Has anyone else become an expert on islam in order to debunk it?

Has anyone else become an expert on islam in order to debunk it?

I now know tonnes of flaws in islam and appalling and dodgy behaviour by muhammad.

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it helps so much when talking to regular people

"did you know according to .... as it says in the holy koran.... in the words of the prophet...."

quoting is king

I don't understand why anybody needs to become an expert in genetic or islam or feminism or whatever the flying fuck in order to see that the damn shit doesn't work.

If you honestly need a scientist or a scholar to tell you what's in front of your eyes there's no hope for you. Everybody knows religion is trash, not sure what your expertise is going to do. Convince people that islam is worse than christianity? If they need someone to tell them that their a lost cause. Even I could figure that out when I was bluepilled.

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There's really nothing to debunk, islam is the worst kind of intellectual hedonism, anyone that needs convincing of that isn't worth the time.

How does it feel knowing that you JIDF retards are so shitty at your job you have to make threads to talk to each other?

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I dont care about islam or christianity, I am Hellenic.

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ignore my spelling mistakes.

All I'm saying is that it might be more useful to just get better practice at being a rhetorician than preaching to the choir with how muhammud was kiddy diddler on a roof.

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Ok.. ya got me.

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I tried to do this, then I realized it was the correct religion and converted, now I have a qt trad Arab wife.

>basing actions of individuals to judge an entire religion
Let the lord cum into the alter boys

I realized I get to RAPE children when I'm Muslim so I converted

You can mention how some of its teachings are contrary to natural law (such as having four wives rather than one, etc.). If you want to go deeper, you can check out Aquinas' Summa Contra Gentiles, or his book Against the Averroists

>WAAH muh hedonism


sometimes it doesn't though. Like you can show them polls done on muslims in muslim countries showing that the majority of pakistanis, afghans, egyptians believe that those who leave islam should be killed
And you can show these clear facts showing the violent , evil , deeply held beliefs that are mainstream and normal in the muslim world and they just won't process that information. Their brain will just shut down and they'll revert back to their "islam is a religion of peace. muslims are peaceful , lovely people who just want to live their lives" dogma.

I don't know what's the most effective thing.

I try to focus on what you can show is the mainstream, normal beliefs held by large percentages of muslims world wide, because interpretation of scripture can be argued one war or another but if you show that most muslims want to kill people who convert to another religion away from islam then I feel that should be unavoidable evidence that muslims hold values that are the antithesis of western values and we should reduce muslim immigration since they will likely want to change our countries for the worse.

But idk if that's the way. idk what kind of slap or wake-up call people need.

It's the correct religion and yet it contains basic mathematical errors telling people to give away more than 100% of their estate ?
If you read 4:11 and 4:12, it tells you how to divide up a man’s inheritance .
If you follow these rules then if you’re a man with 3 daughters, a mother and father and a wife and you die then the Quran tells you to give the mother 1/6 of the estate, the father 1/6 of the estate, the daughters 2/3 to be split between them and the mother 1/8 of the estate. Which tells you to give away 9/8 of the estate , an impossibility.

Seems unlikely to me that God would write a book containing instructions that are mathematically impossible to follow and need to be fixed later by Muslim jurists . Seems more likely that a man who made up that verse made a mistake and didn’t think about certain family configurations.

Also why would you believe in a book that claims that shooting stars are missiles fired from heaven to attack jinn trying to listen to God in heaven?
You might as well believe that lightening is made by Thor swinging his hammer.

Also the Quran contains a lot of the same claims as the bible that have tonnes of scientific and archeological evidence against them but no evidence for them, such as claiming that humans used to live to 900 years old such as moses, claiming there used to be giants that were 3+ meters tall humans, Adam and Eve and no evolution.

The Quran is wrong like Christianity and all old, organised religions are. You have to ignore tonnes of incorrect claims in the scripture and pretend they don’t actually mean what they say in order for them to become viable.

Frankly, I consider people talking about Islam as a religion rather than the acts of Muslims to be a diversionary tactic. You can argue till the end of time about different interpretations of religious scripture, and it'll always end the same way: "Well, you're an infidel/racist, so my interpretation is better".

It doesn't matter. I don't care if it's truly the religion of peace, or the religion of murder. I care that its followers are trying to impose it where-ever they go. I care that, as a group, Muslims are typically pretty goddamn violent. Those are indisputable facts. And all the nonsense about its being so philosophically sound falls through the moment you suggest it can be philosophically sound without the assistance of the state in securing religious law, because both the Muslims and the left will ultimately argue for that. Go and suggest that religious slaughter should be banned, just as it is for you and me, and make the 100% accurate claim that it's of no consequence to Muslims because their religion does not ban them from going vegetarian.

The only goal of religion in the political field is power. If it weren't, you wouldn't hear these fuckers as they adhered to their own rules, in private, for the betterment of their own, personal lives.

>wrong like Christianity and all old, organised religions are

You truly do deserve the terrorist attacks

I judge islam as a false religion made up by muhammad and probably a friend because of the scientific and mathematical errors in the quran, the fact the quran contains many convenient , petty supposed divine revelations where God supposedly delivered a divine message to mankind that muhammad does not want guests to stay long chatting and laughing after dinner but muhammad is too shy to tell you, or god supposedly telling muhammad that he doesn't need to spend equal amounts of time with his wives, or god supposedly telling muhammad and the wives of muhammad that muhammad's wives should stop being being angry with muhammad that he slept with a slave girl or else he might get younger , better wives.
Also the hadith are full of even more insane and stupid , wrong claims by muhammad like recommending dropping flies into food because one of their wings contains a disease and the other contains a cure, or saying that a child;s resemblence to his father or mother depends on who ejaculates first.

These are all patently stupid and wrong and you'd have to be a dogmatic idiot to believe that this religion is really from the all-knowing creator of the universe.

you're right, the much more important topic is how muslims actually behave and the effect that they have on countries. I've become well researched on that too.

However I still think that it's a goal and a beneficial outcome if Islam is made more toothless and attenuated and modernised and abandoned and weakened through criticism and mockery like has happened to christianity.

Certainly, it should be mocked relentlessly. That will expose the totalitarian behaviour of its most rabid and powerful followers, as well as their leftist cronies. But mockery needs no discussion. When George Carlin laid into Christianity, he didn't do so after having long discussions about the nature of transubstantiation. He just said "lol they eat the body of Christ, fucking savage cannibals". Or he might have. Sounds like something he'd say.

Pointed, humurous mockery and criticism is always fairly low-brow. Because it needs brevity, and it needs a broad understanding among the general public. It should highlight the absurdity of the beliefs. For instance, devout Muslims wearing the djellaba, a white dress well suited for the desert. In Europe, they then wear padded jackets over it, because this isn't the fucking desert. Just as with Jews in Israel who have elevated thick, black, woolen clothing and fur hats to the status of religious dress... because they used to live in cold as fuck Eastern Europe, and now live in the fucking desert.

And no-one can come with "but this scripture..." and escape the sheer stupidity and arbitrary nature of their rules when pointed out like this.

Yes, not an expect but I know it fairly. Theological and philosophically its shit.

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