La bestia nocturna desenfrenada

La bestia nocturna desenfrenada...
Díos mio...

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the most worrisome thing about this is that humans don't have reflective eyes! sure a camera flash will make them flash red in pictures but our eyes don't reflect white like that from light. That's kind of how an animals eyes reflect. lol maybe y'all just got chased by a cryptid

go back to /x/ you schizo

It's a nigger dumbfuck
It's not human

Being an American living in a shitty city, this is not an unusual sight.


Everyone in this video should be gassed.

El esperpento de las americas

el adefesio con sobre peso

stop mutt posting

El devorador de las tieneblas

No. Suck a dick, orc.

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la inhumanidad hecha bestia

el mestizaje andante

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Este post es pura mierda, no os civilizamos para esto panchitos

la adiposidad materializada

this one has spanish influences:
El falete americano

lol was literally on the edge of my seat

la atrocidad genética

Holy shit imagine walking outside at night and then you suddenly see this rabid PCP crazed nigger sprinting you down. What would you do?

Attached: Germany 2018.webm (188x360, 571K)

Found the sequel

this is the 5th thread today about this video, give it a rest

Man it must be fucking fun to be a nigger in 2018

the spanish atrocidad talk never fails to set me a-giggle. good ol Sup Forums. all is forgiven

Shoot him several times until he stops moving.

Cry because my government are cucks and my people are cucks.

la calamidad marrón

never thought i'd learn spanish from Sup Forums

American flight ban when, guys?

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he probably just had them open really wide

I got you burger

la amalgama de errores genéticos


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Something about that pic seems familiar...

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el desacierto viviente

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This place is so fucking predictable

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el heraldo de todo lo pecaminoso y aborreciente


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some OC for my mutt folder, cheers czechbro

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Still nocturna creatura still had a bigger dick then any posters on pol.

la grotesca aparición

la hoja succionadora de penes negros

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dios mio...

what race is this

"A large number of animals have the tapetum lucidum, including deer, dogs, cats, cattle, horses and ferrets. Humans don't, and neither do some other primates."

So which kind of drug makes you go on a naked midnight sprint?

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black crackhead that got ahold of some pcp

El horror galopante nocturno

Is that a selfie?

>muh dik
calm down justin

maybe...wanna fight about it?

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PCP most likely

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Hes not on drugs. The niggers robbed him and stole his car. After forcing him to strip. This is why niggers die.

Skinwalkers are real

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Why do you think hes chasing them but not anyone else?