Redditors congratulating themselves on not having kids so they have more disposable income to waste on videogames and...

Redditors congratulating themselves on not having kids so they have more disposable income to waste on videogames and other consumerist trash. Look on the wests culture and despair

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Darwinism in action.

this propaganda to drive me to read reddit doesn't work on me or anyone at all you are paid to reeducate.

Why the fuck would you want to have kids? My older brother has 4 and has divorced twice. There is no point in committing to have children as its merely excuse for alimony.

Haha what? Is that supposed to be an outstanding accomplishment or something?

reddit last men

not clicking that site but I'll have you know my dad worked for 40 years and has nothing to show for it that I can't get from a month on welfare.

I will never have children because it's a huge waste of time and money, ALL women accuse the man of sexual misconduct against them, and because YES ALL WOMAN are greedy fuckwits who would run off with more than half my cash because laws allow them to.

Without special laws to protect women from financial loss, we could begin to breed again. the system is sexist and the proof is in the fertility rates.

raising six kids

Jesus man which thot hurt you? Like damn you just been bonin crazy most of your life or something I've been married for 10 years with 1 kid and have never worried about my wife stepping out on me with tyrone or calling me a sexual deviant of some sort but it's probably because we legit love each other not like today's standard of "love" which is fucking over tinder and then doing that a few more times before getting prego and forcing everything.

>I will never have children because it's a huge waste of time and money
You wouldn't exist if just one of your ancestors thought the same way. Passing on your genes is the meaning of life, not achieving that goal means you're a failure in every way imaginable.


where'd you learn that word?

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Who knew eugenics would be this easy.

the fact that you're making up propaganda like this proves you are a woman. men know that women are incapable of real love, no different to a child actor or a smart fridge.

>Redditors congratulating themselves on not having kids
Let's just face it. That's likely the best thing they could do for the world.

Ah yes one of those MGTOW guys got it so you just don't care in general well I feel bad for you son, hopefully you find someone who proves you wrong like I did.

remember when they tried to astroturf Sup Forums with this faggotry?

Oh no, libtards aren't reproducing. Whatever shall we do.

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>redditors judging redditors for being redditors
go back

They don't care about being ideaolgically consistent. Life IS masturbation to them, in what they say, think, want, feel and do. Their fate is to be the equivalent of the ejaculate they spew into the dirt.... To rot and sour, be tossed, irrelevant and forgotten.

good we need collapse. sooner the better.

If men cut women off for 2 months we'd break them forever. Men think about sex every 20 seconds women think only of sex. Men have hobbies. Women have sex. Stop being such dehydrated faggots swiping right on fat ugly cows.

> I spend $21,000 a year on child care for one kid.



Unless that care is medical or major tutoring how the fuck do you do that? That's college tuition in a year.

women ruined Sup Forums

who gives a fuck anymore
I'm completely black pilled anyway, in France Arabs are outbreeding us several times over using taxpayer money while hardworking French people struggle to make ends meet
from what I can see it's the same in the US with mexicans
enjoy being a slave to either of these parasites, I'll make sure I have a fuckton of cash to retire independently from the government and that I can live the few decades I have worry free

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And you know what Reddit is talking about how, exactly?

You should go back.

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Population bottleneck.

Atheism is a terminal mental illness.

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Seriously though, with the financial planning that I have done I could only calculate 8 kids to be feasible. (That's including health insurance, maternity fees, food & clothing, a large car) I even calucalted it with my mother being a kind of "nanny" since she doesn't get paid much anyway and I'll be able to support her. (saving me fucking TONS btw) But really.... anything more is going to actually cripple me...

Sup Forums what can I do to have more kids? Like, if I had no limit I would definitely be up there with 70+ kids, (but that would require multiple women). What are your ideas, folks?

I can't understand redditor's penchant for materialistic things. it's a fucking car or batman merchandise or whatever. it doesn't matter. children are more valuable and worth having.

They probably gave birth to some cancer kid and instead of aborting it and saving themselves the money had it and now bury themselves in debt because of their fucked up genetics.

fuck you

Nobody in my family got accused of (((misconduct))). Some couples last for 50+ years.

Why I'm against kids tbqh.
>spend money on myself and live selfishly and enjoy every second of it
>slave for 18 years and pay hundreds of thousands in diapers, clothes, braces, education, and food

Real thinker, that one...

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We know we're under attack we're breaking the conditioning!

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>Why the fuck would you want to fulfill the only meaning of your existence
Golly gee I don't know. Better get that vasectomy and play vidya games for the next 50 years until I die alone.

