Holy Shit. I think I am ready to give up on the US

How is it fucking controversial, illegal, or unconstitutional for the fucking US Census to ask if you are a US citizen? Also, why in the fuck does it matter if illegals are underrepresented in the Census. We shouldn't be allocating funds or seats in the House based upon non citizen illegal aliens anyway.

This isn't even civnat faggotry, this is just lawlessness open borders.

How in the fuck have we become so fucked up that asking about your citizenship on an official census is being challenged in court.

just fuck my shit up

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Other urls found in this thread:



long march by communists infiltrating everything


Their patient subversion is just fucking incredible.

McCarthy was right. House Un-American Activities Committee Two, Electric Bugaloo, when?

Thanks for the bump.

>that pic
>republican social outcast with no prospects from cali
>"just move where the jobs are! stop being lazy!"

at least it's a shitty hatch

Does that look like the car of a Republican, conservative, or right winger? That cuck car is owned by a "progressive". With rare exceptions it is almost guaranteed that you will see a "resist" sticker on a car like that.

Because the purpose of the census is not to find who is an illegal immigrant or not, it's to have an accurate idea of the distribution of the population in the US.

Even if you are against illegal immigration, giving less funds to places with more illegal immigrants would mean underfunded law enforcement, which would only make it harder these immigrants to be criminalized.

There are so many ways people could find and kick out illegal aliens, but ruining our census is not a good way to do it.

Lol is this pic from Austin

Nice try.

>our census
>Mexican flag
Hey Pedro, whatcha doin'?

Fair enough, I can't say my response would be different either. It's just disheartening sometimes to see your home turn into a badge of shame.

>our census
fuck off, wetback. worry about your own shithole of a country

I want to drive the illegals underground and out, jobless and without prospects in the US. They either go home voluntarily, get deported, or go to prison.

It is also time for lawless states like CA to suffer the repercussions of their policies. They should not be rewarded with more seats in the House or more funds because they harbor illegals. If their services and police forces suffer as a result, so be it. They made the bed. They can lie in it.

The actual issue:
>Use illegals to inflate your population to get more representatives in the House, and get more electoral votes.

the census is supposed to be for total population, citizen or not, because things like how many people use the roads and shit like that needs to be properly calculated, and just because someone isn't a citizen doesn't mean they aren't using local resources and the like


No state should get rewarded with more funds or resources because they are harboring illegals.

Seems like you got niggered.

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>it's to have an accurate idea of the distribution of the population in the US.
No it's used to manipulate people. It's just some SJW crossing out all the white check marks and putting in "brown"

Portland actually

Not filling out the census would not drive illegals in the underground.

Really, I'm sure that will make a huge difference in non-swing states. Any increase in electoral college votes from California will be counteracted by Texas (hint hint, also has a huge illegal population, but no one brings it up because they vote in republicans).

What makes you think I'm not a white american on a spring break trip to Cancun?

That's based on federal interpretation of the census, not the numbers themselves.

It needs to be in the census to try to calculate how many illegals there are in each area.

It's pretty absurd. Do illegal immigrants actually count themselves on the census? I mean, I understand they're usually braindead, but come on.
It's like that box you have to check saying "Have you ever committed a criminal offense in which you have not received a pardon?" when applying for a job. The ironic thing is that law-abiding citizens will refuse to check this box, or otherwise not be part of the census, because criminals would be prosecuted if they told the truth, which they haven't and probably wouldn't have done in the first place.

>tfw McCarthy was crazy to an extreme in his day and age
>tfw you'd desperately need a man like that to call out the blatant subversion being used against the American citizenry nowadays.

He'd kick of the second civil war without even as much as a second thought. The corruption has seeped so deep in those that rule the blue states that any decent investigator would just say: "fuck it, it's too much, just send the marine corps to kill em."

It's just a shitty hatchback user. Could easily be a woman or a poorfag.

Interesting blog post. I guess now that you got it out of your system, you can delete this thread and try again with something other than "I'm angwee!"

Because electoral votes are based off of how many CITIZENS are in each state. This would shake yup the field.

