What Do y'all think is better Kuroko no Basket or Haikyu?

What Do y'all think is better Kuroko no Basket or Haikyu?

Personally I like Kuroko more. I like the characters more and don't mind the superpowers.

Haikyuu as it's a bit more realistic and the character development is nice.

Kuroko’s was a lot more entertaining for me. Haikyuu is good but it couldn’t generate nearly as much hype for some matches and made them a lot less interesting.

Haikyuu, kuroko is fucking terrible as a sport series and the main cast is the most unlikeable team in it.
By the time it ends, you actually want them to lose.

They both seem pretty damn gay honestly
And I'm not just talking about the sports

Akashi and Aomine were for sure my favorite characters but I don’t think we watched the same show.

>I don’t think we watched the same show.
Seirin members were fucking terrible characters and their final victory was a stupid power of friendship retardation.

Haikyuu by a mile, it gives me flashback to Eyeshield 21 levels of hype. Especially the music and visual direction(it isn't Kubrick or anything, but it's excellently apposite and blunt).

I thought most of seirin wasn’t too bad, I wish they gave a little bit more character to the rest of the team then the 5 starters or just leave em out of the show honestly. They were worthless.
>final victory was the stupid power of friendship
That’s the point of the show though, that basketball is more fun with friends and you’re most powerful when you play as a team

Haikyu has more sport spirit.
Less fujo too.

Personally, the level of character growth and development for Haikyuu feels much better to me than Kuroko,

As far as the hype factor goes, you kind of hit a wall when super power tier abilities are introduced and it can only go so far from there, whereas the unpredictable turn of events that came out of realistic sheer hard work and talent managed to make Haikyuu incredibly hype.

With that said, they're both fine and enjoyable series.

Both are fujotrash desu.

As a former member of a basketball club Kuroko hyped me way more regarding matches.

However, Haikyuu's characters are very realistic. The behaviour the characters have, exist in almost every youth sports team.

Wtf as as a former member of a basketball club i couldn't stand the idiotic superpowers they made me cringe


In season 1 and 2 the super powers weren't that crazy. Season 3 was pretty crazy, but by that time I really likes the series and could look past that. But yeah Season 3 Kise's and Akashi's powers were really dumb.

> but it couldn’t generate nearly as much hype for >some matches and made them a lot less >interesting.
Idk about that I feel like those matches were there to show team growth, the big matches had so many amazing moments that gave me the chills.

>n season 1 and 2 the super powers weren't that crazy.

Idk not missing a three, even from full court seems pretty crazy to me haha

>they're both fine and enjoyable series.

Agreed, both pretty fun to binge watch!

Some Haikyuu game scenes gave me chills, like that match point against the green team.

It is, but didn't bother me that much.

Tsukis season 3 block gives me the chills every time I watch it.

I'm getting the chills just thinking about it.

Yeah it was pretty badass haha

That’s true the team growth throughout the series was much more compared to knb, but sometimes I just felt like all of a sudden they were in a match and never really knew what to expect and that took a lot of hype away from me. Knowing that their next opponents had some crazy ass super powers made me a lot more excited to see how they’d beat that then not really knowing anything about the team.

Haikyuu is the superior show/manga. If I had to recommend a sports anime to anyone, Haikyuu would be the obvious choice. Despite that, I like KNB more. I think it comes down to the fact that I really liked some of the characters from the very beginning and a couple of them really grew on me as the show went on (Kise for example). As for Haikyuu, I don't really have a favourite? I guess it all comes down to that

I dunno, they let you know what the top tier teams would be like beforehand, most important of them all being Shiratorizawa.

We knew Ushijima was supposed to be an insane super ace, but when he turned out to be even more powerful than you initially thought, that surprise factor increases the gravity of the situation they're in.

Doesn't KnB have powers? Any sport shows that have superpowers is just straight garbage.

>They both seem pretty damn gay honestly
Kuroko was decidedly gayer though. Nobody can tell me Kise wasn't a homosexual. Almost every character had some gay shit going on for themselves.


Slam Dunk > Haikyuu > shit.

I hope Haikyuu's ending isn't as bad as Slam Dunk's.

Kuroko. Had purer and cuter characters.

Haikyuu was a genuinely good show all around desu. Kuroko was fun but I wouldn't exactly call it good.


> ending isn't as bad as Slam Dunk

If you like super powers- Kuroko. If you like superior animation, OST, and boys- Haikyuu. Haikyuu was genuinely good where as Kuroko is more of a guilty pleasure.