Please explain to me why villains don't just use guns in this series? A gun would beat out 99% quirks we have seen

Please explain to me why villains don't just use guns in this series? A gun would beat out 99% quirks we have seen.

>Nighteye predicts where the bullets are going to come but can't move his body fast enough to dodge.
>A bullet moves faster than deku's punches.

It is in Japan you stupid dolt. It is very difficult to own a firearm.

So you're trying to tell me that overhaul can smuggle in a drug that would change the shape of history but he can't get a GUN despite being in the MAFIA?

You're telling me that someone would rather try to punch the police than to build up a network to transport guns into their country?

You're telling me that portal dude and other quirks aren't capable of helping with the production of guns in the country? You're telling me people with quirks like Yaoyorozu aren't just going to make them?

These people are devising plans to bomb entire cities, go on murder spree's and more. Getting a gun would be the least of their problems.

Also it's already proven some police have guns in the story including Snipe. The production of guns is already a thing in this story you dolt.

There's been guns in many parts of the story so far, as recently as the last arc. Also there's a hero that uses guns.

The villains don't use them because it's less fun

Because where’s the fun?

Why don’t they just shoot the Joker?

Guns are for anti-heroes.

Mustard had a gun
Which begs the question
Do other villains not get guns because they have the utmost confidence in their quircks?

even if the tards want to use their quirk, they should still have a gun as backup on their waist.

I always just assumed that supervillains, like superheroes, want to rely on their own power to win a fight and not a gun like regular criminals or the police.

Would you trust most of the League with a gun? Dabi/Kurogiri/Compress dont need one with their quirks. Toga i wouldnt trust with one, Twice would end up shooting himself worst case and Shiggy holding one would be inconvenient due to his quirk. Spinner? If Stain didnt use it, then neither will he.

>Please explain to me why villains don't just use guns in this series?

They do


>Shoots a bullet into a warp gate
>Opens a warp gate within point blank range of the intended target

>Guns already exist in the story
>They’re nigh-useless
>>”Why don’t they use guns?”

>Guns solve everything
Teensie weensie get out

Everyone is safer with a gun.(exept twice)
Imagine if Mirio had a gun?

>Imagine if Mirio had a gun
He can't phase the gun through the floors or walls with his body though

Mirio would be godly if he could phase shit through floors with himself.

Damn it, that atleast would have style.

Fucking kek, why hasn't this happened yet? Then again Kurogiri is only the teleportation man really, they wouldn't stick him in the middle of a battle since he's their exit out 100% of the time.

>BNH has a shit writing
In other news water is wet

Not another dumbass thread without the title in the name. You have one job and you fail for like the fifth time in a row now. Makes shit hard to find.

Are you retarded? Laws and gun ownership in Japan don’t have to accurately reflect onto a fucking fictional world with superheroes, you moron.

Because it's a story you retarded autist

>why doesn't batman instantly get shot to pieces whenever he fights guys?

Go hang out with Cinemasins

>The hero Snipe
>Anti quirk bullets
>Gas mask kid during second invasion.
I'm sure they could get plenty of guns, but if it was between boring guns and using your super cool quirk that you've worked on honing, I'm sure you wouldnt use guns either

One element of a good story is that it's believable.

Yes amazingly even though there are criminals in Japan guns are still very hard to come by and any violent crime needs to rely on more physical weapons. Not everywhere is america where there are more guns than people

And this is believeable. You're just looking for ways to bitch about it because it's popular. Like cinemasins, as the other user mentioned.

Nemotovwas using a fucking gun you fucktard

Sure but just because this is a fictional version of a future earth doesn't mean they have to bend to your fucking opinions and have guns everywhere.

>Are you retarded? Laws and gun ownership in Japan don’t have to accurately reflect onto a fucking fictional world with superheroes, you moron.
>don’t have to accurately reflect onto a fucking fictional world with superheroes
>Setting is clearly “20 minutes into the future” with superpowers
>Don’t have to accurately reflect onto a fictional world
I wonder who’s the moron here

>20 minutes into the future
go back to tvtropes, faggot

Is it unbelievable that a country would be able to control gun crime to a point it's nearly non-existent? In 2014 Japan had 6 gun related deaths, in the same year the US had 33,599 gun related deaths. Just because you don't think it's believable doesn't mean the Japanese kid reading this story is going to find it unbelievable. Ignorant retard

>No argument
>No u

let's post some best boy

Reminder that if you think gun solves everything, you’re not old enough to post here

>In 2014 Japan had 6 gun related deaths, in the same year the US had 33,599 gun related deaths.
Because of niggers.

Thats not Kirishima, Mirio, Ojiro or Denki.
Todoroki a shit

Those are all good boys you listed but they just ain't Todoroki. How can you call him shit when he legit hung up on Endeavor, guy's comedic sense is impeccable.

You know whats stronger than a quirk-erasing bullet?
An actual fucking bullet.


>edgelord power

The only redeeming moment he had was when he teamed up with Momo.

Damn right.

It's a fictional world with a lot of the same universe laws as comic books. Guns are therefore shit weapons which even a quirkless guy trained in martial arts can probably handle.

Basically humans (even quirkless) are faster/stronger than reality and guns are harder to aim than reality.

>guns are harder to aim than reality.
Where is this confirmed?

But they did have guns. Guns specifically made to contend with superheroes. They still got their arses kicked.

Also as soon as guns are involved, they'll just call in a hero like Snipe with a "Shoot to kill" policy instead of one of the various "Fight to arrest" ones

I said it's the same laws as comic book universes. Which means everyone using a gun has the same accuracy as a Storm Trooper unless they were specially trained in them.

Think of it this way, personal weapons compensate for your lack of killing potential against others with weapons. In this world everyone has a weapon, their quirk. excluding the quirkless, everyone is already armed by having a special ability of some sort. Guns are useful sure, but they wouldn't help against a good portion of the populations' powers.
When some people can level city blocks with a punch, and others can hypnotize you by talking to them, a gun is completely outclassed. a weapon utilizing your super-human ability is a much better choice, like bakugo's wrist bombs. Guns are great for surprise attacks and easy kills, but whos to say who you're up against doesn't just blow you to hell or deflect the bullet?
For the villians this is an even stronger case, cause they are up against those who have been using their powers in fights constantly as heroes. They need to be stronger than the strongest hero that will come for them, and stronger than all their underlings as well, to keep control. A weapon compensating for your weakness isn't a very good way to make a statement to either.
and as said, japan has basically removed firearms for all but the police. And whos to say guns are regularly produced anymore, they are probably a rare commodity.

>Snipe with a "Shoot to kill" policy
He couldn't even hit Shiggy in the chest or the head with his stupid 'guided bullet' quirk

Because being a villain doesn't mean you're a bad guy or even a murderer
It's literally a derogatory term for people who don't go to school

Guns are retarded though, in a world full of superhumans what good is a fucking gun? The average fuck who can breathe fire can do more damage than someone wielding a gun.

>The average fuck who can breathe fire
Doesn't have bulletproof skin.

That still doesn't change the fact that breathing fire is equally or more destructive than shooting a gun. Majority of quirks are deadlier than any gun could be, it's pointless to use them unless you don't have a quirk that could directly kill or harm someone.

>he doesn't understand that offensive quirks are worthless in a pitched fight, some dude with rock skin like redriot would be perfect against Firebreath

offense < defense, faggot. If fire breather shows up to a fight against a gun user and fire breather is wearing a fucking spandex hero costume, he's going to die.

You can still shoot his ass to oblivion way before getting roasted to death though.

Joker's plot armor lets him dodge bullets and occasionally just straight up tank them

Because guns are fucking boring.