Comfy Re:Zero Thread!


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Emilia is so pretty


I imagine that, while Subaru is fucking Emilia and kissing her, Rem is present in the room, assisting the intercourse. "Subaru-kun, do you need more lubricant? DO you need another condo- Oh, I see you are going to cum inside her unprotected, do you want me to order some pregnancy tests to ascertain that Emilia-sama has been impregnated? All I want is for Subaru-kun to be happy with his family"

Not only that, she will probabily be their maid when Emilia and Subaru get married, doing all the chores andd dirty work around the house while Emilia enjoys her life as a goddess. Subaru would probabily use her only as a sex object, as a way of satisfying his basests fetishes that he doesn't want Emilia to partake beacuse she respects her too much. So Rem would become just a eventual fuckhole where to practice anal, bukkake and other desgusting activities, receiving no love and being prohibited of feeling pleasure. And this would go on until she became too old to be of use and Subaru lost interest in her, and she would be dumped in some smelly swamp, and live the rest of her days childless and unhappy until she would die cold and lonely in the slums amidst all the dirt and filthyness.

And above all that Emilia-tan would be shining towards heaven like the true angel she is.

Finished reading the Latte Art story, and I think one of Rem's character traits is becoming clearer. Even seems to show up in the Maiden's Heart story, and probably in the main story as well. Rem has a tendency to try to hide her feelings with bullshit. She seems to use her backhanded compliments as a way to deflect from how genuinely interested or impressed she is.

Even though this is early Arc 2, she seems a lot more interested in Subaru than I'd expect. Like a girl who narrowly avoided eventually going tsundere for Subaru.

Oh, and she gets depressed because she can't make latte art after Subaru shows her. And gets more depressed after Ram does it perfectly without practicing.

Then Subaru wakes up.

>Rem has a tendency to try to hide her feelings with bullshit
that's not new, she even does that a lot in the IF

True. But I more mean blatant lies and excuses. She makes up insincere reasons for her actions, though that's also in the main story. This one in particular is just an interesting pre-stalker example.

She's clearly been thinking a lot about Subaru and very interested in the shit he does, and in a much more positive manner than she's willing to admit. She spends the story trying to hide any trace of positive feelings towards him or his latte art, and covers up any accidental compliments with insults.

Sex with Rem

Twister with Rem

Subaru already did

Reminder that these two have drunken lesbo time together

excellent pasta

Kek someone pls add the price of the car somewhere

And perhaps related, the story opens with one of the most detailed descriptions of Subaru's appearance that I've ever seen. Practically everything Rem ends up schlicking to later.

Which also fits into how she decided not to kill him on the first night when she seemed to be thinking about killing him in his sleep, until he started mumbling some gibberish and drooling. We all know how Rem feels about watching him sleep later on. How she likes just how defenseless he looks. Subaru survived through inadvertently awakening a new fetish for Rem.


>the story opens with one of the most detailed descriptions of Subaru's appearance that I've ever seen
As detailed as Emilia gets described?

Rem is too kind. I wouldn't have let that smelly nobody live in my house.

Did Remon get the scans already?

This is still just Subaru, and Rem isn't in love with him yet. So it's just a description of him from her perspective, that just happens to be portraying him as extremely cute for his age without actually saying it directly.
>Did Remon get the scans already?
It's his book.

>Comfy thread



>people unironically like Re:Zero
This place is so full of casuals now.

No one here talks about the anime, its all LN and WN here.


So I'm working on a new guide for new readers because the reddit google doc's organization sucks ass and IMO links irreverent cut content as essential
I assume most new readers wouldn't care for going back and reading the LNs/side stories and only just want to find out what happens after the anime.

I would care, but im just some fag

>There’s more cut content but they kind of just give you more questions than they answer, you can read them later below
That's a good point honestly. Until Al outs himself as an archbishop somewhere in 2030 YenPress will have caught up to the anime anyway so anyone who cares enough should just read the novels

I want to have tea with Echidna

It would seem that chapter 21 has been released.

Oh shiiii


So, is everyone going to die when Reinhard kills Sirius, except Subaru of course, so he'll get to explain to the former what just happened and so he can kill himself in front of the Hero?

Unfortunately, that doesn't happen, because everyone dies, including Subaru.

Dona best witch!

>including Subaru.
Dull. Here I was hoping for more forced suicide in front of riends with the anxiety of save-point failure.


