Same-sex marriage

Reminder you lost this culture war years ago

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just getting them out in the open

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Ok we're busy taking over the world


Public opinion often changes. And can be swayed.

The culture war has been over for a long, long while.

>Public opinion often changes.

Yes I expect all the old farts holding on to homophobia and transphobia to be dead in another 20 years.

the dnc is bankrupt and had to borrow 2m just to keep the lights on, meanwhile trumps the most power human in history :^)

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But majority of Sup Forums supports same-sex marriage

>implying that the US will even exist as an entity 100 years from now

>But majority of Sup Forums supports same-sex marriage

Polling source?

>the dnc is bankrupt

Yeah the guy in PA who won was outspent like 6-1

His ass, where you can also find your dad. Oh shit son

the dnc is over, youre just hearing death rattles of old white liberal men on the wrong side of history. Right wing nationalism is taking over the world.

Well, sandniggers will change that little bit of the culture.

>Alabama and Puerto-fucking-Rico are the last bastions of traditional conservative values in the United States

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No one except you gives a shit about this.

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>two shittiest parts of America

Remember that time when California amended its Constitution to ben gay marriage under Prop 8 and the California courts struck it down as unconstitutional?

We never had a national vote or even an even discussion on this, lest gay marriage should be rejected. If the only referendum in FUCKING CALIFORNIA rejected gay marriage, then it wouldn't have succeeded anywhere.

Take you stupid infographic and shove it up your ass faggot

one state stll says no
the war is not lost while 1 man still stands
you fucking faggot

That was a decade ago user.

That's really a matter of perspective. For example, I would say the west coast is the shittiest part of the country. But then, I'm not a libshit or a bean nigger so I'm probably biased.

I don't think the government ever had any business in marriage, straight or otherwise. Why are you imposing a tax on the robust torture of marriage?

> Press x for doubt
There is no way homosexuality is that strong. They had to legalize it at the federal level because the people that actually voted would reject it.

>supports LGBT
>supports women
>supports other things that conservatives hate
>hates conservatives

>supports middle eastern conservatives (muslims)

Enjoy your Weinmar/Sweden before it's too late

In a glorious libertarian society, we wouldn't even needs laws on marriage.

>using 2008 to describe how people would vote in 2018
we're at where Canada was a decade ago, to give you an idea how liberal we've become.
When every state but Alabama, Mississippi, and Puerto Rico are in favor you know same sex marriage is here to stay.
the public has never regressed on any social issue, the most controversial one, abortion, has remained roughly static in public opinion.

Why does Sup Forums hate gays so much?
I understand the hatred for the faggots marching down the street naked or acting like idiots and such.
But what do you think of "Sup Forums tier" gays?
I myself am generally conservative, pro-gun, anti-nigger, anti-muslim.
Can I not be part of the team?

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So fucking what? It was never actually voted on, just rammed down our throats. They never even had a debate or conversation about it. They just started calling us homophobic. It didn't have support then and never really did.

So do I care about an unsourced map based on (((polls)))? Not in the slightest. They will ram it down our throats democratically or undemocratically.

Most people don't give a fuck who marries who. Gay marriage doesn't force you to be gay, it just lets a couple faggots who are going to die young anyways get married if they love each other. The only ones who were opposed to it, are children who are insecure and haven't found out their true sexuality yet. Adults, straight or gay, don't care who marries who. It's extremely irrelevant to anyone's life except the fags getting married.

>They never even had a debate or conversation about it. It didn't have support then and never really did.
are you retarded? there was a popular referendum on it in Maine and it passed
>never even had a debate
did you miss the past decade? if people truly were against it you would A: have seen the social conservative revolt like in 04 that Bush utilized and B: Republicans would still be harping on the issue because it would actually gain them votes.

I want to destroy your asshole with my cock so bad you cant even walk anymore.

>Now allowing weak libcucks to live a lifestyle that guarantees their genetics die off
>Previously their weak minds were forced to comply with cultural norms, and thus could reproduce

No friend, gay marriage will ensure faggot genes will become extinct. I'm 100% pro-abortion for the same reason.

Because the choice you made is contemptible.

No, you can't stop tomorrow, nor could an alcoholic. But only the most blatant determinist claims there's no choice involved in alcoholism.

