How did ANY Jews manage to survive concentration camps?

Was there a reason why Hitler didn't order his troops to kill all the Jews in the concentration camps after it became obvious that the Nazis were losing the war?
I get that the official narrative is that Hitler didn't just want to kill the Jews, he wanted to torture them in cruel and inventive ways before killing them...
...but after the Nazis started losing the war, why didn't he just order them to use bullets?
For being a supposed holocaust, a LOT of Jews somehow survived concentration camps.
Doesn't this fact prove the (((official narrative))) to be a lie?

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Because it didn't happen.

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Because the Jews of working age were subject to slave labor, that was important to the nazis to the last week of the war?

Thats why its called “the final solution”

They planned on deporting them, things got out of hand, they ran out of all options, and thats how you you get that terrifying name

It’s a joke that has so many holes in the story it isn’t even funny. You’re right, if he truly wanted them dead he would’ve just ordered the execution in the end

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Official narrative, only worded differently in order to make sense in the current context:

0. Germans notice Jewish privilege/overrepresentation in finance and other positions of power created by the bible being interpreted in a fashion of only allowing Jews to lend money at interest.

1. Germany goes extreme SJW, Jews are considered parasitic, disarmed (gun ban for Jews) and pressured to move somewhere else
(main intention is to send them to be farmers in Israel)

2. Jews that didn't leave and what to keep their privilege rounded up and send to camps for resettlement to the east.

3. Germany faces more resistance than anticipated in the east, a Jewish state on Russian soil less likely.
Logistics not sufficient for troops as well as prisoners, many die in relocation camps due to typhus, hunger etc.

4. Executions, using the chemicals originally intended to fight the lice responsible for the typhus epidemic happen in areas where releasing prisoners would aid the advancing soviet forces.

>losing a war
>wasting bullets on people you can just starve

>he wanted to torture them in cruel and inventive ways before killing them
What? Not even we got taught that in school and we had years of holocaust indoctrination.

>I get that the official narrative is that Hitler didn't just want to kill the Jews, he wanted to torture them in cruel and inventive ways before killing them...

THIS is literally what happened, the Torah says making a jew do goyim work is equivalent to killing him, so the Nazi's, seeing these jews not ever put in a days work, make them do manual labor, not even hard work, but just work with their hands, and the jews get sick while safe in military camps away from war, and some of them die, as many other were dying, and they get all WAHHHHHHH WAHHHHHH about it. The holocaust never happened, jews were never gassed. Sure alot of them died, but not close to 6 million, and not systematically.

It's in Hitler table talk, he didn't want them turned loose on the civilians, but essentially gave zero fucks, it's in a David Irving lecture, so many I don't remember.

Because jews are so worthless they don't even deserve to be killed

Yep, Hitler must have been a real dumbass if 3 times the number of Jews that existed in Europe at the time survived the concentration camps. Like, come on bro. You had 1 job and you fucked up BIGTIME.

This if his plan was a final solution doesn't seem all that final.

Did you forget the jewish/commie civil war in 1920 somehow?

Yes: some German troops had a shred of decency in the last months of the war.

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>keep them alive for labor
>bent on killing them all
Pick one. Also, you'd think that they would just kill all the leftover kikes before the camps were "liberated" if they really wanted them dead so badly.

Why didn't they just throw them into massive concrete rooms and leave them there then?

>2000 people in 4 hours
>8 minutes to kill one person
That's just wrong, it's the other way around. 2000 people, 240 minutes. So 8 people per minute.


>4 hours from start to finish to operate a crematorium.
it is 2000 deaths for every 4 hours.
for it to really be 8 death per minute or even shorter the german would have to kill jews faster such as firing squads or other means.

Could it possibly have something to do with the fact that Hitler never gave an order to kill jews?

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Do you want a serious answer?

Well, not all concentration camps were "death camps", in particular the concentration camps in Germany and Austria were principally labor camps. Many people died there too, many due to diseases and lack of food, but the systematic killing happened in the East in Auschwitz, Treblinka etc.

Read "Nevertheless, Say "Yes" to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camp" by Viktor Frankl. It is a good explanation of how someone could survive the Holocaust.

