>Chaos in K.Mitrovica - Marko Đurić taken into custody, sirens could be heard.
>Emergency unit of Kosovo police has taken in custody the chancellor of Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić in Kosovska Mitrovica.
>According to unoficial statement of First, members of Kosovo police dropped a tear gas in front of Mitrovica court in attempt to scatter the Serbs that were preventing them from entering.

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Other urls found in this thread:

who is Marko Đurić?

nothing is happening fuck off
he was arrested because they told him they will arrest him if he comes
so he came on the order of Vucic so he can disturb the scene a little more
Vucic is a fucking scum and also he killed Oliver Ivanovic, the last influental serb that wanted good for serbs in kosovo and who defied traitor Vucic

ubi se drugosrbijance

you are occupied by nato, all the politicians in your parliament are basically quislings.
vučić is just a puppet

kys shitboi

Attached: bazze kune zutu tackastu botinu.png (573x628, 121K)

kill yourself shitboy

bojanica labanica

>Kosovska Mitrovica -- President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić has summoned a 19:30 meeting of the Ministry for National Security after Marko Đurić was arrested in Kosovska Mitrovica.

I just wan't war to break out allready

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please explain yugofriends.

klintone fak ju pobedicemo


>meeting for discussions between Serbia and "Kosovo" planned
>one politican told to NOT go there, or he'll be arrested
>he goes anyway
>gets arrested, causes chaos, sirens, tear gas etc
>everyone panicking
>Serbian government immediately calls for an urgent meeting
>most likely a false flag at the end of the day, going in favour of Albanians once again

here comes the shill skit...


Attached: Serbscuckedagain.jpg (633x347, 23K)

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lol serbs are proud of killing unarmed civillians, whereas Alpha albanians have guerilla resistance fighters that went against an entire yugoslav army

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show your flag

kek this guy got arrested like a bitch

>b...but muuhhh kocubu je slavshitaaaa weeee

Attached: ToughSerbcuckLMAO.jpg (620x339, 40K)


Undust your accordions "gentlemen"

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I`m getting a hardon

muh unarmed civillians ,women and children

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You fags always have to be in the right
Its either muh hajideen or Oric,you cant just say that you shot a bunch of civvies

kek albos moslty killed Serbian and Montenegrin police by shooting them in the back

Attached: Albos btfo.jpg (736x537, 100K)

Serbs can only kill civilians.

More pics from today

Attached: NOTSERBIAKEK.jpg (650x358, 61K)

This is the cuck who got arrested: Marko Gjuric

Attached: ArrestedCuck.jpg (884x530, 47K)

>Bosanci izlazili iz Srebrenice i napadali okolna srpska sela
>dan pre nego sto sto su Srbi usli u Srebrenicu Bosanci bacali granate na UN vojnike
ma bitno je uvek da se prica o Srebrenici i Sarajevu

Attached: Bosnian Serb hood ornament.jpg (1181x773, 113K)

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Yeah you are right. Only civilians and american stealth bombers.


Pa decko ti zaboravljas sva sela koja ste vi napadali tokom tri godine,ali neka ti bude

a vi kao niste??

a sta je naser oric radio sa svojim mudzahedinima mesecima pre nego sto su srpske snage usle u srebrenicu? zasto je na kraju pobegao ko picka kakva jeste i prepustio bosnjake na milost srba nakon sto se izivljavao nad istima? ma ni trunke vas ne zalim...

Lol those are civillians. Serbs place guns on civilians post murder so they could cover it up. How does it feel to be wrong?

Also 50% of the civillian victims in the last war were either underage or senile. You idiots believe anything

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Nothing is happening.
We are occupied by NATO and their fifth column and we cant do shit about it.

Fuck Bosnia and Albania,I hope the fucking serbs wipe you fuckers off the map.

Muslim pieces of shit

Help senpai Putin! Restore order. What would Brezhnev do?

qrd? what's this about?