Why would he kill himself? I don't think people like Larkins or the kid would be on his "If they die I reset" list.

Yeah, they would?

First Beako and Rem story is her helping Beako practice singing, or so it seems. Rem's also been carrying earplugs around ever since Emilia took it up as a hobby.

You could also tell them that the anime skipped some things and recommend them to read the LNs that cover previous content and then inform them about the 2 EX volumes + possible other things.

I'm not finished with it yet, but I'll try to incorporate that. I just think that before the readers are actually hooked into the story they don't have much interest other than what happens next.

I was thinking of writing something up telling them why its so different and the differences in the characterizations between the anime and the novels but I haven't watched the anime since I touched the WN/LN.


The way I see it, the tone gets less traditional the closer you get to the original writing. Or more serious the further it gets from it. Rem's character in the anime is practically a hollow shell. I suppose having the actual Rem might have made Subaru's rejection of her and that Wishing song lose some impact, but that was almost the point.

Subaru's just a slightly scummy chuuni dork. The way he awkwardly screws up his ideal romance plot, with the prodding of Rem's own defects, is very Subaru.

s2 when?

never, just read u nigga

If you read you wouldn't want to see another butchering even worse than the first one


fuck off

>fuck off

Wait. It's a trap. Betty refused to admit she was using the bucket to practice singing, so Rem cornered her into cleaning the Library.

new chapter?

I want a look of THAT timeline from Reinhards perspective

arc 5, chapter 21:!xjIykIZL!oQ_GFOH-BDqMCOrqJ_C81A
proofreader user's been posting them lately since I've been busy as fuck, we like it so that might be the new system from now on. do people prefer having the unproofed chapters posted on Sup Forums before the final release?

nice pic, also sank u user

anons with such top tier taste make me proud.

go for it man


How different is rem in the WN compared to the anime ?

Very, and also in the anime you don't really get to see her actual character at all basically. In the LN she gets a significant (for a character that's not the MC) amount of scenes from her perspective. I would be able to tell you more details with actual comparisons but I kind of wiped the anime from my memory.

Her behavior is distinctly abnormal, noticeably less passive, and very much designed as a variant of yandere. She acts like a stalker with a few screws loose.

Every story with her in it is littered with this kind of thing, watching Subaru while he sleeps and so on, but the most famous example is when she fakes her death after the whale is killed and gets Subaru to confess. Subaru is also visibly more attached to her than in the anime.

a shit ton of lore/foreshadowing is cut, and characterization is different, most notably for subaru and rem, but it affects side characters like ferris and anastasia too.

Arc 3 before the first death and Subaru is getting treatment from Felix.

>“Hey, Ferris. Having a pretty boy do weird finger stuff like that doesn’t make me happy one little b… Er, wait, Rem? My head, ah, feels good, but don’t…hug…so…strong—l… Gyah!!”
>“Ahh, Subaru, I’m so sorry. Master Felix just wouldn’t pull back… I thought, if someone was going to take you from me, it was better that I…”
>“That statement’s going dangerous places!!”
>Feeling like his skull was creaking, Subaru rolled to the floor to escape from both Ferris and Rem. He warily glared at the other two from the corner of the room, while Rem visibly lamented as she shook her head.
>“Subaru, you poor thing. You’ve gone through quite an ordeal, haven’t you?”
>“What you were saying at the end was the scariest of all, Rem! There’s a crazy little yandere in you, isn’t there?!”
It's up to you what "I thought, if someone was going to take you from me, it was better that I…" means.

When is Tappei finally going to admit she is Betty's mother figure?


mothers don't abandon their children for 400 years

i reeeaaalllyyyy like that character aspect of hers.

it is one of her many charms

shut up Emilia, Rem isn't for you

jesus christ, this turns me on. Now i need to search for good yandere Rem doujhins.

she couldn't really help dying, user. sending beako to the archive was pretty clearly meant to keep beako from dying with her.

yes she is!

there's some good ones

I need to see then talk to each other again before I am really sold on that. I mean, what Echidna said during arc 4 could be her true feelings or all we kow.

I don't disagree, but it's been very very heavily implied that tea party dona is pretty different from mom dona.


that school uniform kills me.

When the hell are we going to see more o her? She was probably one of the most enjoyable people in the series so far.

scarfchidna soon, but omega dona probably won't be appearing until arc 10. maybe we'll be seeing a revived mom dona before then, but that's incredibly unlikely.

