Michael Moore and other celebrities agree: Make the voting age 16!

Argentina, Austria, Brazil and Nicaragua already allow 16-year-olds to vote, it's time for the United States to join them!

>“I’d say at least one million people in the streets of DC! Historic!” Moore Tweeted on Saturday. “This photo doesn’t even show the full breadth of it. Thank you Parkland students and kids everywhere. You have made it clear to the adults: ‘Either join us or get out of the way. We are here & we are coming.'”

>“The future belongs to this generation and they fully realize it. Let let them vote. Change voting age to 16,” said actress Mia Farrow.

>Simpsons writer Mike Scully wrote, “Raise gun-buying age to 25 and lower voting age to 16.”

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I agree with this, also lower the right to buy a rile to 16 while you're at it.

raise the voting age to 26.
most people have their shit together at that age

have fun in your communism because gen Z wants it so fucking badly.

We should raise the voting age to 25 year old net taxpayers.

16 year old kids are retarded.

He also wants to lower the price of butter. Ignore and slide.

Should be 27, actually. Brain finishes growing then.

He's just saying that because if they can vote at 16 they will be legal to fuck at 16

lower the age to enlist while you're at it

This, I was a Commie when I was 16
It should be 30+ like in Athens

i'm ok with making it 16. i'm not ok with bringing back the assault weapons ban or raising the age to buy guns. that's dumb

This will invariably result in a push for lowering the age of consent.

No, don't do this USA, it's a stupid law, don't let kids vote.

Should be just the taxpayers. Children and retired shouldn't vote, same for social parasites like neets and criminals.

>Raise gun-buying age to 25 and lower voting age to 16


I want to strangle that fatty

Honestly 16 year olds should not be allowed to vote. But its exactly like Brazil, they want the young and dumb vote.
I honestly dont see it happening on USA tough. this whole shit is flavor of the month and will blow over.

Lowering the voting age means more Democratic voters and more idiots voting towards communism and pop culture. If you want degeneracy in power then of course lower the voting age. Democracy is shit.

>not realizing how many cultural marxists are 16
>almost universally atheistic leftists
>thinks he'll have guns left after a year of that

It's the pinnacle of liberal logic: 16-year-old teenagers are mature, capable and ready to vote, but also 20-year-old adults are immature and the age to purchase guns and tobacco needs to be raised to 21.

These young people are incompetent of handling a firearm.
These young people are so smart they could have the right to vote.

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If they can vote, they can drink and go to war. All of these things should be linked.

Could he be any more transparent about his desire to bias elections?

Raise voting age to 26, restrict voting to only men who have families, land, or served in the military

They are. I know what kind of kids you mean

De vakkenvulers waar je tegen vraagt of ze iets en het magezijn hebben en dan zeggen "Ja die worden binnenkort weer gelevered" terwijl hij verder vult.


is this fat fuck seriously suggesting that Argentina, Brazil, and Nicaragua are countries we should be emulating?

18 is already too low lmfao

They know they're losing.

they're actually winning and they don't even realize it

>this whole shit is flavor of the month and will blow over.

It absolutely is. I haven't seen any polls on it, but I surmise a strong majority of Americans outright oppose it. This is something that only plays well with the far left, who have wet dreams of NEA public school teachers leading their entire classrooms to the polls to vote Democrat.

The U.S. Constitution sets the age at 18, and let's be real, there is no chance in hell there is enough support for 16-year-olds being able to vote for that to be changed. It's pure mental masturbation, flavor of the month bullshit coming from leftists who are mostly only saying it at the moment as a means to give backhand praise to Hogg and company.

>let's get em while they're young
Wew slow Down moore

No no no way to easy to indoctrinate..brains are not developed....and uninformed

This please

This would probably just lower the vote count all together, since the incentive to vote is even less present at 16 than it is at 18, something that would be carried over to a later age like: "oh I didn't care about voting when u was 16, so not voting now."

