Did anyone else grow up in a bluepilled household with shows like The Daily Show and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert...

Did anyone else grow up in a bluepilled household with shows like The Daily Show and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert regularly on the TV?

Were these 'political programming masquerading as comedy' shows as bad back then as they are now or have they gotten worse?

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Yup, but the reason was because my older brother watched them. They’ve gotten worse and so has he.

The Late Show with Colbert is a pretty recent show. If anyone grew up with Colbert it was when he was on The Colbert Report.

I honestly used to watch them. They used to be far less preachy.....

They were always bad -- just watch an ep of Daily Show from 2008 or Colbert from 2009.
Although I used to eat them up as a commie fag

Friends liked them 10 to 15 years ago, probably still do. I thought the were shit and boring then and still do.

You know the difference between when someone is telling a joke or promoting propaganda? The reaction of the audience. If they laugh, it's comedy, no big deal everything can be a joke with the right setup. Propaganda is met with applause.

The Bush years and the first half of the Obama Administration, they were pretty good. They actually had reality on their side imho. But then they transitioned a bit away from politics and became more culturally conscious. That's when the sjw shit kicked in and the second half of Obama's term and certainly the first year or so of Trump's term have been cringey as hell.

>Did anyone else grow up in a bluepilled household with shows like The Daily Show and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert regularly on the TV?
you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums

never once did they say the war in iraq was for israel

Well I never said they were redpilled.

They realized if they attach a good emotion (joy) then immediately push their politics, people associate their politics with that emotion.

I watched Daily Show.

In hindsight, I'm not sure what kind of President Bush was. I just know everyone misses that time compared to what we have now.

This. Also the first couple of years of The Daily Show in the late 90s early 2000s wasn't necessarily political. It was more like a SNL Weekend Update with a variety of stories of many types that were funny.

Back then they were taylored for a majority white country.
Now they are diversifying in a bad way.

I used to watch them when they were on back to back. Stewart with the satirical take on Liberal shows and Colbear with the satirical take on conservative shows. Perhaps Daily was never meant to be satire, but with it backing up to the Repore like that I just took them both to be.
I've watched Daily and the new Colbert show recently, there's not an ounce of satire left.

To a bluepilled person there isn't much of an alternative.

I stopped watching it right around the Zimmerman trial due to me actually being on Sup Forums and seeing the majority of the trial myself. Anyone who took the time to do that could not possibly react the way that the Daily Show did.

It relies on and preys on ignorance.

No lol I always thought they were stupid because anyone with half a brain knows that political commentary is the lowest common denominator of entertainment. Oh look, I got a bunch of nerds to scour newspaper headlines all morning and then make a punchline out of it by rearranging the words in the title and making it sound like the opposite of what it is and then talking about it for 2.5 minutes. Fuck that.

I was always pissed that these guys took up the time slot that Mad TV or Simpsons or Futurama even could have filled.

Every single person irl who watched these shows was a smarmy fucking shitheel who interrupted the teacher with some gay comment.

>Were these 'political programming masquerading as comedy' shows as bad back then as they are now or have they gotten worse?

they used to be satirical rather than preachy and grandstanding. i remember a particular sketch when colbert was ranting about how the cold war never truly ended and russia is the single greatest threat to democracy - albeit entirely ironically, as a caricature of a glenn beck-esque cuckservative.

fast forward to today, he repeats the same shtick, only without the irony or self-awareness. it's actually quite tragic.

How is it "quite tragic"? The only reason these guys called themselves comedians is because they didn't have the credentials to say what they said in seriousness, but now credentials don't matter so they're just being who they always wanted to be.

They've gotten far worse. Go back and look at the difference in tone of the Daily Show during the Bush Years and Colbert now. Back then it was a "ha ha look how silly Republicans are" sort of deal. It was much lighter. These days when you watch Colbert its full blown patronizing and condescending.
It went from making fun of to ridicule in my opinion and the difference is the tone.