I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts more people in that thread have kids than people in this thread

You're the real "soy boy" bucko

>Who needs to leave a legacy? I want to spend my life masturbating to anime, playing vidya and getting lowered into an unmarked grave with nobody to mourn me! That's the good life!
Postmodernism has done a number on you


>she'll spend the child support on your kid

>not achieving that goal means you're a failure in every way imaginable
[Citation needed]

My wife is pregnant with my first kid right now. Over the last few years I've noticed a social separation of my two groups of friends, the people who got jobs, wives, and kids tend to move to the suburbs, more likely to vote Republican, etc. The other half just sort of idled around in service industry jobs after graduation and won't shut up about the latest in pop culture and whatever fad cause reddit is pushing today. I think having this baby is going to be the final push to stop hanging out with some of these people.

Good, they won't reproduce and spread their weak, pathetic genes,

Sounds good but you forget something. This entire country will be at war within 20 years. Everything...everything you accomplish will be war torn. So I say instead of being a drain you prep yourself for what is coming.

Let's be honest here: probably all the men that advocates against having children maybe doesn't even have hair in their balls

It's amazing the difference it makes

t. 30 year old father of three

Post wife's big belly

I live in new york and have a decent job. But I ccan't afford to have a kid. I mean the public schools are shit here, so I'd need close to $15k - $20k for private school starting at 5 years old...

Children are shit, and worthless. Except for one thing.

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>not being able to perform you’re most basic job as a living being
>gee am I successful as a janitor even though I don’t know how to spray windex on a window?
Neck yourself

What industry are you in? Moving to the midwest and taking a pay cut will dramatically improve your quality of life and the work culture is much better in professional circles imo.

Absolutely degenerate. Look at this comment that was given "reddit gold".

These people are absolutely vile.

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Yeah buddy look in the mirror for you just described yourself

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So I'm a failure because I won't have kids.

Your kids are the ones who are going to have to deal with the consequences. You are literally creating them so that they will suffer in the looming, dark future.

This. Nature will always balance out.

>here let me prove to you I’ve never interacted with a women

Is it degenerate to not want kids because it leaves more money for guns and land?

Let us not pray for easier times, let us pray to be stronger men.

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As a white man, you're supposed to be limitlessly successfuly with limitless money. Also, you should take a harem of wives and have dozens of children so that we can keep up with the brown birth rate.

To do this, you'll have to work hard every day for no reward, for decades. This is the burden of the white man.

>You are literally creating them so that they will suffer in the looming, dark future.
People spawned tons of children during the middle of WW2. You're a fucking pussy.

Glad your genes will be culled.

Exactly. Note the unspoken implication that they believe that not only would he have gotten his car faster, but they think the car would bring more joy to his life than his children do. They truly are zombies who don't care about anything but mindlessly grazing and consuming. They care nothing for living, only existing while putting in the bare minimum. Human cattle.

>less kids
>more money for guns and land
putting the cart before the horse bud,

WW2 didn't end with a tidal wave of brown people, it ended with a golden age for white people. You couldn't have picked a BETTER time to have children.

>Exactly. Note the unspoken implication that they believe that not only would he have gotten his car faster, but they think the car would bring more joy to his life than his children do. They truly are zombies who don't care about anything but mindlessly grazing and consuming. They care nothing for living, only existing while putting in the bare minimum. Human cattle.
It's baffling that these perverts who don't even have children that will exist in the future think that they have any right to an opinion about how society should be shaped going into the future.

They should not be allowed to vote.

>liberalism and nihilistic teenager tier atheism
I’m 100% sure atheists are compelled to have kids


Great idea, let's set the precedent of limiting who can and can't vote based on arbitrary reasons!

That totally won't come back to bite us when white people are the minority or anything.

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>WW2 didn't end with a tidal wave of brown people, it ended with a golden age for white people. You couldn't have picked a BETTER time to have children.
The point is that people had children during the middle of the most violent and destructive war in human history, when neither side knew who would win. And here you are, afraid to have children because you're intimidated by sub-human IQ shitskins are living on welfare in our countries.

Those same shitskins mock us for our low birth rate, saying that we are "giving" them our countries because we won't breed anyways, and when it comes to faggot cuckolds like yourself, they're right.

Go back to r/mgtow/ you insufferable failure of a human being.

Do you think that liberals will eventually die out?

Came here to say this.

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When white people are the minority your country is already fucked, you think the white vote will even matter?

If having children is such a joyous experience, why are you angry that somebody you hate isn't experiencing it? You're angry at them for missing out?

No, you're angry at them for not helping "your" race. You can't expect help with no incentive, pal.

>whites are becoming a minority!
>I wont have kids

are you people fucking stupid?

>literally thinks whites can outbreed browns


>Great idea, let's set the precedent of limiting who can and can't vote based on arbitrary reasons!
The idea that "anyone" can vote, including women, is a new idea in the history of America, something imposed by kikes to destroy the country with (((democracy))).

>That totally won't come back to bite us when white people are the minority or anything.
If women had not been given the right to vote, as well as new """immigrants""", we would not be trending towards becoming a minority in the first place genius.

You're also such a cuckold that you think we are getting out of this mess by voting whatsoever. Any self-respecting White man should be producing children who will carry on our eternal struggle against the darkness. But you, you pathetic worm, would rather live in your mother's basement and drop out of life because you have no faith in your own people, your own blood, to overcome adversity.

