One Piece

Spoilers are out.
Luffy is fighting Katakuri once again.
Katakuri: Did you come to die? Or do you want to join our alliance?
Luffy: I came to win!
Katakuri: I don’t have that option available for you.
[Scene switches]
Big mom is chasing the Sunny and then in front of them the Daifuku Fleet appears. In addition to that, Smoothie’s fleet is behind Big Mom’s back as well.
Although they are completely surrounded, Carrot raises her voice. She confidently says that she wants them to entrust this situation to her since it’s full moon tonight. Carrot suddenly matures and grows up to an adult. She jumps on to the Daifuku Fleet.
When the mink tribe makes eye contact with full moon, they transform into a form called "Suron"
As Carrot transforms into her Suron form, she defeats Big Mom’s underlings one after another. She also destroys the ship’s steering wheel.
Chopper sees that and is lost for words

Another asspull from oda

What part of multiple moons do you not understand?

>Replying to the shitposter

Part 2
Luffy gazes at the moon
Remembers Garp telling him that they have the family name Monkey because they are descended from chimpanzees and thus have mink blood in them
Luffy puts his arms over his chest and says
O my monkey suron
One Piece will be on hiatus until 2019

I love Carrot. Sounds like a good chapter tbqh

Just how how many ass pulls, coincidences and deus ex machinas do these motherfuckers need to survive ?


D. always brings a storm. Did you just start reading the manga? The talking chicken spelled this out very recently.

>Smoothie jobs
Damn it.

-C-c-candy *sluuuuurp* WALL!!!
*wall break*
-This is for Pedro!!!
-Lickity lick, I made a terrible mistake...however *lick vagina*. Mink under the full moon get stronger but also extremely horny.
-Ah hoooooooo Pero-sama ! My mind go blank !!! I'm sorry luffy-kun
-None can triomph over the cock
Hiatus next week

Too obvious

I just want Pudding and Sanji interactions (plus Firetank pirate & Germa stuff). Who give a damn about the other retards running and fighting fights we already saw 1.000 times.

Wow we saw them 1 whole time?

I'm ashamed to say you got a hearty chuckle out of me

He commited kys

This has to be fake, right?


>she has an adult form
It's confirmed, she will be written off and completely forgotten after the arc is over

Just like the rest of the Strawhats


>that last part
It’s legit

>Carrot even has a monster form
She keeps getting more and more similar to Chopper

>it's a carrot chapter
just focus on luffy vs katakuri again you fucking hack

So she wasn't an adult before?

What the fuck? Doesn't Big Mom have a fuck load of minks in her crew?

She looked more like a teen to me

This is just how the chapter was described by a Japanese post. You should be careful reading too much into their wording, especially for visual things.

>Adult version
I'm pretty sure she looks like that guys. SSJ2 KAKAROTTO

so will chopper develop a drug to help carrot enter the full moon state at will? And maybe allow himself to enter it too?

Feels sort of redundant for him to get such a form given he already has a 'monster' form. Helping Carrot however? Could be a possibility.

So, if minks consider peopla as mink either then why the hell this shaved monkeys can't produce eletricity and don't have Suron ability?

it would be an improvement over his monster form. Like the true monster form.

I don't know user why can't the SHAVED monkeys produce electricity?

I don't know, if i consider you a nigger do you turn into one all of the sudden?

They still have hair though. Ok with electicity, your point taken but what's with suron?

They simply aren't minks. Humans aren't just shaved monkeys

>Carrot's super special transformation makes the Big Mom pirates look like a joke

If this doesn't come with a Monster Chopper level drawback, I'm calling bullshit.

Given that it's probably It might be a bloodline power rather than a racial one.

We are lesser minks

Hey guys, wouldn't it be great if Luffy and Hebihime got married and had 11 kids? Haha, just kidding. I bet Luffy would be a great husband though haha.

How old is Carrot? 13-14 years old? Is she the Shanks of the crew? I want Jinbe, Sanji, Zoro etc to teach her how to fight. One sword in the mouth, sky walk and some fishman karate moves.

drawbacks are for strawhats only

>even bigger bunny tits incoming
O-oh lord...

>only works during full moons

It's a pretty big draw back but in story it doesn't really matter because oda can just make every fight take place on full moons.

Carrot doesn't really strike me as big is this an anime thing?

>Carrot turns into Sauron after watching a full moon
I wonder if she can turn into Morgoth when she gets really angry

Chopper made a CP9 agent look like a joke with his.

Imagine Dog and Cat in suron, yonko level?


lmao they didn't even have bounties of course they're jokes

She's probably mostly super fast. She's just defeating fodders. I don't think she would be able to defeat Daifuku. And she's also decently strong without the powerup. I would say slighty under Pedro who's a beast.

>Secret govern agents


Gee, you tell me
Still not as big as Robin or Nami tho

Top yonko commander level. I think they are slighty under low end yonko commander for now (Cracker/Jack).

They are going to rape Jack.

I didn't know they made her part of the Long Leg Tribe in the anime

I haven't been paying any fucking attention to the story since the timeskip, can somebody give me a quick rundown of what happened?

