/balk/ third shift edition


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muzika za ugodjaj


reposting so the little faggot fyromian bitch in croatia sees it

this is an extremely weak bait but ill bite

>Vlado Chernozemski (Bulgarian: Bлaдo Чepнoзeмcки) (19 October 1897 – 9 October 1934), born Velichko Dimitrov Kerin (Bulgarian: Beличкo Димитpoв Кepин), was a Bulgarian[1] revolutionary. Also known as "Vlado the Chauffeur", Chernozemski is considered a hero in Bulgaria today,[2]
>Velichko Dimitrov Kerin was born in the village of Kamenitsa, now part of the town Velingrad.[8] His father, Dimitar Kerin, and his mother, Risa Baltadzieva, were both local peasants.[9][10]

>Vlado Černozemski (bug. Bлaдo Чepнoзeмcки), pravim imenom Veličko Dimitrov Kerin (bug. Beличкo Димитpoв Кepин) (selo Kamenica[1], Bugarska, 19. listopada 1897. – Marseille, 9. listopada 1934.), bio je bugarski[2][3] revolucionar i član VMRO.
from croatian wiki

How do Crnogorci forget this history and choose to ignore it? They're even trying to make 'Crnogorski' a language.

>be inferior to croatia
>make demands

they are a separate people

decki moram priznati da mi se svidja anime

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is this where Sup Forums bagra go when they're kicked out of their little circlejerk, they start shitposting on Sup Forums?

>they are a separate people
>not even they think they are seperate people
This is how Croatia was created, but with religion

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Sup Forums is boring

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Whats wrong with Bulgaria and Slovenia?

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you can talk shita s much as you want, but historically, macedonia, dioclea, slavonia have all been separate entities

>Whats wrong with Bulgaria
oh boi you're new


C-can I hang out?

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historically even my hometown was a seperate sovereign entity but I still am Serbian

Anybody see that dosije with the pink panteri guy that had epic adventures robbing jewels all across europe
they don't make criminals like that anymore

weak reply because you can't give him a good reason because there is none

This fucking montenegro

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>no bulgarians
can't you read

apples and oranges dumbass

I just realized they didn't even bother to change our name for the land...

so are we going to make a coalition

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you are making a mistake by excluding slovenins
we have a network there

there is, you being constantly butthurt like in the previous thread is the very reason

No burgraryans?

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Montenegrin is a geographical pronoun - a person who lives in Montenegro


i said out

Bulgarians are the autistic screechers in these threads burgerbro. Slovenians are jews

>buttblasted delusional nationalists in this thread

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why would i be butthurt when im posting pictures of my great grandfathers work in serbia
in fact im proud m8, no hard feelings

M-249s suck. Never used one that didn't practically fall apart at some point.

anime je vrh zahodne kulture

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>tries to teach me english from serbnigeria
Go back to your poverty village seljacino

>when an actual autistic virgin kid calls you an autistic screecher
lmfao shut the fuck up kiddo

thanks for proving my point.

>prvi konac dobro prodje
>drugi konac srbin pocne bugar dovrsi
>treci konac stranci jebu mater svoju

dobro je bilo momki

Crkni dijasporo, zatro si sopstveno seme. Nikad vise neces biti Srbin

Why would they but sure? Its theirs.

I want a sissy balkan boi to turn into my submissive boiwife.

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Slovenians and bulgarians are white confirmed

because you got triggered by the sentence "no bulgarians allowed", like always
also, nobody cares how much subhuman being you are, so you can kindly fuck off then

Sve dobro ima svoj kraj. Laku noc Ante.

normies can't stand the slower pace of Sup Forums.

it's Kosovës or informally Dardania

stigao je i siptar. vreme za vidya rekao bih

they are dirty, hairy, have tasteless haricuts and bad dictionary

you can't just call this an autistic screech as i know for a fact from reading your threads that you yugos are heavily autistic

HAHAHAHAHA you're a citizen of Serbia. Kill yourself immediately.

>dardanian warrior defeated by atlantis serbian invader

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>because you got triggered by the sentence "no bulgarians allowed", like always
>also, nobody cares how much subhuman being you are, so you can kindly fuck off then
you obviously care since you are butthurt

>zatro si
Also fucking tard lmao

yes hellow?
is this the threads where all the Balkans talk shit about each other and talk about rightful clay and whatnot?

>everybody is having a good time
>a vulgar starts posting pics of tortured civilians
>thread goes to shit
>the burger's spider sense kicks in, they join in to heat things up
>the alboroach comes crawling out of the woodwork
nah, I'd say fuck /balk/. it's gonna be /ex-yu/ from now on.