If you want to make the world a better place, let people fill in 3 questions about the government structure in their country of residence, two simple math problems like 15*16=? and maybe ask them to name two characteristics of the party they're voting in (or better yet: what the party's full name is, no abbreviation (not every country has just two big ass parties like the US)). That would require people to have at least a bit of brain in order to vote, and would eliminate uninformed voting.

How has that fat fuck not died of a hart attack yet.

Only tax payers above the age of 25 should be voting.

so they want to lower the voting age to 16 because 16 is mature enough to decide who to put in the presidency but they want to raise the age to purchase a gun to 21 or even 25 because 18 isnt mature enough.

This is Moore's secret ploy to lower the age of consent.

This is best option. No welfare voters or prison voters.

Whaaaaaa you trippin

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Die hoertjes die die je vraagt een simpele rekensom op te lossen en ze het allemaal overtuigd van hun "genie" fout zeggen. Of die jongetjes die armen van drie centimeter in omtrek hebben en het idee hebben dat ze alles kunnen maken wanneer hun vrienden erbij zijn en kijken...

"Ej waaajo, wtf doe je man. Stoer." etc.

Ok just bring back conscription then. If you can vote at 16 you can fight at 16.

Ik voel je.

>Wees 16 jarige beer
>Komen 5 marrokanen op je af opzoek naar een fittie
>Loop weg want 1 v 5 is niet eerlijk ookal zijn het manleten
>"Haha pussy"
>Ze volgen me
>1 valt me aan
>Sla hem neer
>"Wtf gast was joun probleem?"
Dat zijn de momenten waar je weet dat zulke mensen geen stemrecht moeten krijgen

Why not just allow anyone to vote? Fucking babies should be able to do it. Age is just a number right?

This is so sad, we had our municipal election voting age restriction decreased from 18 to 16. All of that was only because the state ruling party, who wasnt power in the capital city, thought they could win next local elections by letting youngsters vote.

The really sad part is many voters make uninformed decisions, when they are voting

It's like they're admitting that the brainwashing comes unstuck by the time you're an adult...

Just bring up the argument that blacks are physically stronger and faster and drive the trucks to da hood. Get in you black bastard you're going to war.

Once you have them back in the middle east or some other region where dey wuz kangz just leave them there.

Yes we SHOULD push this Sup Forums
They should also be given every OTHER adult right as well. It should ALL be put on the table.
>Legally responsible as FULL adults for legal infractions. This one especially. You know they get to go to big boy jail for doing stupid teenager shit.
>The ability to get credit cards. Cause you know kids are smart and responsible right?
>Mandatory sign up for the draft (not like that matters but it scares the shit out of liberals).
>Taxes. Oh shit that's one of the best ones. Taxes.
>Buying cigarettes
>Going to titty bars
>WORKING at titty bars
>Drop out of school if they want
>Also lower the age range to match the whole contributing to a minor charge to 16.
I'll strait up just start dealing drugs to dumb kids and make a fucking fortune.

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who fucking care

From how I understand it:

>Voting age in U.S. was 21
>It got changed via the Twenty-sixth Amendment due to the Vietnam War, as 18-to-20-year-old people didn't like being old enough to be drafted for war, but not old enough to be able to vote against the politician supporting sending them to war

16 is such an arbitrary number. Why not 15? 14? At least 18 makes sense, it's consistent with the age you're legally recognized as an adult and no longer a minor.

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Yeah, that should prove to everyone that they aren't merely stupid, they're just evil.

has the left literally run out of ideas? lol this is supposed to be progressive now?

This. It's the only way to be sure.