UCK was the most pathetic terror group,couldn't even kill 100 Serbian soldiers whille NATO did all the heavy lifting,good thing NATO in few decades will a pact off the past.

Attached: btfo albos 3.jpg (709x445, 56K)

You suck

Pa ko je uopce poceo rat picka ti materina
How is your sewer home?
Kao sat,Srpski genije i mu ha dze dini bre

>he unironically thinks the albanians dindunuffin

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>Pa ko je uopce poceo rat picka ti materina
pa slovenci lel

pa o cemu drugome da pricam nego o mudzahedinima koji su vas zdusno podrzavali i ratovali za vas? ali ti bi da kukas o srebrenici i kako se srbima jednog dana dignuo kurac da postroje i poubijaju ratne zarobljenike, koje nazivate civilima, i pritom da svake godine upisujete na listu i zive i mrtve pokusavajuci da dokazete "genocid"
sto se samog rata tice sami ste ga trazili, vas lider alija izetbegovic je odbio tri plana za prevenciju sukoba koja su mu bila predlozena, tako da se slobodno mozes terati u kurac sa tim narativom da smo mi odgovorni za sve dok ste vi jadna nevinasca

This is what Serbs actually believe

stfu bitch
serbs can't get along with anyone,not even with fellow orthodox nation(bulgaria)
so think again whos in the wrong here

>I hope the fucking serbs wipe you fuckers off the map.
lol how are they gonna do that with their hands up?

najgore od svega je sto ste vi srbi turske vere
da ste barem neki drugi narod pa da bantz ima logike

kako cete pred pretke izaci kada dodje zadnji dan

E moj sinko da je toliko njih bilo ti bi kao dido ljetovao u Jasenovcu
I stvarno nisam znao da je Alija kriv za Hrvatsku i Sloveniju,hvala za informaciju

ey fuck you goyim

A o ruskim volonterima?

Bulgarians arent even slavs.
No wonder,they also stabbed Serbia several times in the past.
Shit comparison memeflag.

A ruske volontere zaboravljas?


Yes, UCK was basically a non existent sporadic entity that anyone who wanted to resist could claim alleigance to. Yet that means your soldiers were fighting against whom? Unarmed children and over 65 year old farmers.

Of course we would never have been able to win without NATO. Thats why we love them, and NATO deserves to be loved for fighting for the underdogs worldwide.

Ma ja brate,Srbi pa amebe
Iskreno,mojim precima se jebe koje pustinjske kultove ja ili ti stujemo

bilo ih je dovoljno, a nije kao da ste ih trebali dosta. srecom niste toliko pametna skupina pa vam nije sve poslo kao po planu
i pricamo o bosni i ratu koji je mogao da se spreci da izbije TRI puta

why is it a falseflag to help albanians? I don't understand why a serbian would be trying to falseflag in their benefit?

>Serbs act tough
>Kosovo government tells Serbian politician not to cross border
>Crosses border
>Get's arrested

Bonus points: Every serbcuck in the "Kocubu je Slavshitia" meeting gets humiliated in public with their hands up

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sta s njima? jesu ruski volonteri cinili masakre kao mudzahedini?

So is this why the army was sent yhere for drills of civil unrest. And intel shill making daily Kosovo threads

>Tatar mongrels and gypsies
>In pact with Germany and Austria-Hungary in WW1
>In pact with Nazi Gemany and Croatia in WW2
>Bulgaria part of the Warsaw pact while Yugoslavia was agaisnt the USSR
>Bulgaria gave it's territory to NATO to bomb Serbia in 1999.
>Bulgaria today is a member of NATO
>Why don't you get along?