Frankl was an Austrian Jew. He and his family and wife remained in Austria in 1938 after the Nazis invaded - not because he (he was a young doctor) couldn't emigrate, but because Austria was his home and he believed that the whole anti-semitism situation would "go away eventually" and that things would turn back to normal.

He was wrong and restrictions got more severe for Jews. At first he was limited to only treat "non-Aryans", so from April 1938 onwards he was only allowed to treat Slavic and Jewish and other non-Aryan patients. In 1940 he was forced to give up his position in the women's ward at the General Psychiatric Clinic in Vienna and had to transfer to the Jewish Rothschild Hospital which was focused on Jewish patients and other non-Aryans.

In 1941, he applied for a US visa as things got more problematic in Germany at the time with the invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany. The Americans approved his visa for him and his wife... but denied a visa for his parents. So he did not go to the US as a result (again thinking the war would be over soon and things would turn back to normal with fewer restrictions for Jews).

In 1942, things got worse and he was forcefully transferred to Theresienstadt in Czechia. He worked there as a doctor for 2 years, but in 1944 with the war being basically lost, the SS started to transfer everyone from Theresienstadt to concentration camps.

(to be continued)

f Hitler wanted to kill the Jews, did he tag them, record them, huddle them into camps, make them perform meaningless tasks, etc. instead of just killing them as soon as they were gathered?

And why did they attempt to move masses of Jews when enemy forces were approaching on the camps instead of just quickly killing all the Jews there and running?

His father died in 1943 in Theresienstadt due to pneumonia, a common death even among "Aryans" at the time, as the war took a toll on the people.

As the war went bad and by 1944 it was basically lost, the SS took drastic measures and transferred all remaining Jews from Theresienstadt to concentration camps. In October 1944, Frankl, his wife and mother were transferred by train to Ausschwitz. As with everything at the time, the selection of people in Ausschwitz was based on "importance for the total war". His older mother was killed in the gas chambers of Ausschwitz soon after arrival, as she was deemed unfit for the war effort work. His brother was similarly not work ready enough and killed in Ausschwitz too.

Frankl's young wife was deemed fit enough and transferred to Bergen-Belsen to "help with the war efforts as concentration camp labor" there. She died in Bergen-Belsen under unclear circumstances early in 1945, likely a disease or exhaustion from work or a combination of too little food and the former.

Frankl was deemed work ready and transferred from Ausschwitz to concentration camp Kaufering in Bavaria where he was put to work in road and infrastructure construction during the winter 1944/1945. With the advancing Americans towards Bavaria, he was relocated to the concentration camp Tuerkheim in March 1945 (part of the Dachau concentration camp network). American troops liberated Tuerkheim on 27 April 1945.

So, why did Frankl survive? A. because he was not transferred to a concentration camp in 1942, but to Theresienstadt, where conditions were relatively better compared to concentration camps. B. he was then transferred to the concentration camp system only in October 1944, i.e. 6 months before the Allies liberated Germany, C. he was "work ready" in accordance to the war effort assessment and D. as a result of C. was transferred back to Germany, where

(to be continued)

E. he was provided with daily rations of soup, bread and sometimes some meat, ... but only
about 700-1200kcal a day, which is "starving level" nutrition, but F. he had to endure this only for about 6 months, which his body could handle and G. he was lucky to not be in one of the concentration camps which the SS sweeped before liberation.

I hope this account helps why there were Holocaust survivors.

>f Hitler wanted to kill the Jews, did he tag them, record them, huddle them into camps, make them perform meaningless tasks

They werent meaningless, Auschwitz was a major industrial area essential for the war effort.

There is no "smoking gun" in the form of a document which shows Hitler ordering the Final Solution. Hitler did not have a bureaucratic mind and many of his most important instructions were given orally

The Holocaust never happened. Of course people did die in the camps of typhus etc but the Germans tried to stop it.

>And why did they attempt to move masses of Jews when enemy forces were approaching on the camps instead of just quickly killing all the Jews there and running?

Not only that, these movements were voluntary. Prisoners who wanted to stay at Auschwitz and wait for the Soviets were allowed to do so.

always wondered this
people die if they don't get water for 3 days

>about 700-1200kcal a day, which is "starving level" nutrition,

you can livwe on this desu.