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>a bunch of faggots got paid to stand next to the capital building, therefore their opinion is the most valid

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>having liberal youth

meanwhile previous election results by age cohort in Poland

>18-29 year olds:
26.6% Religious Right-wing
20.6% Populist Right-wing
16.8% Ancap/Monarchist Right-wing
14.4% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists
7.8% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists 2
5.2% Western-style Degenerate Lefties
3.7% Farmer Mafia
3.4% Post-Communist Lefties

>30-39 year olds:
30.6% Religious Right-wing
23.8% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists
12.6% Populist Right-wing
10.8% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists 2
5.8% Western-style Degenerate Lefties
5.6% Post-Communist Lefties
5.1% Farmer Mafia
4.8% Ancap/Monarchist Right-wing

38.7% Religious Right-wing
25.8% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists
8.2% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists 2
7.7% Populist Right-wing
6.4% Post-Communist Lefties
5.9% Farmer Mafia
4.1% Western-style Degenerate Lefties
2.6% Ancap/Monarchist Right-wing

47.1% Religious Right-wing
23.0% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists
7.3% Post-Communist Lefties
6.2% Farmer Mafia
6.0% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists 2
4.9% Populist Right-wing
3.2% Western-style Degenerate Lefties
1.8% Ancap/Monarchist Right-wing

48.7% Religious Right-wing
28.1% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists
9.3% Post-Communist Lefties
5.1% Farmer Mafia
3.8% Generic Pro-Europe Centrists 2
2.0% Populist Right-wing
1.8% Western-style Degenerate Lefties
0.6% Ancap/Monarchist Right-wing

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t. Robert Heinlein

You should make people take voting exams, so retards dont get to vote

Does anybody think that lowering the voting age will make democrats more popular? I ask because five years ago I was 16 and I remember my entire school being very much far right. But of course, YMMV since I'm not in the US, but seriously, 16 year olds genuinely think capitalism just werks(tm)

Fuck this fat bastard why won’t his organs give up already

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We had literacy tests, but liberals said it was unfair to black voters.

>ben mij
>ben 21
>er is een of ander blacklight Dodgeville toernooi waar mijn vrienden en ik heengaan
>veel Duitse studenten, veel immigranten
>ik zie dat ze veel vals spelen, niet alleen bij ons maar ook bij andere rondes
>spreek de grootste kerel erop aan dat ze gewoon eerlijk kunnen spelen en dat ze fucking pussies zijn
>hun groep van marokkanen/Turken etc zwermen om me heen. Eerste kerel duwt me een beetje weg met zijn hand en vraagt of ik wil vechten
>ik blijf hetzelfde herhalen, zij blijven me recht aanstaren
>mijn vrienden zijn allemaal te cucked om ook maar iets te zeggen
>buitenlanders druipen af, zien dat ze me niet intimideren.
>daarna volgt een heftig debat bij de organisatie, blijkt dat ze het alleen voor studie credits doen
>ik ga weg voordat het afgelopen is, nothing gained, behalve dat ik mezelf nog aan kan kijken in de spiegel

The young Whites may be more right wing, but there's fewer whites among the young.

Young voters are easy as fuck to sway since they are not emotionally matured. Just look at Austria, holy fuck they really screwed themselves over. The voting age should be raised to 21.

this but not ironically

Legally speaking what does it take to change the voting age in the USA?

If anything we shouldn't allow anyone under the age of 30 to vote. Hell, we shouldn't allow non home owners or those who've been unemployed for more than a year to vote.

>Argentina, Austria, Brazil and Nicaragua
3 of these countries routinely go through ruin and collapse due to socialist policies and the other is the literal spawn of hitler.

Not a good track record.


He could literally just get a Canadian citizenship, or anywhere else for that matter, and fuck 16 year olds.

I wasn't being ironic. Throw on that on the table and see how quick they change their minds......but yeah dems would probably be for all that bullshit because empowerment and whatnot.

>Buitenlanders druipen af, zien dat ze me niet intimederen.

Petje af. Wolven ruiken angst.

I agree. At 16 I would've voted for the greens just because they were for renewable energy if I could. I was fucking retarded back then.

>Could he be any more transparent about his desire to bias elections?
His party is losing and he knows they have no chance as it currently stands.