>can somebody give me a quick rundown of what happened?
You could read the fucking manga you know?

Oh boy oh boy I can't wait for the panels.
It's gonna be amazing

>breed material

reading 200 boring chapters isn't exactly my definition of quick


>tfw One Piece is turning me into a furry
f-fuck you Oda

>boring chapters
You haven't read anything yet

Yeah, not that big,solid B cup

just tell me which characters die, real quick.

At the time they seemed like an overwhelming force.



I asked for a quick rundown, not facebook memes.

So time has finally come for Perospero aniki to job and suffer the loss of the other arm to SS Karotto?

And i gave you the answer. Read the manga or fuck off

wow you're a real dick, you'll never make any friends irl

Charlotte Mascato Minister of Gelato

I have a handful of them but thanks for your concern

Smoothie once again does absolutely nothing

Please fucking kill yourself
What the fuck are you even doing here?
Fuck off

Luffy is part of the Worst Generation (a Supernovas + Blackbeard), they are the leaders of the new era. Blackbeard is a Yonko now. Akainu is the new fleet admiral. They read something very important about a guy named Joy Boy on a poneglyph. The Ancient Weapon Poseidon is a princess mermaid who can control the seakings (she's Luffy's friend now). Luffy made an alliance with Law to defeat Kaido. They defeated Doflamingo together. Luffy has a fleet now (7 more crew under him). Sabo is alive and the second in command of the Revolutionnary army (he ate Ace's fruit). Issho is a new admiral who wants to abolish the shichibukai system. Kidd, Hawkins and Apoo made an alliance to defeat Shanks but Kaido kicked their asses. Luffy made an alliance with a group of samurai, the Minks and Law to defeat Kaido. Sanji got kidnapped by Big Mom and he's from a family of super sentai nazi assassins. They are actually trying to save him.

I think that's the most important. Read the fucking manga though. It's good.

that's nice

Literally nothing happened, the second half.

They went to Fishman Island
There was a dickhead fishman called Hody Jones causing trouble in Fishman Island, they took care of him and his crew
While there, they accidentally kind of declared war against the yonko Big Mom

Then they went to Punk Hazard
There was this dickhead mad scientist called Caesar doing experiments on kids on Punk Hazard, they took care of him and his crew
There was this harpy woman in his crew who was 100% killed, no doubts about it
While there, they had some shanenigans with Smoker and Tashigi and struck an alliance with Trafalgar Law

Then they went to Dressrosa with Law
There was this dickhead Shichibukai called Doflamingo causing trouble in Dressrosa, they took care of him and his crew
While there, Usopp accidentally awakened to haki
When they left Dressrosa a group of pirates kind of decided to create the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, made of around 5000-6000 pirates

Then they went to Zou, which is an island on top of a giantass elephant
There was this dickhead pirate called Jack causing troubles in Zou, they kind of took care of him
While there, they were joined by a half-furry native of the island called Rabbit and another full-furry native called Pedro (they didn't join the crew)
Then the crew split, some went to Wano (the samurai country) and some went to Whole Cake Island (Big Mom's base of operation) to steal some shit that would lead them to Raftel

Then they went to Whole Cake Island with Carrot and Pedro
There was this dickhead yonko called BIg Mom causing troubles in WCI, they're currently failing to take care of her and her crews
While there, Sanji reunited with his long lost family and almost got married, and Pedro probably died

booooooo the spoonfeeder

Will Luffy job to Kata once again?

>spoonfeeding retards
You're just as bad as him

Just fuck off you spastic cunt.
Why are you here?

I remember when Water Luffy still lost to Crocodile.
Course, Luffy won after that.

Yeah but let's bitch later when the threads get swarmed by retards

I'll add that Buggy is a Shichibukai now and Kuzan left the Marines to join Blackbeard. And they also learnt that you need 4 Red Poneglyphs to find Raftel. They got one on Zou and stole one from Big Mom already.

Of course not he will awaken future haki vision after facing this strong opponent again

>haki works now like the saiyan zenkai boost
I don't know how to feel about this

Friendly reminder that Kaidou can't die because someone made him immortal with the Ope Ope fruit

Luffy had a some moments in marineford that are the same thing that Rayleight explained 2 chapters ago

You are better than that sweetie. As long as he ships Sanji x Nami he is okay.
Be nice

I'd keelhaul both of them, if that's what you mean by "ship".

I thought the Conqueror's Haki was inside him all along and just awakened.
Not like this that your haki grows through both by training and fighting stronger than you foes


How are they gonna beat Blackbeard?

I was talkin about Luffy's vision againts Mihawk. Also now that i remember Ussop in Dresrossa is also an example

A lot of unnamed fodders. Fisher Tiger, Otohime, the Yeti cool brothers, Smiley, Monet, Vergo, Scarlet, Corazon, Oden, Moscato, Opera, Pedro, Pound, Sanji's mother, A tree King Baum, Mother Caramel and a bunch of childrens, and once again a fucking lot of unnamed fodders.

They aren't
One Piece is gonna have a bad end after Oda's wife divorces him for negligence