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Other urls found in this thread:


>we willingly create a contract with armed police

>Owning guns is slavery

Then why is my property mouthing off?

How can people be this fucking dumb. Seriously communism has been the worst cancer ever on this Earth

>when some of the population is armed.
But the whole population could be armed, they just choose not to be.

>everyone disarmed
>everyone resorts to punching
>oh wtf being physically fit is slavery
what a retard
what does this have to do with communism

People are taught to act upon their emotions not through rationale thought.

Wait a minute... I don't remember...

The problem with this logic is that if everyone has the capacity to be armed then it isn't slavery because each person has a choice to be armed or not. A person who feels oppressed because they aren't one of those who own a gun can remedy that by arming themselves. Therefore it isn't slavery it is submission.

I've spent five minutes trying to formulate something approaching a response, but I keep reading the tweets and my head keeps hurting more and more and I need to lie down now
Please tell me he hasn't bred.

>Supports party that wanted to take guns from blacks just to nanny them more.
Why can't they see it is new slavery?


Two kids.

>Fear no man, no matter the size, call on me and I will equalize
I just do not understand.I mean couldn't you take his post to mean that everyone should own a gun? This stands as the most retarded thing that I have ever read, period.

Just ask him why he chooses to be a slave.

Call me Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Isn't that that shitty comedian who's biggest gig was those vh1 I love the x's?

>what does this have to do with communism
Pinkos are lefty faggots???

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So everyone is a slave to their government in an disarmed country?

Sounds about right.

>Michael Ian Black (born Michael Ian (((Schwartz))) )

if progressives are communists then /r/the_donald users are paramilitant fascists

Is it worth it to drive 3 hours for a $250 mosin versus 30 minutes for a $300 mosin?

so you're a slave to your government and everyone else
however this can be remedied easily with a $200 hi-point
who knew abolition was so easy?

>go to store
>pay the nice man 1.15 Hi-points for a brand new Hi-point
>also pay the nice man 0.15 Hi-points to talk to the nice nics.
>no longer a slave


>2.5 hours plus gas for $50
How much is your time worth to you?
Alternatively, do you like audiobooks an sheeeeit?


Is this the correct guy? I have no idea how to identify e-celebs on twatter with those tiny mugshots.

You and I both know that that term doesn't mean what it once did.
Also Communism is entirely incompatible with American values.

every ANTIFAtard i know has been calling for gun control this past month

This is because most antifa chapters or individual associates are retarded children more interested in gang violence and property damage than any form of antifascism.

shit I thought I was posting in /msg/. I'm used to the Clover app, my phone is kill so I've had to use my laptop. Sorry
>You and I both know that that term doesn't mean what it once did.
yea no shit, I should've said regressives instead. "progressive" is the term for them though, a much better term than "liberal" (which is what us libertarians should be called)
ok A) you don't know any of them and B) you seem surprised that radicals are being retarded

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This I just don't understand

I'm anti-fascist. I'd be more than happy to see Nazis get the bullet if they tried to start shit.

But for them to get that bullet you need the arms to do so.

Do they really think fascism is stopped by throwing fists and breaking windows?



>Do they really think fascism is stopped by throwing fists and breaking windows?
There's actually been a recent rise in antisemitism in windows and garbage cans

People here still see antifa as a threat? They couldn’t fight out of a wet paper bag much less their own shitty PR they refuse to acknowledge.

>We willingly create a contract with armed police/military
Liberals should be euthanised for their own protection.

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>tfw actual Nazis acted all terrified of anti-fa
>tfw they got their shit kicked in by fucking Sargon of all people

The only thing antifa achieved was making Richard Spencer more well-known than he ever would have been otherwise.

Charlottesville would not have been such a frenzy were it not for that sucker punch.

>create a contract with armed police for security
— Castle Rock v. Gonzales
— Warren v. DC

I fucking hate common law.

Do people just not remember Waco anymore?


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>tfw these retards believe they should basically be owned by the police and military and shouldn't be able to take their safetyinto their own hands
>tfw these commies have no concept of the citizens bearing arms is necessary for a free state
>tfw when they think firearms which are the ultimate tool of self preservation for the individual is a form of slavery even though said tard can also obtain one

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buh buh buh muh raycissism

It used to be funny and edgy to point this out. Now it just infuriates me how much the "progressive" agenda borrows marxist ideas while infringing on rights. Worst thing is that it's extremely small group of people with a certain shared heritage and an extremely narrow focus of professions (lawyers, politicians and showbusiness).

And the cherry on top of this stereotype is the hatred for self-determination, liberty, physical fitness and weapons in general. I think the irony of what their group went through is totally lost on them.

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thought this as well

>what their group went though

user they didn't go through shit

>owning a gun makes everyone around you without one a slave
>only the government should own guns
I just don't understand these people.

They don't understand themselves


>tfw actual Nazis acted all terrified of anti-fa
>anfita actually believe this


>slavery is involuntary
>owning guns is voluntary
>you choose to be a slave
>want to be a slave
I.... I just don't know anymore, have I gone insane? Can someone tell me I'm not seeing this? Do I WANT to be sane?

Ironically, gun control's origins post-revolutionary war lies in Jim Crow laws designed to prevent blacks from getting guns

Then isn't the goverment slavery? What the fuck?

>hungry santa quote
And would ya fucking look at that, despite all their fucking talk, every goddamn communist/socialist/leftist regime has been nothing but tyranny and authoritarianism, whose first acts are to suspend the right to bear arms and thereby oppress the populace. It's almost as if- Oh, geeze, get this: it's almost as if communists are dishonest fucking subhumans and can't be trusted! Who'd have fucking thunk? Anyone who has even a grade school understanding of history and logic, I'd say, which shines rather poorly on those with either room temperature IQs too stupid to realize, or the outright malicious who know full well it's faults but simply seek to be the ones wearing the jackboots when all is said and done.
Communists aren't human and this world is for Humanity. Whether they hold their beliefs out of ignorance or malice, all pinko scum should share the same grave, whether they are National Socialists, or Soviet Socialists, or one of their filthy spawn, the only good Communist is a dead Communist.
>You don't know any of them
Pic related

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reality doesn't matter
leftism is a level two retardation, it exists in the morontial form

Not him, but are you stupid? No, really, I'm genuinely curious because that same "logic" you got there means the current shitshow is the same thing as the Founders vision for the USA.

If you have honest criticism of socialist/communist ideology present it, just in typing this sentence I've thought of three, but don't act like you're not a few brain cells away from a nigger crackhead trying to explain Yakub and kangz.

this confirms it, liberals are literally babies who want to be treated as such


But the NatSocs had enacted better gun laws than what the US has today. Do you wish to try lying again?

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Did I not go over it? Every single fucking regime has been a shitshow. The genocides in Guatemala, the Soviet gulags, the 50 million in the PRC, the Grenada fuck-ups, pol pot, 3rd Reich, NK, Cuba, Zimbabwe etc. >durr, just name 3 things
Famine, infringement on gun rights, violent quelling of political opponents, massive economic problems such as inflation in zimbabwe, repeatedly making unattainable goals and failing to reach them rather than fix the problems causing the failures, ala five year plans.
That enough reasons for you, you total fucking retard? After all, this is text, so I've quite literally spelled it out. Then again, education ain't so great when everyone's sucking potatoes and starving anyway, so perhaps you're not quite literate enough.

Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed, for anyone. I sure as fuck bet the jews didn't have gun rights, vindictive kikes or not. Also, they fucking lost, so it's not really a prime example of a working system.

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Board switch fucked up the links, was for

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