If you're not old enough to purchase a firearm you're not old enough to vote.

I'd be okay with raising both to 25 though.

Voting should only be allowed to people who pay taxes.

Michael Moore’s caloric intake should be lowered to the same, JFC he’s literally turning into Jabba the Mutt before our eyes.

and handguns. and tobacco. and liquor. and weed (in states where weed is legal). and especially porn vids.

i was paying into taxes when i was 14...
so voting age should be 14.....
that means i was adult at 14.....

this whole lower voting age is the pedo agenda...

Wasn’t he supposed to be the hero that Flint needed? And aren’t they still stuck with literal shit water?

Africans invented literal shit water.

Me, an intellectual: voting age should be hightened to 24 at least

>the only way we can win is if brown highschoolers can vote to try and force white men to take guns from other white men

Made me think, I like how the simpson's writer will probably hide behind the "lol i'm just a comedian so I can't be held accountable for my retarded opinions" defense.

id bet money the average 16 y/o here would say they believe in God
atheism is mainstream but you underestimate how many "religious" people there are here

teenagers are retarded because they have no perspective and assume the entire world is easy or safe like their highschool, so Republicans saying we shouldn't give free shit to niggers just sound mean to them

College students are also retarded because they're "adults" and "educated" and thus feel a need to change the world- they understand that giving money to the poor niggers require taxes, but now they also know- according to their professors- that not giving money to niggers is clearly the new slavery and whitey gotta pay up

Only the people with property or people who served in the military should vote. They have a stake in the country. Everyone else has no stake or chooses not to own property, thus shouldn't vote.

>young brown people and jews support grabbing guns
>liberals want them to be able to vote
>illegals bump up total representation liberal states get
>liberals scream when Trump decides he's going to ask people if they're citizens or not since with ICE on the prowl it means illegals will probably not take the census
>states which enact voter ID mysteriously start to trend Republican
>liberals claim it is because poor negros are incapable of figuring out how to get legit ID

The Democratic party should have lost all credibility with normies. Sadly too many old people still think it's the 1990s when the Democrats weren't blatantly anti-white.

It's almost as if this fat kike wants america to collapse now. He's too impatient.

In a sane society. Women, immigrants would be banned from voting. But that's not enough. IQ tests should also be passed. And finally, only allow the smart land owners (with families) to have the right to vote. Once you've added all these filtering layers, THEN maybe you'll start seeing a responsible goverment in place.

But all of these conditions only prove that democracy is a fucking failure. we should just abandon it. Because you need too many conditions to make it work.

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voting should be limited to men who are married.

>when you advertise you personal interest as a moral imperative

Yes government should stay out of this shit. Let’s go full libertarian. I can vote and own a gun but can’t drink. That’s some bulkshit. I should be able to do all three.

voting should be restricted to landowners, or taxpayers of a certain bracket

>rich Jews in gated communities employing brown/Jewish teenagers to persuade predominately white male legal gun owners to give up rights and stop buying/selling AR15s so only the government can have them

i wish goyim werent conned so easily.......we already got conned hard as fuck with the circumcision meme

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>vote on how the government works at 16
>die for Israel at 18
>own fully semi automatics at 21 with non detachable 2 round clips, no pistol grip and the weapon of war can only be assembled and stored at a firing range under the supervision of a police officer, only accessible twice a year one of which times is a re certification exam with a 10 hour diversity training workshop and 100 question written exam and each citizen is allowed a lifetime supply of 25 rounds IAW the HOGG Act of 2018

Are niggers and spics really dropping dead that young now? Are democro-tyrant jews this desperate for "votes" to pretend they are legitimate?


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that would take away like 99% of the votes in NYC and Los Angeles, and those of anyone who lives in an apartment

>For males. Sooner for females. Which means who will be controlling the voting based on age?

>we already got conned hard as fuck with the circumcision meme
Goddamn you. I almost went 24 hours without thinking about this, and now I'm mad.

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