Elderly holocaust survivor is killed by Islamic refugee in Paris

The Jewish woman was stabbed 11 times, then the body was burned in her bed.

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Is there an old Jew who isn't a survivor?


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Jewish boomer here. Don't hate me.. love me.

>Jews screech and wail incessantly about how whitey should remember the Shoah and commit civilizational suicide for poor brown people and muh economy
>Jews start getting targeted by some of their pets
>"Oy vey! It's anuddah shoah!"
>rats scurry back to their ethnostate while Europe burns
It's really fucking hard not to hate these goddamned kikes. I wish they would all just go to Israel and shut the fuck up.

your pic confuses me. are we supposed to fight the jews by supporting the jews?
i honestly don't know what's going on anymore


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Don't care

I miss Rhodesia so much.

You're a Jew?

>when a holocaust liar burns to death

Oh God the hens are coming home to roost for the eternal kike and I love it.
Kinda sad tho, she does look like a sweet old lady.

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Now that Europe is unsafe for Jews it makes sense for them to all move to Israel.

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>When the Jewry is so intense they end up accidentally invading their own controlled countries and killing themselves by proxy

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I heard some boomer jew on NPR talking about being a "second generation" holocaust survivor.
It never ends.

One down, 600 million to go!

I thought the holocaust survivors already died out

Famalam converted to cathos after the war out of fear, we got shoa'ed very bad, but parents reconverted.


How old are you and what sect?

Fun fact - Times of Israel openly stated that the murderer is a muslim, yet media like CNN or The Guardian profusely say that the background was purely anti-semitic and later on just say that in recent years violence on jews has skyrocketed in Europe.

Fun Fact 2 - Once you've read one article you read all of them. They are basically ctrl+c ctrl+v

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Two what? Amish? Niggers? Cops? Mudslums? Say the name, faggot.

That's getting personnal. I am a Gnostic tho, only attending synagogue for the family, let's say mid 20s.

Thank you based immigrants. Viva Macron!

In their defense I've heard at least three of them admit to never having met Mengele

I couldn't be happier with how that went.

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heres a (you) bong for cracking me up.

19 and standard Anglican desu.

Other than Jews and Trump who is pro-Semitic?

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Careful what you post here, don't get jailed senpai

P-pay no attention goys! This is all according to kikeaku! We have not lost control of our golem!

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Soon they'll all be dead.
But their offspring will never ceases kvetching.
At least the first hand accounts will end soon.

Will do, Schlomo my friend.

That little snot is a pure example of why you can never trust a jew.

muslims are animals

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Kek, at least the kike has a sense of humor. I'll crank the oven up slightly for him so it's not as bad.

Nice word.

Yeah, it's a hereditary title.

They came out with a study a year or two ago claiming Lamarackian genetic damage as a result of the Holocaust, an imaginary event. No lie is too stupid for them.


I remember viewing Twitter replies, and liberals were blaming this on Donald Trump and Trump's America.

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I'm ok with some jews.




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>Leftist Strategy: Blame everything on Trump.
It worked with Bush and they are trying it with Trump.

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I'd crank open my dick for his sis.

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>Fun Fact 2 - Once you've read one article you read all of them. They are basically ctrl+c ctrl+v
that's kind of how the associated press works, you think every news outlet only publishes works their in house staff writes?

The holocaust was a cultural event. Any Jew who was living during it is entitled to survivor/victim status.

Comments like this just push normal people farther to the right.

people only care when a jew gets murdered
really makes u think

I have seen this fucking thread reposted at least three times after hitting bump limit.
Cease this faggotry.

Very sad. Dumb French are importing barbarians into their country that want them dead.

it's sort of like when the kikes go around prosecuting 102 year old German men who worked as a cafeteria worker in Dachau for 2 weeks

finally got 'em

>open your dick
sounds painful desu

>inb4 in 20 years there will still be 80yo holocaust survivors

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>uses white phosphorus on innocent Palestinian kids


>wanting to fuck ben with tits

That's not the pic I'm looking for.

I see that they are assimilating into Europe extremely well
>picking up the trash that the germans left behind

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the muslims should target jews more. once the head of the kike dies then white identity will form easily. im surprised pol hasnt memed for muslims to get the addresses of jews in europe


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Remember when the priest got beheaded?
Everyone talked about it.
Killing an 80 years old grandma is newsworthy.
The holocaust was an attempt at eradicating Jewry from the face of Europe. Making them as factor survivors.
But it only counts for the ones who were alive in Europe at that time or fled it after 1938.

who in the world could possibly be behind this post?

More innocent than Jews

>Anti-semitic murder

Hey FBI.


Send the Kebab Home in First Class with 72 virgins.

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Fucking CIA niggers. Sup Forums is a board of piece.

Good. I hope they kill all those filthy mudshit sandniggers.


replace jew for muslim and this article would make worldwide headlines

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Fuck off Switchblade.
Just break the walls down, let the kebab’s Shoah the kikes & don’t let anymore kebabs into Europe.
That simple.

"The suspect “said that Jews have money, and that was the reason he attacked her,”

That's from the NYtimes. One of the killers was a neighbor, and yeah- North African killer, very likely a Muslim.

>Two Muslims kill a Jew
I bet France has never been more confused in its life on how to rule this.

you cant escape fate kike.

wait till iran rops a 20 kt bomb on israel.

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They'll release their favourite war hound before that happens.

Fake news, it never happened

This is why French Jews are unironically based, voted at 60 % for the conservatice candidate, and openly support anti-immigration policies.

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Awh fuck.
Jews are so small in number, the Death of one brings a Smile to My Face, Knowing it’s a Step towards their Nearing Eradication.

Is that you ibrahim? Or perhaps your one of them shinner commies still cryin about muh poor Palestinian kids. Fuck off

it did happen
google.fr/search?q=mireille knoll&rlz=1C1PRFI_enFR738FR738&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwipv-Oz2o3aAhWBbRQKHZl0CAAQ_AUICygC&biw=1517&bih=735

Anti-semitism is too strong in this world. They should consider leaving this world entirely


based sandnigger

No I mean the Holohoax never happened. So she's not a "survivor"



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You do realize that kikes are just sand niggers that think they are special, doncha?

i'm not sure who to cheer for desu

>He trusts kikes
>Thinks anyone who Opposes them is a sandrat
So Hitler was a muslim now, was he?

>implying zio-kikes aren't

top kek

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I think hes full-blown 14/88 rather than a leftie mate.
>no use of the word 'apartheid', 'oppression',etc.

All Jews deserve to be paid a wage and never have to work because of the Holocaust! We are chosen by God and the Goyim need to pay for their mistake.

It will never end until we end it.

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