Renai Boukun

Chapter 48 is finally out. Anyone care?

























Glad to see this wasn't dropped.



Anime adaption when?

9 months ago.



I watched it. I'm waiting for the sequel.


You'll be waiting until the day you die.



Maybe genetic engineering will make people potentiality immortal and in 4000 years there will be a new anime season.


Give it up user. Add this to the long list of shows that will never ever get a second season.










nice, thanks.




That's it for chapter 48. Now that Cardia is confirmed to not be a dyke I wonder what will happen with her and the princess. I thought they would just disappear after their arc like the fox girl, but now I think they might actually end up in the harem.

Demon Guri returns next chapter.

Thanks op.

Finally, thank you!