So what do you want to say now?

>you can livwe on this desu.
>So what do you want to say now?
Over time you die. You can live at 1200kcal for several years, correct, but Frankl rather convincing described that things got progressively worse in the winter of 1945 as shortages resulted in fewer and fewer kcal per day and he lost quite a lot of weight.

As I said, Frankl survived because he was in the system for just 6 months, he probably would not have survived another 6 or 12 months. Also, he was lucky to not be a victim of typhus or other diseases.

Sucking German dick and buttsex?

>Frankl survived because he was in the system for just 6 months, he probably would not have survived another 6 or 12 months.
why feed them anyway when they wanted to kill them?

And if you want them to work in a factory they need at least 1800 calories. My grandpa woked in a russian tractor factory when he was capruted in 43 for 6 years with 1600 or 1800 calories

Das Buchenwaldlied

Wenn der Tag erwacht, eh' die Sonne lacht,
die Kolonnen ziehn zu des Tages Mühn
hinein in den grauenden Morgen.
Und der Wald ist schwarz und der Himmel rot,
und wir tragen im Brotsack ein Stückchen Brot
und im Herzen, im Herzen die Sorgen.

O Buchenwald, ich kann dich nicht vergessen,
weil du mein Schicksal bist.
Wer dich verließ, der kann es erst ermessen.
wie wundervoll die Freiheit ist!
O Buchenwald, wir jammern nicht und klagen,
und was auch unser Schicksal sei,
wir wollen ja zum Leben sagen,
denn einmal kommt der Tag: dann sind wir frei!

Und das Blut ist heiß und das Mädel fern,
und der Wind singt leis, und ich hab' sie so gern,
wenn treu sie, ja treu sie nur bliebe!
Und die Steine sind hart, aber fest unser Tritt,
und wir tragen die Picken und Spaten mit
und im Herzen, im Herzen die Liebe.

O Buchenwald, ich kann ...
Und die Nacht ist so kurz, und der Tag ist so lang,
doch ein Lied erklingt, das die Heimat sang.
Wir lassen den Mut uns nicht rauben.
Halte Schritt, Kamerad, und verlier nicht den Mut,
den wir tragen den Willen zum Leben im Blut
und im Herzen, im Herzen den Glauben.

O Buchenwald, ich kann ...

Oy vey, too many questions and too much logic goyim.

>Pick one.
why? there is no contradiction
On 27 March 1942, during the height of the war, Goebbels wrote into his diary one of the most explicit recorded references to the Nazi genocide of the Jews:

«Aus dem Generalgovernement werden jetzt, bei Lublin beginnend, die Juden nach dem Osten abgeschoben. Es wird hier ein ziemlich barbarisches und nicht näher zu beschreibendes Verfahren angewandt, und von den Juden selbst bleibt nicht mehr viel übrig. Im großen kann man wohl feststellen, daß 60 % davon liquidiert werden müssen, während nur noch 40 % in die Arbeit eingesetzt werden können. Der ehemalige Gauleiter von Wien, der diese Aktion durchführt, tut das mit ziemlicher Umsicht und auch mit einem Verfahren, das nicht allzu auffällig wirkt. An den Juden wird ein Strafgericht vollzogen, das zwar barbarisch ist, das sie aber vollauf verdient haben. Die Prophezeiung, die der Führer ihnen für die Herbeiführung eines neuen Weltkriegs mit auf den Weg gegeben hat, beginnt sich in der furchtbarsten Weise zu verwirklichen. Man darf in diesen Dingen keine Sentimentalitäten obwalten lassen.»

«The Jews are now being pushed out of the General Government, beginning near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric procedure is being applied here, and it is not to be described in any more detail, and not much is left of the Jews themselves. In general one may conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while only 40% can be put to work. The former Gauleiter of Vienna [Globocnik], who is carrying out this action, is doing it pretty prudently and with a procedure that doesn't work too conspicuously. The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy that the Führer issued to them on the way, for the eventuality that they started a new world war, is beginning to realise itself in the most terrible manner. One must not allow any sentimentalities to rule in these matters.»