We've always been outnumbered. There were more American Indians in America when this continent was settled than there are nonwhites of any kind at the present time. Didn't stop us from exerting our will and power to dominate these lands.

Get off of my board, cuckold.

Great, all the soyboys will die off and cease existing while the iron pilled will have children that aren't lavender lads.

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>just give up goy

you're either stupid or a fucking shill

Were literally on the road to becoming one yet they chooses video games and hentai over kids. Why would you think they would breed?

Enjoy your life then faggot. I am glad your genetic pool ends with you.

This is fine, keep their soy sucking genes out of the aryan pool.

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I blame Bismarck and the modern retirement system. It took about 150 years, but it finally did bear fruit.

You see, people used to have a lot of children expecting some of the kids to take care of them when they grow old. A state-sponsored retirement scheme removes that incentive. Nowadays, having kids is about your biological needs and idealism, not about survival.

Something eerily similar happened to education when the Prussian system was first introduced.

It's actually pretty fucking hilarious - I'm pretty sure very few people actually expected the unintended consequences of these policies to have such a massive impact on our civilization.

Kids literally are financial leeches, i want to be able to go out when i want to go out, i want to travel, i want to do shit without being anchored by said financial leeches.

Modern marriage is a slave contract where you're putting your freedom/finances at a womans mercy, because the law will ultimately side with women as they do now.

I won't have to worry about other people, i won't have to take care of anyone by myself, not having kids is redpilled.

You know what's Darwinism in action?

White people being too nice, and giving up the planet to the hordes. Sounds like they didn't deserve to rule in the first place.

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Just let them unconsiously remove themselves from the gene pool.
Leaves us chad lads with more pussy to choose from

>If having children is such a joyous experience, why are you angry that somebody you hate isn't experiencing it?
I simply find cowardice distasteful, and I'm rebuking your cowardice publicly because I don't want your cuckold attitude to infect anyone else.

You are worthless.

>No, you're angry at them for not helping "your" race.
You don't even see yourself as part of a greater whole, just as the kikes have designed you to see things. You are literally cucked by the jews.

>You can't expect help with no incentive, pal.
You seem to think I'm trying to convince you have children, I'm not. I'm insulting you and calling out your cowardice because I think it's disgusting. I find your attitude and very existence to be repulsive.

>not torrenting and having kids

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As a country, our favorite shit, the shit we can all agree on is the Super Bowl. We pretty much all watch it. More than any other commonality.

Most watched and talked about part of that night are the commercials. It's our thing.

This but lose the meme flag, leaf faggot

>White people being too nice, and giving up the planet to the hordes. Sounds like they didn't deserve to rule in the first place.

You're actually a nonwhite, it makes perfect sense.

Take not everyone: This (((user))) is both pretending to be White and saying that "there is no hope so we should stop breeding anyways", while simultaneously admitting that they are nonwhite and that they think Whites should go extinct.

This is a kike shill.

It pleases me that you fear Whites so much that you try to convince us not to breed, top kek you fucking kike.

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Honestly, we should be rejoicing that these faggots won't be making humanity weaker with their shit genes. Why would I want someone to reproduce who is
>low iq
>weak chinned

What about those of us who don't have kids because we swore our lives to God. Granted we are pretty rare. I am a virgin at 30 and could easily get sex but I choose God instead and because modern woman turn my stomach.

Oh no, he's convincing virgins that get no pussy of not breeding!

I'm worth responding to apparently. Keep on getting angrier buddy, maybe one day you'll get angry enough to do something better than reply to a repulsive, worthless kike on an image board.

Or are you too cowardly to act IRL? You probably wouldn't say anything close to this degree of hatefulness to your friends or your boss. You have to keep your opinions locked up, here, anonymously.

>As a young adult who is on the edge of getting his first job, losing my free time to play video games all day and just work 10 hour days and not being able adapting to the work life really worries me. My family being decently wealthy and my job prospects being fairly safe has made me value free time over money and given me a lopsided view.

Gas my generation, fuck video games. I'm 23 and actively looking to settle down to raise a family to give back, wtf is wrong with everyone?

>screen all content your family watches for unwholesome entertainment
>put it on a media PC in your living room
>reward children with media time when they do their homework
>provide vast array of educational entertainment
if you're good enough you can practically homeschool your children with a video library

God said to go out and multiply. Pretty sure you're going straight to hell.

MGTOW is literally nigger tier behavior
>ey mane imma not hav kids so I can buy the new 2k and sheeeit
>I can buy me a mufukkin range with all the cash I save nigga
>Ion need no wife i just be fuckin bitches all my life
>ey fuck responsibility and shiet mane
>watch Tyrone u gon be beggin me for money when I make it out tha hood

Enjoy being a lonely old cunt with no one there to help you when you get old.