The problem is far worse than that. This open border, amnesty, civnat, H1B, guest worker bullshit has been a bipartisan pet project. Remember Reagan legalized more illegals than any Democrat, ever. Business interests (lower wages) and "progressive" values seem to align on destroying the concept of national borders and citizenship.

>tfw you had a successful McCartyist as your provincial Prime Minister
>Fucked the anarcho-syndicalists in the ass by breaking up their (((peaceful protests))) and he was going to outlaw communist groupings and the Manifesto's selling in the province when he died.
>Fucked over the federal government with limited dependancy
>Fucked over the financial institutions by erasing the provincial debt to a whopping - 0.56 $ CAN
>Electrified the rural areas and the Regions (also constructed some of the first real concrete roads outside of Montreal-Quebec) because, hey, we had a surplus of money and they voted for us.
>This guy's mandates are seen as backward and underdevelopped when it was actually one of the most intense period of growth (both demographic and economical) the province had seen since the Great War.
RIP Maurice Duplessis, you will be missed

Attached: TheManTheMythTheLegend.png (521x664, 176K)

>McCarthy was right.

Nobody in the history of the world was more right than McCarthy and we treated him like he was evil. I hate commies more than i hate any race of people.



I'd rather own a non-pozzed used car than a new cuck wagon like that.

It's my thread and I'll vent if I want to.

No it's not.

It's a Sweetie Belle sucking human cock thread.

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>our census
get out
if it was up to me we would put machine guns on the border and destroy any mexican settlement withing 50 miles of the border

I really fear the worst at this point. They are on the verge of victory and we are still acting like we have time and options.

Think what you like about Trump at this point, but he was absolutely correct when he said that this was our last chance.

This is the leftist end game while we are only just entering the game. The "conservatives" for the past 50 years have just acted like a brake on the progressive juggernaut. Both going in the same direction, just wanting to get there at different speeds.

All that matters at this point is victory. On multiple fronts, this is our last chance.
Almost nothing should be out of bounds as a tactic at this juncture. Any rigidly scrupulous principles that prevent victory need to be jettisoned. If you have moral quandaries about a tactic, you have not fully recognized the gravity of our situation.

There are only a few questions that you should ask about tactics that we implement:

Will it work? How well will it work? Will the likely results be worth the effort expended? Is there a chance that the use of disinformation or misinformation will result in more damage than progress? Will there be blowback, can it be mitigated, and does it matter?

If you are asking whether the use of deceitful practices is moral or necessary, you still have not yet internalized just how perilous this situation is. These moral questions are irrelevant. Only practical, utilitarian questions matter at this point
If you have to ask only one question, ask, "will it work?"

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Me too but a lot of people don't give a fuck about cars so long as they don't break down and have space inside them. I only ever drive 70s muscle and 90s turbo japshit but I'm not going to assume someone is a huge fan because they drive an econoshitbox. They have to drive something extra gay like a fiat 500 before I assume they picked the gay option on purpose

Communists aren't people.

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Just reverse the nazi narrative, use any means necessary to paint them as Hitler sympathizer, they are leftists they are wide open to this kind of attack.

If commiefornia is only 10% illegal/non-citizens then they stand to lose 5 reps in congress and 5 electoral votes.....but i am sure we can all agree that CA's population is probably more like 15+% illegal/non-citizen. These niggers better lose this case.

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People from California suck.
Stay in that shithole that you made faggots

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>These niggers better lose this case.
Well, at least the census isn't until 2020. This case will probably end up before SCOTUS. We all already know how the communist infiltrators in the 9th circuit are going to rule.

They should be barred from becoming residents of any other state. They will rush to escape the disaster they created in CA and then work as quickly as possible to turn their new home state into the shithole that they just escaped from.

Californians are just like migrants in this regard...escape a 3rd world shithole; transform your new country into a place like the one you just fled.

California stopped being American about 8 years ago.

Lel...early-mid 90's youngster

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lol you’re giving up now over a question on a census?

try living in la for the last 30+years while my government tactically avoids my voice ...

CA is where the US is heading if we don't stop this. CA and NY are culture factories for the rest of the nation because they have the media. They have been successfully pushing the entire nation left over the past 50 years with systematic and ubiquitous cultural propaganda.


these newfags literally have no education lol

>not Syngman Rhee


if thats is the case then colorado and texas are also extremely culpable. just look at the aspen institute and places like austin.

there’s probably 4-8 million illegals in ca depending who you ask

McCarthy was wrong in that he underestimated just how bad the problem was.