>Rem used to be a good character.

I don't know how to articulate how I'm feeling at this moment.

>used to be

Arc 3, Subaru is mind broken and Rem is taking him back to the mansion
>“That is why I am at your side as much as I can, Subaru. But half of it is out of worry, and the other half is for my own sake… Being around you has made me into a naughty girl, Subaru.”
>Even though she ought to be thinking of him, it was there that she discovered her own joy.
>It was always like that when she was with Subaru. She always discovered parts of herself that she didn’t know existed. Rem counted off on her fingers things that she had come to realize about her old self.
>“I have discovered many unpleasant things about myself. I discovered that I am lonely when you are getting along well with Sister, I am annoyed when you speak to Lady Emilia with your face all red, and I think it most unfair when I see you playing with Miss Beatrice.”
>But her present self hadn’t discovered only bad things by any measure.
>“I am happy when you are getting along well with Sister. I think it is adorable when you speak to Lady Emilia with your face all red. When I see you playing with Miss Beatrice, I think, He’s so gentle… I have those kinds of warm feelings in me as well.”
>She continued whimsically confessing things to herself as if the lack of a reply was a good thing. Rem’s words wouldn’t stop, with feelings flowing out of her that she could never have said to his face. That moment, the things normally trapped in her heart were pouring out all at once.

This is cute

Jesus, that's kawai


I think thoughts like that are what make characters feel real and alive. Unfortunately the author doesn't show these inner thoughts that often on characters that aren't Subaru or Rem. Ram and Emilia fall especially flat in this aspect which is a shame.

Apparently Ram will receive much more focus during arc 6 and get her named chapter there. The whole amnesia thing makes that sort of stuff easier.

Mother? I'm not sure she's there yet. I'll give you my answer after I finish reading this. What surprised me was that Rem just seemed to have barged right in without any real difficulty.
Yes. She has an actual personality in the source material. It's not the most ideal one, since she's a bit crazy and all, but it's hers. Rem is Rem, for better or worse.

That won't fix the problem though. Stuff like that needs to happen regularly and not for the first time when the story is at its halfpoint. Subaru has these moments every arc and Rem, despite having very limited screentime, has many of these scenes aswell like in 'Rem', From Zero, Natsuki Rigel, latest IF chapter, and other scenes I don't know the names of.

Aren't only soul mates able to barge into Beako's Gate Crossing?

Yeah, I'd like to see more of that. Though Emilia had plenty of that towards the end of arc 4.

It's no mystery that she gets 50% of the popularity vote of readers.

I was going to put together an argument why Rem is actually the real heroine but I thought it wouldn't matter because they don't read things anyway. It would mostly revolve around that Rem gets more scenes from her perspective than any other character not including Subaru. And also the Main Heroine is suppose to be supportive of the Main Character right? Emilia never supports Subaru again like what she did with the lap pillow (which was as much her doing as it was puck's), Rem instead fills that role for the rest of the story even when she was coma'd. Subaru's words are that Rem holds his weakness and he'll show it to no one but her.

The fact Emilia is suppose to support the MC because she is the "main heroine" is probably part of the reasons they made that change in the LN vol 9. It certainly will be a while until I can read that scene to find out what actually happens and how effective her trying to "support" him is. Some things I've read emphasize that the scene is certainly less emotional as the WN counterpart but his feelings for Rem are no less. I don't really believe that because of the amount of Subaru/Rem scenes cut from the WN Arc 4 and the changing of the wording of the important one but I haven't read it yet.

>but his feelings for Rem are no less.
My impression is that they definitely don't come across as strong. If they're not supposed to be lessened, then the writing is shit.

>then the writing is shit
it's shit either way since the development until that point is in the LN identical to that of the WN. There is no reason why Subaru should feel less for Rem in the LN than in the WN.

I expect most claims like that were people just trying to calm down the outrage from the changes.
>If they're not supposed to be lessened, then the writing is shit.
I don't believe Tappei is really that behind the changes, he wasn't even happy with the anime adaption. The way I see it they (the editors/publishing company) are pushing for a more generic love triangle and also want Emilia to be more popular. An user a while ago talked about how the dialogue in that scene kind of mirrors a Subaru/Rem scene which is something I believe an editor would write instead of Tappei.


> I don't believe Tappei is really that behind the changes, he wasn't even happy with the anime adaption.

I thought he liked it and hoped the whole story would get an anime?

Don't listen to Remfags.