>budi srbin musliman
>uortacis se sa braon podljudima iz pustinje u klanju srba hriscana
ovoliko nisko ni ustase nisu isle
zato islam treba da se istrebi silom

Nije se moglo izbjeci,nemoj biti naivan
Vi majmuni bi opet uradili isto
I opet sa mu ha ji din memes,hahaha

Brown shits mad senpai

there were no young people to kill since 900k Albos ran away when our millitary police arrived in Kosovo leaving only elderly and UCK supporters to be killed and purged.

Also the future for NATO states is dark thanks to the current African and Arab migration and their economy is going to shit to also let's not forget that the modern American soldiers is spineless twink.

Attached: scared Albos.jpg (1024x775, 545K)

Molim te objasni mi kako su svi Srbi
Sta uopce cini Srbina

Because it's just a meaningless provocation like the many more we had in the past, used to rile up people like the government is doing something. While in actuality, they kill the real opposition - Oliver Ivanović was killed a while ago and he was legit opposition. Naturally they don't know who killed him and will probably never conduct an investigation. But this is just circus and games

mogao je i te kako, nego je alija izetbegovic nakon konsultacije sa americkim ambasadorom sve odbio i nastavio ka svom planu o pravljenju kalifata u sred balkana

oh, rip, sorry for your politics

lol. the 5'3 son of a mutt weakling. i bet you're glad your country thought twice about ground war with the serbs in 1999

>pucao po ljudima
ovo bukvalno nista ne znaci, vojnici su takodje ljudi. tako da ne razumem poentu? naravno da je dosao da puca po neprijateljima, samo sto nigde nije rekao da je to radio civilima

Pa naravno da ces pucati na ljude u ratu. Da nesec mozda da ih vodis u bioskop? A zlocini su ono sto su radili Mudzahedini koji su mucili ljude, drali im kozu, sekli glave,vadili oci itd.

Molim te podsjeti me sta je pisalo na referendumu,ako kazes da je kalifat


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Based Serbia remove kebab

Aha zaboravljamo na Škorpijone,Arkana,Pantere,Orlove i ostale
Nemoj te se folirati,niste vi vrijedni deranja koze,samo metak


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War? Imagine being led to war by Vulin and Vucic. Fuck you I won't die for kike interests

referendum je bio ilegalan i bez saglasnosti srpske strane tako da je totalno nebitan
ono sto je bitno je da se alija precenio u svojoj nameri da bude vladar bosne i odbio sve moguce predloge koji bi resili sporove izmedju njega i ostalih naroda u drzavi koji su se takodje pitali o sudbini iste i njih samih u njoj

kao da je važno što je pisalo, milošević je aliji ponudio da ostane u jugi i da priključi krajinu bosni, alija je rekao ne, rađe ću praviti muslimansku državu, to je zabilježila hrvatska tajna služba, pisao je jedan cro user o tome prije par mjeseci

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than start your militia and fight both the government and the albanians

spremte se spremte WHEN

ma kurac se to moglo izbjeći
sovjetski savez do tad druga svjetska velesila se raspao u paramparčad,a kamoli da se ne raspadne jugoslavija

War is terror for everyone

They just said that Djuric is now being released. Seems this was all just for show.

Sta ste vi u stvari htjeli
Vama nikad nije po volji,stalno bojkot kao Srpska Krajina
Dakle tvoji jedini source je neki user?

lol send in special police on unarmed civilians and they still don't blink and talk mad shit at your face

albos are pathetic

>Balkan niggers fucking around
How new are you?

>demonstrate complete control over the very north of kosovo
>just a show

>upadnu mudzosi na svadbu pokolju ljude
>dobiju po picki
>waaaah sto nam ubijate civile


>bez saglasnosti srpske strane
Zasto onda svaki Srbin kojeg znam je bio na referendumu i vecina se izjasnila za nezavisnu BIH?


najjace mi je kako ovaj turcin nastavlja da sere i kad mu pokazes da mu je njegov voljeni alija napravio rat koji je odbio 3 puta sporazum za mir
zamisljam samo kako su koljaci kukali i srali gace dok ih je Mladic postrojavao iznad jama