>t. former shemale fucker who now happily straight

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For a few reasons. Namely, it triggers an intense disgust in heterosexual men, it spreads disease, it doesn't contribute to the reproduction of the next generation, and it is so easy to get laid by other dudes that you never have to develop true masculinity in order to obtain sex.

Having homosexual impulses and identifying as GAY™ are totally different things. We have dumbasses jacking it to trap threads all over the place here, but they are otherwise normal Sup Forums bros. When you fly the LGBT flag, you are identifying as GAY™ and assuming the identity and political agenda that it hands you.

So, you can be homosexual and be just fine. But if you are GAY™, you get the gas

There WAS a conservative social revolt. It was called the Tea Party, and the Obama administration weaponized the IRS and DoJ to destroy it.

can i get some sauce with that?
also no one gives a shit on what you are gargling on in your house, just stop these degenerate parades.

nothing personal, just business

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>It was called the Tea Party,
the Tea Part was before same sex marriage you hilariously uninformed retard. It exploded in 2010 over Obamacare well before the Same sex marriage legalization ruling in 2014.
Seriously were you not in this country in 2010? You didn't see the brutal tea party obamacare town halls?

Roman empire was open about being gay but like all societies they fell. "Equality" never lasts in the long run unfortunately.

I'm extremely fascist and I don't care about the act of homosexuality. The taboo of it is a spook. But for the most part majority of people that participate in homosexuality are flaming faggots that want to destroy every bastion of order and semblance of purity that they can.

Pink Swastika. Read, you illiterate faggot.

It's conservatives fault for making terrible arguments about marriage. Instead of talking about how marriage is some "sacred union" between a man and a woman, they should have used the argument that marriage is a construct to raise children. A stable structure to raise children is the entire purpose of marriage.

Let gays marry all they want, but take away the marriage tax breaks and instead give out tax breaks based on the number of children.

Personally, I'm in favor of the government paying a proportion of student loans to women who have children. 25% for 1 child, 50% for 2 children, 75% for 3 children, 100% for 4 children. Because college graduates tend to be smarter than the average population, this policy would increase the number of high-IQ children, which would be a long-term economic gain.


Faggots are still faggots and will always be a liability on the left.

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This is how you know gay has elements of choice.

If it wasn't, then historically gays would have been used as cannon-fodder rather than executed.

But the risk of population loss from the behavior spreading is greater than the benefit of keeping you all around as soldiers.

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That's nice. Why though?

Good point actually. I guess I'll have to make my own flag. The reason I post under this flag on here i guess has something to do with the fact that i've lived around gay haters all my life and (perhaps petty) makes me feel like i'm saying "fuck you" to them. I didn't intend to lump myself in with all the "pridefags"

I like that gun.

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>was open about being gay but like all societies they fell
>open about being gay
hilarious how much of a normie brainlet people can be
trying to equate the sexuality of the ancient world to the modern dichotomy, versus the traditional penetrator/penetrated is incredibly dumb.
then this very conveniently ignores that the Roman empire converted to Christianity in its last 200 years which isn't exactly a pro gay religion.

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the only war that mattered was lost 70 years ago. Obviously the west is going to continue to degenerate until it's death now.

Because I want to assert dominance on a sissy bitch boy like you. After I'm finished with your ass you'll be kissing my feet and calling me master.

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>HAHAHAH let me trigger the people who want to stop a lifestyle that turns you into a genetic dead end


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I’m trans and I wonder what this would be like for trans rights.

Reminder to sage fellow anons, the shills are out in force tonight

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you already have all the rights of the average citizen as it is.

I encourage your overconfidence.

It will be your downfall.

>genetic dead end
considering most of the straight population is doing the exact same thing why is this an argument?
and why would anti-degenerate fags want to continue to allow the propagation of genes from people whose "condition" is almost certainly at least partly genetic?

I saw it all you dumb nigger. I was a part of it. By 2014 Conservatives had committed to defeating the Dems and their socialist tyranny at all costs, including surrendering gay marriage. That's why they cheered for Trump when he mentioned gay acceptance - they gave up on the wedge issue, but it's not like that was because we decided we liked gays or gay marriage all of a sudden.

