You wake up and see this

You wake up and see this.
What's your next course of action?



"I see Hardy's got some pretty good taste."

Rape the maids

Rape for six hours, obviously.

Apparently I'm to die but at least I'll die happy.

unzip dick

I call her a shit while America glasses japan with 5000 nukes

I Trump her




Hahaha, bandsu's :DDDDD


She does, she liked Lelei as well.
A nuke would disable her until she became a goddess of love. Regeneration from that would be difficult before then.

>japan has modern weaponry and a indestructible goddess
>the bad guys have swords and some shitty dragons that get gunned down by AAA
Why do people watch this again?

is she actually hueg or is it a perspective thing


Form a blood contract of course

Unzipping my dick, and hoping she doesn't kill me

Worship the loli

Cum on her panties and hope for the best.

Bow to my eternal loli Deity and become her sex slave.

Pledge obedience and undying loyalty in exchange for my life

How much longer until manga is done with the anime arc? I want new things.

Uppercut punch while pulling down the panties with the other arm.

I saw a comment elsewhere that indicated it might be caught up in a few more months. There hasn't even been much other art like posted either in recent months.

Proceed to test my theory.

go back to sleep, maybe i can dream of women with a real body

>I'm in another world.
>I'm going to die from the local bacteria and viruses.
>That dummass cunt right there will carry my own bacteria and viruses and become Patient Zero for this world Black Plague.
>Sigh... Okay then...

There is a less finished version of this as well, but I don't know if Sup Forums is the best place for it. Lelei is better anyway.

She has a real body

I want to marry this woman

Tell her to get out of my sun light

What are you even going to use that light for?

To keep Hardy away?

Underrated post.



Why not use the larger one?

Happily accept death at the hands of a cute girl.

I picked the wrong picture size