According to the last Special episode, Lucoa used to live in Mexico (Tenochtitlan) but why did she move to Nihon?

According to the last Special episode, Lucoa used to live in Mexico (Tenochtitlan) but why did she move to Nihon?

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Whites are only allowed in the tourist-only areas. She dared to live on the other 98% of Mexico.

Tenochtitlan got CORTEZ'D and no longer exists

1. plot conveniences
2. She got drunk, banged her sister, and then crawled into a box and lit herself on fire. If I did that I'd move to another country too.

Because Mexico is a fucking shithole filled with Mexicans?

Fewer Mexicans.

Pinche hambrientino negro y narizon.

She raped her little sister when she got drunk. It was even lampshaded in the anime

Hungry black servants and noses?

Didn't she just follow Tooru? When Tooru first contacted her about being in the human works there was no hint lucoa was in Japan.

For all intents and purposes Cortes WAS Quetzalcoatl.

she ran out of virgin shoutas in mexico


Pinche in this case is like a arbitrary profanie adjective/adverb: ”fucking niggers”



Tooru is technically the correct Romanization

Oh, so whats narizon? Is that a derogatory for Jews?

Argentina is white!!


Is it though? There's a pretty clear upward infliction at the end of the first syllable.

>Special episode
subs where

And the Falklands are British.

Because even mexicans would rather not live in mexico.

Is he really white? Or is she anime "white" and it's just implied that she's actually a spic.

Romanizing Korean or Japanese to English doesn't always translate over 1:1 properly.

Pinche sudaca asqueroso

Fat tittied bitch

I didn't know if you noticed the omnipresent japanocentrism in animo.

You're welcome

It's almost like countries make their media specifically tailored for themselves.

lucoa gives me a warm happy feeling

I think LWA was made for western audiences to like too.

Fucking hambrezolanos!!!

No wonder it was shit.


There's something about Tokyo that attracts all manners of supernatural and alien beings.

>Just watched documentaries about Pablo Escobar & El Chapo
Seriously, how the fuck someone could built tunnel right below El Chapo's high security jail room without no one even noticed it?
It really looks like some Hollywood shit.

Because they couldn’t go to the US thanks to the Wall

Yeah but simply romanizing and actually translating are two different things. If you showed "Tooru" to a native English speaker they would pronounce it "too-roo", whereas if you showed them "Tohru" they would pronounce it much more similarly to how a Japanese speaker would pronounce the katakana.

Also I'd just like to take this time to complain about how fucking atrocious the Japanese writing system is. Seriously, if I could go back in time one of the stops I'd definitely make would be fourth century China to shoot Wani in the fucking face.Two different syllabaries and a rote logography system. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Do u truly believe that no one noticed it??

look at those hips

The creators said the specifically didn't make it for western audiences in mind. In fact they did the opposite, they took tropes and themes from western works (most notably Harry Potter) and adapted them for Japanese audiences. It just so happens that a lot of westerners like things that have been adapted for eastern audiences.


discord me/biribiri

Whale-cum to the new and hip discord out there! anime all you want and banter! lol.... It's time. Splash.

discord me/biribiri

No. He wasn't.

They got payed to not notice.

How often does she hit herself in the face with her tits?

I wonder how often the reverse is true. How often do Nips like western media made for westerners?

But there's no such wall.

this is my dream

Fuck off.

She moved back to the Magic World after being shamed for banging her sister. Befriends Tohru, a few hundred years later she moves to Japan to be with Tohru.

I know Star Wars is huge in Japan, not sure about others things.

You guys think we'll get season 2?
It won't probably be this next year, but maybe sometime in the future, right?

Goddamn, mythology is always so retarded


>big tittied white woman is mexican god

Surprise surprise

I thought the show didn't do that well in Japan.

Is it weird that her eyes make me hard?

>Kyoani shows are usually successful in Japan (and elsewhere)
>cute girl shows are usually successful in japan
>Kyoani show full of cute and sexy girls doesn't do well in Japan
I don't understand how Nip minds work, seriously. So inconsistent

Tequila or Sake?



Too much radiation.

If you break eye contact with her during paizuri she won't stop till you're unconscious

damn, id better be careful not to do that, then

She raped her sister.... yeah that

It's not that bad desu




>It's not that bad
>people are literally willing to illegally cross into a country with a population that mostly hates them to get out of it.

>you'll never be a 12 year old boy who get statutorily raped by a big tittied Mexican goddess

Yo le haria un buen brrr en el ojete a la chorogona.

>a population that mostly hates them
t. basement dwellers that would never speak up in public

The vast majority of the population doesn't like illegal immigrants, even legal immigrants don't like illegal immigrants. The only people who like illegal immigrants are hippy tier college kids who think the very concept of international borders are racist and Democrat politicians who want to pad their voter margins.


Only if you view competently detached from the cultures that produced it.

Mexican thot after superior nihonjin dick. She heard many a tale of their hardness.

La Conquista kicked her off from home so she moved to Japan because no one will praise her, something something.
She has been there for some centuries or so, I don't think it is recent.

How many gallons do they hold?

At least two jugs worth.

More than you can drink

Can confirm



>tfw the only people who hate Lucoa are women

World class

She ruins all other women for me

Irregal immigrant.

Build a wall and make the sea pay for it. A sea wall, if you will.

Is she too big?

No such thing


Those pesky patriarchal societal demands were getting on her nerves.

How an anime does rarely matters. What matters is how much murch or tanks it helps move.

Fun fact: There is no word for "god" or an equivalent in pre-columbine languages.

Beings like Lucoa is just another kind of being above humans.


>wake up
>see this
What do?

You know that Mexican halfbreeds meme? Turns out the grass is greener on the other side.