The Left jammed that into our country through the courts. They did not win through persuasion or by convincing us. They just used the bureaucracy and courts to force it on us. Now, Trump is in the process of trying to shred the bureaucracy for exerting its unelected will upon society. Gay marriage was one of those things.

This 110%

The idea of gay is beyond misguided.
Never in history has one side committed to fucking the same sex exclusively.

It might arise incidentally in an environment like a monastery, but a bunch of retards that thought their dick literally wouldn't work with a woman - if they ever existed no one ever felt they were worth writing about.

This is why people have such trouble with Traps.

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I'm not talking about people that care about me and only want what's best for me. I'm talking about people who really don't give a shit whether i reproduce or not and are just being mean for the sake of being mean.

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Yeah this is my view that having a piece of paper and fucking shouldn't get you tax breaks. It should be reserved for people who are benefiting the state.

aka married couples having children.

No. I get the feeling youve been bussing people around and committing voter fraud longer than most people realize.

actually homosexuals have the highest pregnancy rates in teenage years

It sure is.

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You won on Gay marriage the second the RNC applauded Trump for mentioning gays. You already have what you sought. The LGBT movement stands for transexuals and hormone treatments for toddlers now.

Abandon it, and you are okay. Fly it, and you will be tarred with those atrocities forever, likely losing all that you've gained in the process

This. Despite endless wars in the Middle East for democracy, we still don't have it here. Prop 187 was the spit in our collective faces.


Are you some kinda pervert?

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Because they're operating with social tools that worked in a tribal situation.

Also, you missed my first reply. I'm 100% pro gay marriage for that very reason.

I'll have to immunize my son, but my grandchildren won't have to deal with faggotry nearly as much.

>Straight population doing the same
Irrelevant. No population that survives long term will be rabidly gay. There might be incidental homosexual activity, but the ideology will not exist.

The straights you describe will die off too (much of Europe), but a certain % of straights WILL survive. None that follow the gay ideology will.

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for trap Link i am

People not marrying and not having children is a recent thing. The idea is that M/F marriage typically resulted in children......the government has an interest in the creation of the next generation of people/taxpayers. They should get out of marriage all together. Now they have to pretend that gay marriages are the same as traditional ones.

>but it's not like that was because we decided we liked gays or gay marriage all of a sudden
Tea Party fags may have been anti-gay marriage but it was not started over that, and did not begin as a social conservative revolt.
this is different from the explicit reaction in 2004 that strengthened Bush by rallying social conservatives on gay marriage.
>They did not win through persuasion or by convincing us. They just used the bureaucracy and courts to force it on us.
except it was legalized in Maine by the voters? and again if people had not shifted positions then why was there no reaction a la 2008/04 when people were genuinely opposed to it?
and if you tell me its because the government stifled them you are a maximum brainlet.
>Now, Trump is in the process of trying to shred the bureaucracy for exerting its unelected will upon society. Gay marriage was one of those things.
are you implying that it will be rolled back? because that's hilarious.
the Republicans don't even mention it anymore, like at all. and you honestly expect it to be repealed?

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It has 35 years from right now.


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*votes for Doug Jones*

when people ask if i support gay marriage i usually say i dont support MARRIAGE period.

my state voted against fag marriage. it was overturned at the federal level, your map is full of shit.

>Because they're operating with social tools that worked in a tribal situation.
key word here, and I still don't get why you would want the supposed degenerates breeding and potentially propagating the problem, rather than just letting them fuck and eventually do eugenics.
all well and good but that's a different argument than what the other guy was saying.

What's the territory that's red?

>Being mean for the sake of being mean

Alright friend - man 101. This is not being mean. Insults historically among men goaded the weak to come to better themselves, and/or drive them away if they were truly too weak to be of any good.

The insults are them signaling that you're "critically deficient," - they also serve as subtle challenges to pump you up slightly - raise testosterone. Given how you behave, I suspect it's the former.

You'll probably lie about it to save face - but I can guarantee you don't have a father.

The path you're taking is not the one to happiness. If it's a matter of intelligence, you need to find a way to escape where you are now.

This victim bullshit will get you nowhere, unless you think being this user's bitch is a fulfilling life.