We're currently negotiating with Croat anons on how to make a fascist Yugoslavia desu

Realno, pricamo na srpskom a bugari mogu da se jebu.

why are Slavshits so bad at fighting?

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i told you to amke it ex-yu, but you didnt listen to me

ex-yu are best comfy threads on chan, most other flags are obnoxious retards

>tatar denial

>you obviously care since you are butthurt
>tatar projections
why would i care and be butthurt because some random tatar autistically spams the thread? nobody even took all those baits

but you can't just call me autistic since i've posted nothing autistic

while everyone can see from the way that you post that you clearly are on the autism spectrum and i won't allow a fucking actual aspie to call me autistic

Pa prestanite pisat na engleskome i svi će odjebat iz threada jer moraju google tranlasate inače

>i won't allow a fucking actual aspie to call me autistic
Whatchoo gonna do about it?

Moraju da se kurce kako eto znaju.

>but you can't just call me autistic since i've posted nothing autistic
you were spamming the thread with those pics and trying to yell at everyone how you're proud of something

>while everyone can see from the way that you post that you clearly are on the autism spectrum and i won't allow a fucking actual aspie to call me autistic
you can stop projecting anytime, tatar

težka odločitev..
/balk/ z vulgari
ali /ex-yu/ z zlovenci

pricaj te na srpsko-hrvatskom ko jebe engleski

ne vredi, dijaspora dosla doma s posla a oni koliko toliko razumeju jezik

Dosta brt.

kasno je svi normalni su otisli spat pa se malo smirilo

Ma razume oni moj kurac xD

tu ste kako god okreneš

>you were spamming the thread with those pics and trying to yell at everyone how you're proud of something
>you can stop projecting anytime, tatar
im not

ma odi u picku materino govno tatarsko

Kad smo vec kod toga, jeste videli onu deklaraciju o zajednickom jeziku?
U sustini se slazem da je isti jezik ali kad vidim potpisnike deklaracije kenja mi se.
Od Serbedzije do Srbljanovicke sve sama liberalna DUDE NEMOJTE SE MRZETI LMAO govna

i will split your fyromian head with my powerful thracian hands you fucking mental midget autistisc fuck

Sve sto treba da urade je da ne rade nista. Ovako samo nabijaju tenziju a dokonim kvazipatriotama daju kosku.

Trebali bi organizirat tradiciju tuče na granici čisto eto tako da bude zanimljivo, barem jedan put godišnje.. negdi usrid bosne tako nas ne tuče policija.. oni je ionako nemaju

ne zna se ko je gori
liberalni smradovi il hasanbegovic i njegova larp ekipa

You're a bulgar therefore you're just a powerless, manlet cigan lookalike

LMAO jeste procitali u (((novinama))) sta je Vodja rekao? Kao zvao je nekog i rekao da ROSU ima do 19:30 da se povuce sa severa Kosova i oni su kao otisli u 19:20 tacno HAHAHAH


Hvala Bogu. Tako se inace normalni ljudi gotive, lepo se pobijes pa posle na pivo, a ne ova demokratsko-tolerantna lakrdija

kadarkoli se pojavi zlovenec v /ex-yu/ postane tarča sistematičnega rasizma s strani nižje inteligentnih pripadnikov bivše države

Evo nas, i ne treba nam nikakva kurceva deklaracija. Ionako svi na svetu diplomate i spijune spremaju za ceo region uceci ih sh/hs.

ma plac

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bulgarian males are the strongest physically in all of the balkans you autistic fuck don't talk shit you know nothing about

we probably have more gold medals in weightlifting and wrestling than yugoslavia has total medals in all sports

Meni ste bas slatki.

Pa da.. to je prava vježba
I lipo okrenit koje janje na ražanj.. kojega prasca.

dude you're a "montenegrin", a pure meme in its life form, something like macedonian today. i mean i dislike tatars but at least they're a real nation

Prestani jebote.

he's right

u svakom slucaju slozicemo se da su hercegovci problem

a literral who in sports and anything about anything involving brains

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podsetnik da su srbi izgubljeno pleme i da cemo zajedno sa bracom pocrneti evropu

>oy vey
>ej bre

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Pusti ti to.. hercegovci će bit upaljač za podjelu Bosne. Dodik je spremija ljude i oružije samo fali neki trigger

get along and spit-roast the kebabs pls

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sultan erdogan je buducnost jugoistocne evrope
pod njegovim svetlim vodstvom krenut cemo u novu eru napredka