They were always leftist drivel dressed up as comedy, people just didn't realize it until Trump ran for president because it wasn't as overt. Now they aren't pulling any punches and it's blatantly obvious to any objective person that late night shows have become another arm of the DNC propaganda machine.

This, it's become mean, spiteful and self righteous in its tone.

I used to watch the colbert report because it was basically a parody of a conservative news program. I can laugh at myself so I enjoyed it. Played up the american patriot stereotypes and I find that humorous. The late show is so shoehorned that it hurts and I dont watch that at all.

old version
>made fun of Red Scare 2.0 neo McCarthyists
>anti-war on terror
>made compilations of MSM parroting the exact same talking points and exposing their stupidity
>critical of government and intelligence agency narratives

new version
>fully Red Scare 2.0 neo McCarthyist, every single day
>no mention of war on terror unless it's to blame Russia or Assad for something bad
>now chanting same talking points as MSM
>only critical of government if it's coming from Trump
>wtf I love the CIA and FBI now lol

If this were the old days they'd still be shitting on Trump but they'd also be shitting on Hillary and highlighting the corruption and ineptitude of the DNC and rejecting the Russia hysteria.

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>Were these 'political programming masquerading as comedy' shows as bad back then as they are now or have they gotten worse?

They made their mark during the Bush years because Bush fucking sucked and anyone with half a brain knew that. Imagine porn on dialup as you watched a single image slowly download in your browser chunk by chunk. This was was the jew-pilled form of political satire that only resonated because the disillusioned (uncucked) right and left could relate to it (with hardly any other alternatives). That changed when King Nigger was elected.

>Did anyone else grow up in a bluepilled household
Most people here did. The difference between us and traditional, boomer-tier conservatives is that they were taught to be that way their whole lives by their parents and everyone else. We, on the other hand, were driven to our positions by diametrically opposite environs. All our lives, we've been told by our parents, teachers, bosses, the media, etc. that everything is our fault. We are bad because we are white. We are bad because we are male. We are bad because we are straight. When we were children we were nursed on the altar of the cult of "diversity."
That word shoved down our throat like dental instruments every chance (((they))) got. The difference between us and tradcons, between us and boomers, is that they were bred to be that way, whereas we were forced to be this way. We are the counterculture. We got tired of being blamed for everyone else's mistakes, so we pulled ourselves up and together and decided we didn't want to be part of that scene anymore. To quote many a Rust Belter, "I didn't leave the Democrats, the Democrats left me."

Couldn't become a footfag back in the day cuz you could never load to the bottom of a pic

I always felt like they were better back then, but it may have been more that they were unmasked when Bush lost power and their targets didn't change.

I got really into them because they were attacking Bush and his neocons cronies.

Then when (((they))) realized that more normies were influenced by this shit than blind Fox News patriotism, they took control and started to use them to push their agenda.

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Does anybody have a link to a show/interview Colbert did with Sean Hannity (I think) that was REALLY uncomfortable? At the end of it, Hannity asks Colbert something along the lines of "do you want to talk about what happened with the kid?" and Colbert gets upset and refuses to talk.

>That pic
Obviously it's not real but it still got me legitimately angry for a second.

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>Were these 'political programming masquerading as comedy' shows as bad back then as they are now or have they gotten worse?
They were awesome back in the day. They didn't focus so much on politics, and they hired talented people.


Since when does comedy mean nonpolitical? Comedy has been political since before Shakespeare. Go be a fucking snowflake somewhere else.

They've gotten worse by quite some measure. Stephen Colbert at least wasn't actually especially political back in the day if you can imagine that.

During the 2016 election I converted my Obama-supporting mom and sister into right wingers.

Dad is a lost cause that watches CNN exclusively. He had a fucking meltdown when Trump won.

Is Colbert white?

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daily show used to be pretty good, they didn't make Bush the focal point of their script like the modern version does with Trump. and the people in the audience had different opinions and you'd hear boos along with the clapping instead of just mindless clapping and whooping and "ERMAGURD US LIbERALS MIRITE"

never found the jew to be very funny, but for several years the colbert report was hilarious. the colbert character was much funny than the man playing him though