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>I can't change my mind on a social issue over the course of time
>I didn't change my mind therefore no one else in my state has
retard alert

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You didn't read my argument. I'm pro-gay marriage for that very reason.

You also ascribe far too much rationality to a social tool that developed in a heavily competitive evolutionary context.

And how the fuck would you imply it hasn't worked? Do you know how easy it is to get gay sex, and how it barely feels that different? The social taboo works very fucking well.

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>Tea Party fags may have been anti-gay marriage but it was not started over that, and did not begin as a social conservative revolt
I know that you fucking idiot. I'm saying they temporarily abandoned social conservatism in reaction to actual socialist economic policies. They were against gay marriage but kept their mouths shut about it so we wouldn't get dragged into an election about it.

> Maine
nobody cares about Maine. New England is liberal as shit and passed it electorally, but we did not have a federal legislative debate about it. The Supreme Court simply declared that gay marriage was okay without any kind of electoral push.

>if you tell me its because the government stifled them you are a maximum brainlet.
Are you saying that the tea party WASN'T decapitated by Lois Lerner's IRS? In case you missed it, the Tea Party attempted to organize and was destroyed by Obama's federal government. How have you not heard about this?

>are you implying that it will be rolled back? because that's hilarious.
It won't be rolled back until our federal government collapses and states or militias assume local power. In the meantime, we are in the process of destroying the bureaucracy/deep state that has imposed gay marriage and THOUSANDS of other transgressions upon us

I'm not sure what your point is or what you're arguing

Roll Tide!

Better myself to do what? Knock up some whore then slave away to provide for HER kid?
Have you seen women these days?
You're right, being gay probably won't make me happy. But I doubt getting involved with a woman would either. I really don't know what would make me happy desu.
And you're right, I don't have a father.

No, you have to go back.

To the closet.

What you meant to say is that the majority of lolbertarian degenerates who give no fucks about children being raped support it. Easy mistake to make.

Why is being gay the deal breaker?
I may be just like you in every other way.

By becoming a Tepublican in all but name, yes.

>muh gubment approved and blessed contract between consenting individuals

Your groupthink cult of mini tyrants can't even self reflect on the stupidity of advocating for this.

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>And how the fuck would you imply it hasn't worked? Do you know how easy it is to get gay sex, and how it barely feels that different? The social taboo works very fucking well.
are you implying they didn't fuck men even when it was taboo? because they did.
though if you mean that it caused them to "marry" and have kids then yes it worked most of the time.
> I'm saying they temporarily abandoned social conservatism in reaction to actual socialist economic policies. They were against gay marriage but kept their mouths shut about it so we wouldn't get dragged into an election about it.
wat, no they didn't, hell social conservatives in general were loudly against gay marriage until a little while after the 2014 ruling
>nobody cares about Maine. New England is liberal as shit and passed it electorally, but we did not have a federal legislative debate about it. The Supreme Court simply declared that gay marriage was okay without any kind of electoral push.
>federal legislative debate
kinda surprised a tea party fag is advocating federal policy superceding the states, and the reason I use maine is because you kept implying it got rammed through with no public debate or even public votes, which is not the case.
I might add that wouldn't have passed in Maine even a decade prior
>Are you saying that the tea party WASN'T decapitated by Lois Lerner's IRS?
are you implying the tea party was the sole vehicle through which social conservatives could protest the legalization? because they did just fine in 2004
>I'm not sure what your point is or what you're arguing
frankly because you are one of the biggest brainlets I've met in a while, congratulations.

no. because you still feel the need to flaunt it with your faggotry meme flag.

Who else /based bama/ here? Feels good knowing faggotry will never be excepted here.

There are a few great areas in Alabama but people don’t know about them because they see the state name “Alabama” and stop paying attention. It’s great camouflage

Oh they are going farther than that.

Example of an event at my university.

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Roy Moore is a fucking buffoon. He would have turned on trump the moment it was convenient and don’t you think otherwise. Would he have been better than Doug Jones? Probably, but let’s not pretend moore wasn’t an ass.

The guy got himself fired as a publicity stunt several times for God’s sake. State jobs no less to further his holy roller career. He’s a fucking loser.