again. Brains over brawn any day, bitches.

W...what are you going to do with muslim gun owners? It’ll be racist if you take my gun away.

You didnt?