Was I memed by Sup Forums?

Watched 50 episodes by now. When does it become.really good?. The only true kino episodes ive seen is the ep where lum renews her passport and ep where lum and ataru go on a date. Some mendou eps are fun though

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Give it another 50, you'll start enjoying it after that.

Watched all of them, you have to realize it ebbs and flows, some episodes are great, others are head-scratchers.

If you find yourself losing hope, go watch the movie "Beautiful Dreamer"

It was made for a better audience.

So the only episodes you enjoyed were one that isnt even a comedy at all and the date episode? If all you want are the rare epsiodes where Ataru drops his character and lusts after Lum then you really might as well drop the series now honestly.

If you like the mendou epsiodes though then 100 is a must watch though, honestly the peak epsiode of the series overall.

Are you new to anime?

jesus christ dude the BDs are great

probably underage

Gotta admit, i read the manga, like three quarters and, yes it's funny, but it gets boring. And i never understood why he didn't like her, like she is really nice and is acknowledged continuously through the series that Lum is really really hot.
I got to the point where i admitted that is a series that shouldn't be read in long sessions, i guess one of those you read/watch every week, otherwise it's too repetitive.

The anime filler was the best IMO.
Ataru did realize that he was screwed anyways and decided to go balls deep in Lum tho (which was interrupted by the usual hijinks but one can assume it eventually happens)

Bescause she's possessive and won't let him do what he wants. To be honest it's a wonder he never grew to hate her with how much she literally electrocutes him. My patience would run thin quickly

It's Rumiko Takahashi shit, what did you expect?

Well i guess, and the fact that the thing was forced. So it's that.
I skipped to the last arc of the manga and they never even kissed, that annoyed me, at least i expected they imply something, like in a time skip and they have kids or something.

There is multiple futures where they have kids though

Skip ahead to the movies

Is it possible to get the gist of the series by just watching the movies?

What episode is this?

Ataru it's this supposed average young man who is very unlucky(?) and one day has to win a race to decide the destiny of humanity, and as he won he has to marry this sexy alien princess in a bikini. But he doesn't want to... So no it's all weekly misunderstandings and jokes at how perverted is Ataru.

Its been years but I think its this one

>weekly misunderstandings
Except that's utterly, completely wrong?
Theres no misunderstandings in this series. Because theres really nothing to misunderstand.

He was being a retard. Leaving a girl who loves him and who he doesn't really hate enough to want her out of her life to woo girls who hate his guts.
He has no chance with other girls and he fucking knows it.

>t. unambitious beta
I guess you will also give up your hopes and dreams to settle for the first girl that comes along

>ywn have the balls to make a song for your waifu and make said song popular
We arent even trying

>weekly misunderstandings
you're thinking of maison ikkoku

>vlc snap
>that image quality
You're a fucking idiot.

Hey retard, it's a comedy.

no you weren't memed, some episodes are better than others. Depends on who worked on that episode really. A lot of people worked on Urusei Yatsura.