Originally, all the Jews transported to Auschwitz by the authority of Eichmann's office were to be destroyed without exception, according to Himmler's orders. This also applied to the Jews from Upper Silesia.20 But during the arrival of the first transports of German Jews, the order was given that all able-bodied men and women were to be separated and put to work in the arms factories. This occurred before the construction of the women's camp,21 since the need for a women's camp in Auschwitz only arose as a result of this order.

Because of the steadily growing arms industry, which was developing extensively in the camps, and also because of the recent use of prisoners in the arms factories outside the camps, a serious shortage of prisoners suddenly made its impact on us. This was something new because before this Kommandants had to think of ways to keep their prisoners occupied.

The Jews, however, were only to be employed in the Auschwitz camp. Auschwitz-Birkenau was to become a Jewish camp exclusively. Prisoners of all other nationalities were to be transferred to other camps. This order was never completely carried out, and later Jews even worked in the arms factories outside the camp because of a shortage of workers.

The selection of the able-bodied Jews was supposed to be made by SS doctors, but it often happened that officers of the protective custody camp and of the Labor Department themselves selected the prisoners without my knowledge or even my approval. This was the cause of constant friction between the SS doctors and the officers in the Labor Department. Differing opinions developed among the officers in Auschwitz and were further inflamed by the contradictory interpretations of Himmler's orders by the headquarters in Berlin. For security reasons the Gestapo headquarters had the greatest interest in the destruction of as many Jews as possible.

the memoirs of Hoss the Auschwitz Commandant

{p. 35} The Reichsartz [medical section] SS established the policy of selection and believed that only Jews who were completely fit and able to work should be selected. The weak, the old, and those who were relatively healthy would soon become incapable of work, which would cause a further deterioration in the general standard and an unnecessary increase in the hospital accommodations, requiring further medical personnel and medicines, and all for no purpose, since they would all be killed in the end.

The Economic Administration Headquarters [Pohl and Maurer] was only interested in gathering the largest possible labor force to be employed in the arms factories, regardless of the fact that these people would later become incapable of working. This conflict of interest was further sharpened by the immensely increased demands for prisoner labor made by the Ministry of Supply and the Todt Organization [ministry of armaments]. Himmler was always promising both of these departments numbers which could never be supplied. [Colonel] Maurer was in the difficult position of being able to only partially fulfill the insistent demands of the departments referred to and therefore was perpetually harassing the labor office to provide him with the greatest possible number of workers.

It was impossible to get Himmler to make a definite decision on this matter.

I believed that only the strong and healthy Jews should be selected to work.

The sorting process went as follows: The railway cars were unloaded one after another. After depositing their baggage, the Jews had to individually pass in front of an SS doctor, who decided on their physical fitness as they marched past him. Those who were considered able-bodied were immediately escorted into the camp in small groups.

On average in all transports between 25 and 30 percent were found fit for work, but this figure fluctuated considerably. The figure for Greek Jews, for example, was only 15 percent, while there were transports from Slovakia with a fitness rate of 100 percent.22 Jewish doctors and administrative personnel were taken into the camp without exception.

Looks like the French indoctrination system is very effective, you even use the kike word "Shoah"

Fils d'isreal

He's a faggy britbong living in France. Don't misunderstand him as one of us, he's most likely a jew too.
Ignore him, he's a lost cause.

this picture is riddled with wrong assumptions.

firstly the number is probably only about 5.5 million. as historians agree

secondly there were not only 8 camps in which people died - there were over a thousand camps were people were also starved asn confined in unsanitary conditions, worked to deatha dn also beaten adn killed in various ways. in addition there was a mass shooting program int eh eastern occupied territories asn use of gas vans, with over a thousand mass graves identified, some with tens of thousands of people killed there.

Not all were killed with gas, and no historian has ever claimed that.

The "we know it took four hours from start to finish to operate a crematorium" line is also simply wrong. Once a crematorium oven is hot you can keep putting bodies in about every half hour (once the flesh is burned off the bones take up much less room) and run it for 18 hours a day if need be.

the blue text seems to suggest that the crematorium killed people one at a time. (which is crazy for two reasons - they were not burned to death, adn they were not done one at a time, obviously)

Given that they were killed en masse with gas, we can do a different (but still stupid) calculation.