Another user was right, the true extent would require armed forces to execute thousands of traitors in our midst.

No, I'm not actually giving up. These individual straws do add up over time, however. The final straw is usually something small that people would consider minor, because they do not see the bundles that you are already laden with.

>the true extent would require armed forces to execute thousands of traitors in our midst.

This is secretly what I hope for. I am not holding my breath, however. I don't think anyone is actually going to come and rescue us. We are going to have to do the work and bear the suffering ourselves.

>Bodo League

I had never heard of them.

Sounds like it's time for a reboot.

>How is it fucking controversial, illegal, or unconstitutional for the fucking US Census to ask if you are a US citizen?
It's not.

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Even FAG, er, FOX News is treating this story like it has two legitimate sides with valid arguments on both sides. It is fucking ludicrous.

Illegal immigrants in Texas don't vote Republican, they are actually the reason why Democrats were hoping Texas would "turn blue".
They all need to go back, and their anchor babies too. Half of them are gangbangers, and the other half are trying to leach off the system

>Because the purpose of the census is not to find who is an illegal immigrant or not, it's to have an accurate idea of the distribution of the population in the US.
only citizens consist of our population you fucking idiot

The problem is the illegals get the payout without paying in: they don't pay income tax because all their shit is cash transactions, under the table and unreported, yet they reap the benefits of all the social programs on which taxes are spent. If you've any familiarity with economic theory then it's quintessentially the free-rider problem.

They're leap-frogging into the middle class and displacing others, especially blacks. You'd think black politicians would have a problem with this, but they're bought and paid-for by the democratic party which increasingly relies on illegal voting.

welcome to Sup Forums friend
we are the last sane people alive

So-called "normal people screech to give citizenship to every person who wanders into the country, to not have border controls. These people are massively toxic and incredibly dangerous yet they hold high positions of power

We are meme that census are undercover ICE right. Make some "draft our daughters" style....when census knocks, don't open the door--only in Spanish

It's too bad he fucked up with the orphans though...

Not a bad idea. First Trump needs his victory in court to keep this question on the census. Then we begin this campaign.

That’s what we tried in 2016 and it didn’t work at all. libtard train is still full speed ahead

This country has been doomed since 1965. Everything since then has just been a sad, slow, death.

Let it go, user.

Yes, that was the watershed moment. I'm not giving up, really. I'm not leaving and I'm certainly not surrendering. I'll go down with the ship, fighting.

this, my ancestors didn’t break their ass building this country up for it to be taken from spics and niggers without a fight. I’m sure south africans share this sentiment

>we are the last sane people alive
Sup Forums being the only sane people.

That is truly disconcerting.

Leftism is almost like a virus that feeds off of an endless loop of social posturing. You can see why this is something that the autists on Sup Forums would be immune to.

Not war
Not famine
Not plague

No, not one of these will cause the death of the West

pathological altruism and virtue signaling will be our demise

They are like that book where the tree gives up everything for the boy then he sits under the other tree

The thing is, they *should* be reported as noncitizens. We have a lot of noncitizens here legally, so the consensus should show the TOTAL number of people and the total number of CITIZENS. We can determine government representation and voting power from the citizens, but total number helps with resource allocation and funding (to legal citizens and residents- we shouldn't be calculating that for illegals, but making them leave by broadcasting huge punishment for companies that hire them and explaining we don't have enough resources so more people will want them out too).
Then we can get a better idea of who isn't a citizen to help weed out who is here legally and who is here on expired visa or anchor baby, although I don't expect many of them to even fill out a census survey. Of course illegals are going to be underrepresented, that's why they keep telling us 11 million year after year, so they can get away with their increased voter rolls, representation, slavery, and debt saturation.

>What makes you think I'm not a white american on a spring break trip to Cancun?
Because you said "what makes you think I'm not" instead of stating "I'm." Anyway, doesn't matter for this discussion.

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Try 1913. (((Federal Reserve Act)))
1 year later; 1st Brother War
Then; Great Depression
Then: 2nd Brother War