At Auschwitz they had six working gas chambers taking 800 to 1500 people each, so 7,600 people could have died in under half an hour if they were all used simultaneously - or 0.24 of a second on average (although no one thinks that anyone was killed in such a short period of time) - doing the (stupid) calculation the post used (divide the total time by how long it takes to kill a person on average, which is nonsense number) gives 4,380,000 people as a possible top death toll for Auschwitz - about 3.2 million more than actually died.

(although this is actually close to the estimate made by the Soviets and why they claimed 4 million died there - even though it is wrong and of course based on stupid calculations using inappropriate assumptions)

So much antisemitism in this thread. 6 googolplex jews died in the holocaust accept it.

you could do similar calculations for the other camps (and again here we have to ask where the claim that Treblinka was only 62% capacity of Auschwitz, or the capacity of the other camps comes from - these seem to be bullshit figures based on nothing)

whih would give us a potential total of abut another 8 million - so a cpacity of 12 million dead.

which sort of undermines the argument don't ya think?

>the german would have to kill jews faster such as firing squads or other means.

like poison gas

they didn't kill them with crematoria

Eichmann said he did

So did Hoss

In the summer of 1941, I am unable to recall the exact date, I was suddenly ordered by Himmler's adjutant to repon directly to the Reichsfuhrer SS1 in Berlin. Contrary to his usual custom, his adjutant was not in the room. Himmler greeted me with the following: "The Fuhrer has ordered the Final Solution of the Jewish question. We the SS have to carry out this order. The existing extermination sites in the East2 are not in a position to carry out these intended operations on a large scale. I have, therefore, chosen Auschwitz for this purpose. First of all, because of the advantageous transport facilities, and secondly, because it allows this area to be easily isolated and disguised. I had first thought of choosing a higher-ranking SS officer for this job so as to avoid any difficulties with someone who doesn't have the competence to deal with such a difficult assignment. You now have to carry out this assignment. It is to remain between the two of us. It is a hard and difficult job which requires your complete commitment, regardless of the difficulties which may arise"

Rudolf Hoss memoirs

>make them perform meaningless tasks
work on farms, work in munitions factories, work in the plant that made rubber and coal oil from coal, work in aircraft factories, make uniforms, build roads, be part of a vast slave labour effort for the war

why do you assume they did meaningless things?

they even raised angora rabbits for the wool to make winter uniforms for the SS

>And why did they attempt to move masses of Jews when enemy forces were approaching on the camps instead of just quickly killing all the Jews there and running?

At Auschwitz they had stopped gassing and destroyed the gas chambers in in late 1944

the ones they marched away were the fit ones - perhaps they hoped to use them as slaves elsewhere - but many thousands died on the marches. the unfit were left to die - and many did even after the camps were liberated.

>And if you want them to work in a factory they need at least 1800 calories
which is sort of the point - 1200 calories was starving them slowly. but they could still do some work.

later int eh war they tried to keep more alive because they needed the slave labour - but this was not out of a desire to let them live, just to keep getting their labour product. those not fit for work were simply killed.

>How did ANY Jews manage to survive concentration camps?
Only a tiny fraction survived. A tiny tiny fraction. Watch this film. Sup Forums fags will try to shill their autism against it.

evidence for any of these claims?

holocoust DID happen.

most of the killed were SLAVS NOT JEWS.

the biggest death toll was due to diseases and hunger..

no relevant jews were killed, most were irrelevant schomos so the concept of antisemitism and creation of israel coould be assured.

some of the irrelevant schlomos managed to escape camps due their built in +10 haggling , +10 wealth and +10 networking skills.

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>Not only that, these movements were voluntary

not in all the camps. Auschwitz was obviously lost and the order to evacuate was given late. at other camps they killed all those who could not leave and forced the rest to march.

If the holocaust didn't happen then why do you naziboos ride hitler's dick?

>you even use the kike word "Shoah"

also, yes, not french, a Brit.

and these are quotations from

so what about the jews shot on the eastern front (or gas vanned) about a million of them, possibly 1.5?

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